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Created October 3, 2022 04:28
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using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System;
public abstract class Heap<T> : IEnumerable<T>
private const int InitialCapacity = 0;
private const int GrowFactor = 2;
private const int MinGrow = 1;
private int _capacity = InitialCapacity;
private T[] _heap = new T[InitialCapacity];
private int _tail = 0;
public int Count { get { return _tail; } }
public int Capacity { get { return _capacity; } }
protected Comparer<T> Comparer { get; private set; }
protected abstract bool Dominates(T x, T y);
protected Heap() : this(Comparer<T>.Default)
protected Heap(Comparer<T> comparer) : this(Enumerable.Empty<T>(), comparer)
protected Heap(IEnumerable<T> collection)
: this(collection, Comparer<T>.Default)
protected Heap(IEnumerable<T> collection, Comparer<T> comparer)
if (collection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("collection");
if (comparer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("comparer");
Comparer = comparer;
foreach (var item in collection)
if (Count == Capacity)
_heap[_tail++] = item;
for (int i = Parent(_tail - 1); i >= 0; i--)
public void Add(T item)
if (Count == Capacity)
_heap[_tail++] = item;
BubbleUp(_tail - 1);
private void BubbleUp(int i)
if (i == 0 || Dominates(_heap[Parent(i)], _heap[i]))
return; //correct domination (or root)
Swap(i, Parent(i));
public T GetMin()
if (Count == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("Heap is empty");
return _heap[0];
public T ExtractDominating()
if (Count == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("Heap is empty");
T ret = _heap[0];
Swap(_tail, 0);
return ret;
private void BubbleDown(int i)
int dominatingNode = Dominating(i);
if (dominatingNode == i) return;
Swap(i, dominatingNode);
private int Dominating(int i)
int dominatingNode = i;
dominatingNode = GetDominating(YoungChild(i), dominatingNode);
dominatingNode = GetDominating(OldChild(i), dominatingNode);
return dominatingNode;
private int GetDominating(int newNode, int dominatingNode)
if (newNode < _tail && !Dominates(_heap[dominatingNode], _heap[newNode]))
return newNode;
return dominatingNode;
private void Swap(int i, int j)
T tmp = _heap[i];
_heap[i] = _heap[j];
_heap[j] = tmp;
private static int Parent(int i)
return (i + 1) / 2 - 1;
private static int YoungChild(int i)
return (i + 1) * 2 - 1;
private static int OldChild(int i)
return YoungChild(i) + 1;
private void Grow()
int newCapacity = _capacity * GrowFactor + MinGrow;
var newHeap = new T[newCapacity];
Array.Copy(_heap, newHeap, _capacity);
_heap = newHeap;
_capacity = newCapacity;
public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator()
return _heap.Take(Count).GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
public class MaxHeap<T> : Heap<T>
public MaxHeap()
: this(Comparer<T>.Default)
public MaxHeap(Comparer<T> comparer)
: base(comparer)
public MaxHeap(IEnumerable<T> collection, Comparer<T> comparer)
: base(collection, comparer)
public MaxHeap(IEnumerable<T> collection) : base(collection)
protected override bool Dominates(T x, T y)
return Comparer.Compare(x, y) >= 0;
public class MinHeap<T> : Heap<T>
public MinHeap()
: this(Comparer<T>.Default)
public MinHeap(Comparer<T> comparer)
: base(comparer)
public MinHeap(IEnumerable<T> collection) : base(collection)
public MinHeap(IEnumerable<T> collection, Comparer<T> comparer)
