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Last active May 10, 2018 14:37
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F# Poisson process
open System
open System.Threading
let private disposable (dispose:unit -> unit) =
{ new IDisposable with member __.Dispose () = dispose () }
/// Creates an observable which triggers based on intervals specified by the input sequence.
let ofDelays (delays:TimeSpan seq) : IObservable<DateTimeOffset> =
{ new IObservable<_> with
member __.Subscribe obs =
let en = delays.GetEnumerator ()
let mutable timer : Timer = Unchecked.defaultof<_>
let dispose () =
if not (isNull timer) then timer.Dispose ()
en.Dispose ()
let setNext () =
if en.MoveNext () then
timer.Change (int en.Current.TotalMilliseconds, Timeout.Infinite) |> ignore
obs.OnCompleted ()
dispose ()
with ex ->
obs.OnError ex
dispose ()
let tick (_:obj) =
obs.OnNext DateTimeOffset.UtcNow
setNext ()
timer <- new Timer(TimerCallback(tick))
setNext ()
disposable dispose }
/// Returns a sequence of time spans which fillow an exponential distribution based on the
/// specified rate parameter.
let expInterArrivalSequence (ratePerSec:float) : TimeSpan seq = seq {
let rng = Random()
let delay () = -log (1.0 - rng.NextDouble ()) / ratePerSec
while true do
yield delay () |> TimeSpan.FromSeconds }
/// Creates an event which triggers based on exponentially distributed intervals
/// thereby simulating a poisson process.
let poissonEvent (ratePerSec:float) : IObservable<DateTimeOffset> =
|> expInterArrivalSequence
|> ofDelays
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