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Created June 21, 2017 12:04
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F# applicative CLI option parser
let readInt (s:string) =
match System.Int32.TryParse s with
| true,i -> Some i
| _ -> None
type Opt<'a> = Opt of name:string * defaultValue:'a option * read:(string -> 'a option)
static member Name<'a> (Opt(n,_,_) : Opt<'a>) = n
static member Read<'a> (Opt(_,_,r) : Opt<'a>) = r
static member Default<'a> (Opt(_,d,_) : Opt<'a>) = d
static member Map (f:'a -> 'b) (a:Opt<'a>) =
let (Opt(n,d,r)) = a in Opt (n, f d, r >> f)
type OptAp<'a> =
| PureOpt of 'a
| ApOpt of (Opt<obj -> 'a>) * OptAp<obj>
static member Map<'a, 'b> (f:'a -> 'b) (a:OptAp<'a>) : OptAp<'b> =
match a with
| PureOpt a -> PureOpt (f a)
| ApOpt (x,y) -> ApOpt (Opt.Map (fun g -> g >> f) x,y)
static member Size<'a> (a:OptAp<'a>) : int =
match a with
| PureOpt _ -> 1
| ApOpt (a,b) -> 1 + OptAp.Size b
static member AllOpts<'a> (a:OptAp<'a>) : string list =
match a with
| PureOpt x -> []
| ApOpt (a,b) -> [Opt.Name a] @ OptAp.AllOpts b
static member Ap<'b> (fa:OptAp<'a -> 'b>) (y:OptAp<'a>) : OptAp<'b> =
match fa with
| PureOpt f -> OptAp.Map f y
| ApOpt (h,x) ->
let h : Opt<obj -> 'b> =
Opt.Map (
fun f o ->
match o with
| :? (obj * 'a) as x -> let o,a = x in f o a
| _ -> failwith "unreachable") h
let x = OptAp.Map (fun o a -> box (o,a)) x
OptAp.ApOpt (h, OptAp.Ap x y)
static member Merge<'a, 'b> (a:OptAp<'a>) (b:OptAp<'b>) : OptAp<'a * 'b> =
OptAp.Ap (OptAp.Map (fun a b -> a,b) a) b
static member Default<'a> (o:OptAp<'a>) : 'a option =
match o with
| PureOpt a -> Some a
| ApOpt (a,b) ->
match (Opt.Default a),(OptAp.Default b) with
| Some f, Some x -> Some (f x)
| _ -> None
static member MatchOpt (opt:string) (value:string) (o:OptAp<'a>) : OptAp<'a> option =
match o with
| PureOpt _ -> None
| ApOpt (g,x) ->
if opt = "--" + Opt.Name g then (fun f -> OptAp.Map f x) (Opt.Read g value)
else (fun f -> ApOpt(g,f)) (OptAp.MatchOpt opt value x)
static member Run (p:OptAp<'a>) (args:string list) : 'a option =
match args with
| [] -> OptAp.Default p
| opt::value::args ->
match OptAp.MatchOpt opt value p with
| Some p' -> OptAp.Run p' args
| None -> None
| _ -> None
let one (o:Opt<'a>) : OptAp<'a> =
OptAp.ApOpt (Opt.Map (fun a _ -> a) o, PureOpt (Unchecked.defaultof<_>))
/// a type to parse
type User = User of un:string * fn:string * id:int
/// define an option parser for User
let user =
(OptAp.Map (fun un fn id -> User(un,fn,id)) (one (Opt ("fullname", (Some ""), Some))))
(one (Opt ("fullname", (Some ""), Some))))
(one (Opt ("id", None, readInt)))
/// infixed
let (<@>) = OptAp.Map
let (<*>) = OptAp.Ap
let user2 =
(fun un fn id -> User(un,fn,id))
<@> one (Opt ("username", None, Some))
<*> one (Opt ("fullname", (Some ""), Some))
<*> one (Opt ("id", None, readInt))
/// would be
//let user = opt {
// let! un = Opt("username", (Some ""), Some)
// and fn = Opt("fullname", (Some ""), Some)
// and id = Opt("id", None, readInt)
// return User(un,dn,id) }
/// statically read all options
let options = OptAp.AllOpts user
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