: base(collection, comparer)
protected override bool Dominates(T x, T y)
return Comparer.Compare(x, y) <= 0;
public class VirtualMachineCreateInstruction
private const double SOFT_BONUS = 3;
private const double SAME_RACK_BONUS = 1.5;
public int Amount;
public int NeededCPU;
public VirtualMachine VirtualMachine;
public PlacementGroup PlacementGroup;
public int PartitionIndex;
public int[] Indices;
public VirtualMachineCreateInstruction(int amount, VirtualMachine virtualMachine, PlacementGroup placementGroup, int partitionIndex, int[] vmIndices)
this.Amount = amount;
this.VirtualMachine = virtualMachine;
this.PlacementGroup = placementGroup;
this.PartitionIndex = partitionIndex;
this.Indices = vmIndices;
this.NeededCPU = amount * virtualMachine.CPU * virtualMachine.NumaCount;
public bool Create()
// if (Indices[0] > 6973) Debugger.Break();
Dictionary<string, int> freq = new Dictionary<string, int>();
Dictionary<string, double> scores = new Dictionary<string, double>();
foreach (PhysicalMachine m in Solution.PhysicalMachines)
string s = m.ToString().Split('@')[0].Trim();
if (!freq.ContainsKey(s))
freq[s] = 0;
scores[s] = m.Penalty;
Console.Error.WriteLine("group: " + PlacementGroup + " partition: " + PartitionIndex + " amount: " + Amount + " nodes: " + VirtualMachine.NumaCount + " CPU: " + VirtualMachine.CPU + " RAM: " + VirtualMachine.RAM);
List<PhysicalMachine> candidates = Solution.PhysicalMachines
.Where(m => m.CanPlaceInstance(VirtualMachine) > 0)
if (candidates.Count == 0)
return false;
// if (PlacementGroup.ID == 22 && PartitionIndex == 5) Debugger.Break();
List<PhysicalMachine> toTake = new List<PhysicalMachine>();
if (PlacementGroup.RackAffinity != ConstraintType.None || PlacementGroup.NetworkAffinity != ConstraintType.None || PlacementGroup.NumberPartitions != 0)
foreach (Rack rack in Solution.Racks) rack.VMCapacity = rack.PhysicalMachines.Sum(p => p.CanPlaceInstance(VirtualMachine));
foreach (NetworkDomain network in Solution.Domains) network.VMCapacity = network.Racks.Sum(r => r.VMCapacity);
if (PlacementGroup.RackAffinity == ConstraintType.Hard)
// place on same rack
if (PlacementGroup.Rack == null)
var byRack = candidates.GroupBy(c => c.Rack);
toTake = byRack.OrderByDescending(g => g.Key.VMCapacity).First().ToList();
PlacementGroup.Rack = toTake[0].Rack;
else toTake = candidates.Where(c => c.Rack == PlacementGroup.Rack).ToList();
else if (PlacementGroup.NetworkAffinity == ConstraintType.Hard)
// place in same network
if (PlacementGroup.NetworkDomain == null)
var byNetwork = candidates.GroupBy(c => c.Rack.NetworkDomain);
toTake = byNetwork.OrderByDescending(g => g.Key.VMCapacity).First().ToList();
PlacementGroup.NetworkDomain = toTake[0].Rack.NetworkDomain;
else toTake = candidates.Where(c => c.Rack.NetworkDomain == PlacementGroup.NetworkDomain).ToList();
else toTake = candidates;
List<PhysicalMachine> priority = toTake.ToList();
if (PlacementGroup.RackAffinity == ConstraintType.Soft)
// place on same rack
if (PlacementGroup.Rack == null)
var byRack = toTake.GroupBy(c => c.Rack);
priority = byRack.Count() == 1 ? byRack.First().ToList() : byRack.OrderByDescending(g => g.Key.VMCapacity).ElementAt(1).ToList();
if (priority[0].Rack.VMCapacity < Amount)
PlacementGroup.Rack = new Rack();
else PlacementGroup.Rack = priority[0].Rack;
if (PlacementGroup.Rack.VMCapacity < Amount)
PlacementGroup.Rack = new Rack();
else priority = candidates.Where(c => c.Rack == PlacementGroup.Rack).ToList();
else if (PlacementGroup.NetworkAffinity == ConstraintType.Soft)
// place in same network
if (PlacementGroup.NetworkDomain == null)
var byNetwork = toTake.GroupBy(c => c.Rack.NetworkDomain);
priority = byNetwork.Count() == 1 ? byNetwork.First().ToList() : byNetwork.OrderByDescending(g => g.Key.VMCapacity).ElementAt(1).ToList();
if (priority[0].Rack.NetworkDomain.VMCapacity < Amount)
PlacementGroup.NetworkDomain = new NetworkDomain();
else PlacementGroup.NetworkDomain = priority[0].Rack.NetworkDomain;
if (PlacementGroup.NetworkDomain.VMCapacity < Amount)
PlacementGroup.NetworkDomain = new NetworkDomain();
else priority = candidates.Where(c => c.Rack.NetworkDomain == PlacementGroup.NetworkDomain).ToList();
if (PlacementGroup.MaxVMsPerPM > 0)
List<PhysicalMachine> full = new List<PhysicalMachine>();
foreach (PhysicalMachine m in toTake)
if (PlacementGroup.VMsPerPM.ContainsKey(m) && PlacementGroup.VMsPerPM[m] >= PlacementGroup.MaxVMsPerPM) full.Add(m);
priority = priority.Except(full).ToList();
foreach (PhysicalMachine m in toTake) m.UpdatePenalty(VirtualMachine);
foreach (PhysicalMachine m in priority) m.Penalty -= SOFT_BONUS;
var tmp = toTake.OrderBy(m => m.Penalty).ToList();
//if (Indices[0] > 6973) Debugger.Break();
List<string> solution = new List<string>();
if (PartitionIndex == -1) // one per partition
toTake = toTake.OrderBy(p => p.Penalty).ToList();
for (int i = 0; i < Amount; i++)
List<PhysicalMachine> inPartition = PlacementGroup.InPartition(i + 1, toTake);
foreach (PhysicalMachine m in inPartition) m.Penalty -= 1.5;
if (inPartition.Count == 0) break;
PhysicalMachine machine = inPartition[0];
for (int j = 1; j < inPartition.Count; j++)
if (inPartition[j].Penalty < machine.Penalty) machine = inPartition[j];
VirtualMachine vm = new VirtualMachine { PlacementGroup = PlacementGroup, CPU = this.VirtualMachine.CPU, RAM = this.VirtualMachine.RAM, NumaCount = this.VirtualMachine.NumaCount };
vm.Nodes = machine.PlaceInstance(PlacementGroup, VirtualMachine, i + 1);
Solution.VirtualMachines[Indices[i]] = vm;
solution.Add($"{machine.Rack.NetworkDomain.ID} {machine.Rack.ID} {machine.ID} {string.Join(" ", vm.Nodes.Select(n => n.ID))}");
if (PlacementGroup.RackAffinity == ConstraintType.Soft && PlacementGroup.Rack != machine.Rack)
PlacementGroup.Rack = new Rack();
else if (PlacementGroup.NetworkAffinity == ConstraintType.Soft && PlacementGroup.NetworkDomain != machine.Rack.NetworkDomain)
PlacementGroup.NetworkDomain = new NetworkDomain();
MinHeap<PhysicalMachineHeapItem> generalHeap = new MinHeap<PhysicalMachineHeapItem>();
if (PartitionIndex == 0)
foreach (PhysicalMachine m in toTake) generalHeap.Add(new PhysicalMachineHeapItem(m));
foreach (PhysicalMachine m in PlacementGroup.InPartition(PartitionIndex, toTake))
m.Penalty -= SAME_RACK_BONUS;
generalHeap.Add(new PhysicalMachineHeapItem(m));
foreach (PhysicalMachine m in PlacementGroup.WithoutPartition(toTake)) generalHeap.Add(new PhysicalMachineHeapItem(m));
for (int i = 0; i < Amount; i++)
PhysicalMachine machine = null;
while (generalHeap.Count > 0)
machine = generalHeap.ExtractDominating().Machine;
if (machine.CanPlaceInstance(VirtualMachine) > 0) break;
if (machine == null || machine.CanPlaceInstance(VirtualMachine) == 0) break;
bool newPartition = !PlacementGroup.Partitions.Keys.Any(m => m.Rack == machine.Rack);
VirtualMachine vm = new VirtualMachine { PlacementGroup = PlacementGroup, CPU = this.VirtualMachine.CPU, RAM = this.VirtualMachine.RAM, NumaCount = this.VirtualMachine.NumaCount };
//if (machine.GlobalID == 35) Debugger.Break();
vm.Nodes = machine.PlaceInstance(PlacementGroup, VirtualMachine, PartitionIndex);
//if (machine.ToString() == "117:11 | 98:0") Debugger.Break();
Solution.VirtualMachines[Indices[i]] = vm;
solution.Add($"{machine.Rack.NetworkDomain.ID} {machine.Rack.ID} {machine.ID} {string.Join(" ", vm.Nodes.Select(n => n.ID))}");
if (PlacementGroup.RackAffinity == ConstraintType.Soft && PlacementGroup.Rack != machine.Rack)
PlacementGroup.Rack = new Rack();
else if (PlacementGroup.NetworkAffinity == ConstraintType.Soft && PlacementGroup.NetworkDomain != machine.Rack.NetworkDomain)
PlacementGroup.NetworkDomain = new NetworkDomain();
if (PlacementGroup.MaxVMsPerPM > 0 && PlacementGroup.VMsPerPM[machine] == PlacementGroup.MaxVMsPerPM) priority.Remove(machine);
if (priority.Contains(machine)) machine.Penalty -= SOFT_BONUS;
if (PartitionIndex == 0)
if (machine.CanPlaceInstance(VirtualMachine) > 0) generalHeap.Add(new PhysicalMachineHeapItem(machine));
if (newPartition)
foreach (PhysicalMachine m in machine.Rack.PhysicalMachines)
if (m.CanPlaceInstance(VirtualMachine) > 0)
m.Penalty -= SAME_RACK_BONUS;
generalHeap.Add(new PhysicalMachineHeapItem(m)); // double entry with lower penalty
else if (machine.CanPlaceInstance(VirtualMachine) > 0)
machine.Penalty -= SAME_RACK_BONUS;
generalHeap.Add(new PhysicalMachineHeapItem(machine));
if (solution.Count < Amount)
Console.Error.WriteLine("total CPU free: " + Solution.PhysicalMachines.SelectMany(p => p.Nodes).Sum(n => n.FreeCPU));
Console.Error.WriteLine("total RAM free: " + Solution.PhysicalMachines.SelectMany(p => p.Nodes).Sum(n => n.FreeRAM));
return false;
foreach (string s in solution) Console.WriteLine(s);
return true;
public enum ConstraintType
public enum InstructionType
PlacementGroupCreate = 1,
VirtualMachineCreate = 2,
VirtualMachineDelete = 3,
Terminate = 4
public class NumaNode
public int ID;
public int MaxCPU;
public int MaxRAM;
public int CurrentCPU;
public int CurrentRAM;
public int FreeCPU => MaxCPU - CurrentCPU;
public int FreeRAM => MaxRAM - CurrentRAM;
public static double[,] Score;
public static double[,] ScoreSingle;
public PhysicalMachine PhysicalMachine;
public override string ToString()
return FreeCPU + ":" + FreeRAM;
public class NetworkDomain
public int ID;
public List<Rack> Racks;
public List<PlacementGroup> PlacementGroups = new List<PlacementGroup>();
public int VMCapacity;
public void AddRacks(int r)
Racks = Enumerable.Range(1, r).Select(i => new Rack { ID = i, NetworkDomain = this }).ToList();
public class Rack
public int ID;
public NetworkDomain NetworkDomain;
public List<PhysicalMachine> PhysicalMachines;
public int VMCapacity;
public bool PartitionGroup;
public void AddPhysicalMachines(int s)
PhysicalMachines = Enumerable.Range(1, s).Select(i => new PhysicalMachine { ID = i, Rack = this }).ToList();
public override string ToString() => NetworkDomain.ID + "/" + this.ID;
public class VirtualMachine
public int ID;
public int NumaCount;
public int CPU; // per node
public int RAM; // per node
public PlacementGroup PlacementGroup;
public NumaNode[] Nodes;
public void Allocate(NumaNode[] nodes)
this.Nodes = nodes;
foreach (NumaNode node in Nodes)
node.CurrentCPU += CPU;
node.CurrentRAM += RAM;
public void Delete()
foreach (NumaNode node in Nodes)
node.CurrentCPU -= CPU;
node.CurrentRAM -= RAM;
PhysicalMachine machine = Nodes[0].PhysicalMachine;
if (PlacementGroup.InUse[machine] == 1 && PlacementGroup.Partitions.ContainsKey(machine)) PlacementGroup.Partitions.Remove(machine);
if (PlacementGroup.InUse[machine] == 1) PlacementGroup.InUse.Remove(machine);
else PlacementGroup.InUse[machine]--;
if (PlacementGroup.VMsPerPM[machine] == 1) PlacementGroup.VMsPerPM.Remove(machine);
else PlacementGroup.VMsPerPM[machine]--;
public override string ToString()
if (Nodes == null && NumaCount == 1) return CPU + ":" + RAM;
if (Nodes == null) return NumaCount + " x " + CPU + ":" + RAM;
return string.Join(" | ", Nodes.ToList());
public class PlacementGroup
public int ID;
public ConstraintType NetworkAffinity;
public ConstraintType RackAffinity;
public int NumberPartitions; // hard rack anti-affinity
public int MaxVMsPerPM; // soft PM anti-affinity
public Dictionary<PhysicalMachine, int> InUse = new Dictionary<PhysicalMachine, int>();
public Dictionary<PhysicalMachine, int> Partitions = new Dictionary<PhysicalMachine, int>();
public Dictionary<PhysicalMachine, int> VMsPerPM = new Dictionary<PhysicalMachine, int>();
public Rack Rack;
public NetworkDomain NetworkDomain;
public List<VirtualMachineCreateInstruction> Requests = new List<VirtualMachineCreateInstruction>();
public int NeededCPU()
return Requests.Sum(r => r.NeededCPU);
public PlacementGroup(int id, int kj, int aj, int nj, int rj)
this.ID = id;
this.NumberPartitions = kj;
this.MaxVMsPerPM = aj;
this.NetworkAffinity = (ConstraintType)nj;
this.RackAffinity = (ConstraintType)rj;
public override string ToString()
return $"{ID} {NetworkAffinity} {RackAffinity} {NumberPartitions} {MaxVMsPerPM}";
public List<PhysicalMachine> InPartition(int partitionIndex, List<PhysicalMachine> toTake)
List<Rack> partitionRack = Partitions.Where(p => p.Value == partitionIndex).Select(p => p.Key.Rack).Distinct().ToList();
return toTake.Where(t => partitionRack.Contains(t.Rack)).ToList();
public List<PhysicalMachine> WithoutPartition(List<PhysicalMachine> toTake)
List<Rack> partitionRack = Partitions.Select(p => p.Key.Rack).Distinct().ToList();
return toTake.Where(t => !partitionRack.Contains(t.Rack)).ToList();
public PhysicalMachine GetFromPartition(List<PhysicalMachine> toTake, int partitionIndex)
List<Rack> partitionRack = Partitions.Where(p => p.Value == partitionIndex).Select(p => p.Key.Rack).Distinct().ToList();
List<Rack> otherRack = Partitions.Where(p => p.Value != partitionIndex).Select(p => p.Key.Rack).Distinct().ToList();
List<PhysicalMachine> inPartition = toTake.Where(t => partitionRack.Contains(t.Rack)).ToList();
if (inPartition.Count > 0)
Partitions[inPartition[^1]] = partitionIndex;
return inPartition[^1];
List<PhysicalMachine> noPartition = toTake.Where(t => !otherRack.Contains(t.Rack)).ToList();
if (noPartition.Count > 0)
Partitions[noPartition[^1]] = partitionIndex;
return noPartition[^1];
return null;
public class PhysicalMachine
public int ID;
public int GlobalID;
public Rack Rack;
public List<NumaNode> Nodes = new List<NumaNode>();
public double Penalty;
private double random;
private static int idCounter;
public PhysicalMachine()
random = Solution.Random.NextDouble();
GlobalID = idCounter++;
public int CanPlaceInstance(VirtualMachine requirement)
if (requirement.NumaCount == 1)
int result = 0;
foreach (NumaNode node in Nodes)
if (node.FreeCPU >= requirement.CPU && node.FreeRAM >= requirement.RAM)
result += Math.Min(node.FreeCPU / requirement.CPU, node.FreeRAM / requirement.RAM); // TODO lookup?
return result;
int arrayIndex = 0;
foreach (NumaNode node in Nodes)
if (node.FreeCPU >= requirement.CPU && node.FreeRAM >= requirement.RAM)
currentMachines[arrayIndex++] = Math.Min(node.FreeCPU / requirement.CPU, node.FreeRAM / requirement.RAM);
if (arrayIndex < requirement.NumaCount) return 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arrayIndex; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < arrayIndex; j++)
if (currentMachines[i] > currentMachines[j])
int tmp = currentMachines[j];
currentMachines[j] = currentMachines[i];
currentMachines[i] = tmp;
if (arrayIndex == 2) return currentMachines[0];
if (arrayIndex == 3) return Math.Min(currentMachines[0] + currentMachines[1], currentMachines[2]);
int sum = currentMachines[0] + currentMachines[1] + currentMachines[2] + currentMachines[3];
return Math.Min(sum / 2, sum - currentMachines[3]);
public NumaNode[] PlaceInstance(PlacementGroup placementGroup, VirtualMachine virtualMachine, int partition = 0)
//if (this.ToString()=="44:88 | 48:96") System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break();
if (placementGroup.NumberPartitions > 0) Rack.PartitionGroup = true;
if (!placementGroup.InUse.ContainsKey(this)) placementGroup.InUse[this] = 1;
else placementGroup.InUse[this]++;
if (partition != 0) placementGroup.Partitions[this] = partition;
if (placementGroup.VMsPerPM.ContainsKey(this)) placementGroup.VMsPerPM[this]++;
else placementGroup.VMsPerPM[this] = 1;
NumaNode[] result = new NumaNode[virtualMachine.NumaCount];
double bestRemaining = -100;
if (virtualMachine.NumaCount == 1)
foreach (NumaNode toSubtract in this.Nodes)
if (toSubtract.FreeCPU < virtualMachine.CPU || toSubtract.FreeRAM < virtualMachine.RAM) continue;
toSubtract.CurrentCPU += virtualMachine.CPU;
toSubtract.CurrentRAM += virtualMachine.RAM;
double subtractScore = ComputeScore();
toSubtract.CurrentCPU -= virtualMachine.CPU;
toSubtract.CurrentRAM -= virtualMachine.RAM;
if (subtractScore > bestRemaining)
bestRemaining = subtractScore;
result[0] = toSubtract;
for (int i = 0; i < this.Nodes.Count; i++)
if (Nodes[i].FreeCPU < virtualMachine.CPU || Nodes[i].FreeRAM < virtualMachine.RAM) continue;
Nodes[i].CurrentCPU += virtualMachine.CPU;
Nodes[i].CurrentRAM += virtualMachine.RAM;
for (int j = i + 1; j < this.Nodes.Count; j++)
if (Nodes[j].FreeCPU < virtualMachine.CPU || Nodes[j].FreeRAM < virtualMachine.RAM) continue;
Nodes[j].CurrentCPU += virtualMachine.CPU;
Nodes[j].CurrentRAM += virtualMachine.RAM;
double subtractScore = ComputeScore();
Nodes[j].CurrentCPU -= virtualMachine.CPU;
Nodes[j].CurrentRAM -= virtualMachine.RAM;
if (subtractScore > bestRemaining)
bestRemaining = subtractScore;
result[0] = Nodes[i];
result[1] = Nodes[j];
Nodes[i].CurrentCPU -= virtualMachine.CPU;
Nodes[i].CurrentRAM -= virtualMachine.RAM;
foreach (NumaNode node in result)
node.CurrentCPU += virtualMachine.CPU;
node.CurrentRAM += virtualMachine.RAM;
return result;
public void UpdatePenalty(VirtualMachine virtualMachine)
Penalty = 100;
if (Solution.FastMode)
bool equal = true;
foreach (NumaNode node in Nodes)
equal &= node.FreeCPU == Nodes[0].FreeCPU && node.FreeRAM == Nodes[0].FreeRAM;
if (node.FreeCPU < virtualMachine.CPU || node.FreeRAM < virtualMachine.RAM) continue;
double currentLoss = NumaNode.Score[node.FreeCPU, node.FreeRAM] - NumaNode.Score[node.FreeCPU - virtualMachine.CPU, node.FreeRAM - virtualMachine.RAM];
Penalty = Math.Min(Penalty, currentLoss);
if (!equal) Penalty -= 1e-6;
double initialScore = ComputeScore();
if (virtualMachine.NumaCount == 1)
foreach (NumaNode toSubtract in this.Nodes)
if (toSubtract != this.Nodes[0] && toSubtract.FreeCPU == Nodes[0].FreeCPU && toSubtract.FreeRAM == Nodes[0].FreeRAM) continue;
if (toSubtract.FreeCPU < virtualMachine.CPU || toSubtract.FreeRAM < virtualMachine.RAM) continue;
toSubtract.CurrentCPU += virtualMachine.CPU;
toSubtract.CurrentRAM += virtualMachine.RAM;
double subtractScore = ComputeScore();
toSubtract.CurrentCPU -= virtualMachine.CPU;
toSubtract.CurrentRAM -= virtualMachine.RAM;
if (initialScore - subtractScore < Penalty) Penalty = initialScore - subtractScore;
for (int i = 0; i < this.Nodes.Count; i++)
if (Nodes[i].FreeCPU < virtualMachine.CPU || Nodes[i].FreeRAM < virtualMachine.RAM) continue;
if (i > 0 && Nodes[i].FreeCPU == Nodes[0].FreeCPU && Nodes[i].FreeRAM == Nodes[0].FreeRAM) continue;
Nodes[i].CurrentCPU += virtualMachine.CPU;
Nodes[i].CurrentRAM += virtualMachine.RAM;
for (int j = i + 1; j < this.Nodes.Count; j++)
if (Nodes[j].FreeCPU < virtualMachine.CPU || Nodes[j].FreeRAM < virtualMachine.RAM) continue;
Nodes[j].CurrentCPU += virtualMachine.CPU;
Nodes[j].CurrentRAM += virtualMachine.RAM;
double subtractScore = ComputeScore();
Nodes[j].CurrentCPU -= virtualMachine.CPU;
Nodes[j].CurrentRAM -= virtualMachine.RAM;
if (initialScore - subtractScore < Penalty) Penalty = initialScore - subtractScore;
Nodes[i].CurrentCPU -= virtualMachine.CPU;
Nodes[i].CurrentRAM -= virtualMachine.RAM;
Penalty += 1e-6 * random;
if (Rack.ID % 2 == 0) Penalty += 1e-6;
if (Rack.NetworkDomain.ID % 2 == 0) Penalty += 1e-6;
private static int[] currentMachines = new int[4];
private static int[] maxMachines = new int[4];
private double ComputeScore()
double result = 0;
foreach (NumaNode node in Nodes) result += NumaNode.ScoreSingle[node.FreeCPU, node.FreeRAM];
foreach (VirtualMachine machine in Solution.VirtualMachinesDoubles) // TODO can be reduced more to exclude perfect divisors of current VM
int arrayIndex = 0;
foreach (NumaNode node in Nodes)
maxMachines[arrayIndex] = Math.Min(node.MaxCPU / machine.CPU, node.MaxRAM / machine.RAM);
currentMachines[arrayIndex++] = Math.Min(Math.Max(1, node.FreeCPU) / machine.CPU, Math.Max(1, node.FreeRAM) / machine.RAM);
for (int i = 0; i < arrayIndex; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < arrayIndex; j++)
if (currentMachines[i] > currentMachines[j])
int tmp = currentMachines[j];
currentMachines[j] = currentMachines[i];
currentMachines[i] = tmp;
if (maxMachines[i] > maxMachines[j])
int tmp = maxMachines[j];
maxMachines[j] = maxMachines[i];
maxMachines[i] = tmp;
double maxSum = 0;
int currentSum = currentMachines[0];
for (int i = 0; i < arrayIndex; i += 2) maxSum += maxMachines[i];
if (arrayIndex == 4)
currentSum += currentMachines[1] + currentMachines[2] + currentMachines[3];
currentSum = Math.Min(currentSum / 2, currentSum - currentMachines[3]);
result += currentSum / maxSum;
return result;
public override string ToString()
return string.Join(" | ", Nodes) + " @" + Rack + "/" + this.ID;
public class PhysicalMachineHeapItem : IComparable<PhysicalMachineHeapItem>
public PhysicalMachine Machine;
public double Penalty;
public PhysicalMachineHeapItem(PhysicalMachine machine)
this.Machine = machine;
this.Penalty = machine.Penalty;
public int CompareTo(PhysicalMachineHeapItem other) => this.Penalty.CompareTo(other.Penalty);
public class Solution
public static List<NetworkDomain> Domains;
public static List<Rack> Racks;
public static List<PhysicalMachine> PhysicalMachines;
public static Dictionary<int, PlacementGroup> PlacementGroups = new Dictionary<int, PlacementGroup>();
public static List<VirtualMachine> VirtualMachinesTypes = new List<VirtualMachine>();
public static List<VirtualMachine> VirtualMachinesDoubles = new List<VirtualMachine>();
public static Dictionary<int, VirtualMachine> VirtualMachines = new Dictionary<int, VirtualMachine>();
public static Random Random = new Random(0);
public static Random Random = new Random();
public static bool FastMode = false;
private static int[] ReadInts()
int[] nums = Console.ReadLine().Split().Select(int.Parse).ToArray();
Console.Error.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", nums));
return nums;
private static int ReadInt() => ReadInts()[0];
public static void Main(string[] args)
int[] nums = ReadInts();
int n = nums[0], r = nums[1], s = nums[2], k = nums[3];
Domains = Enumerable.Range(1, n).Select(i => new NetworkDomain { ID = i }).ToList();
foreach (NetworkDomain domain in Domains) domain.AddRacks(r);
Racks = Domains.SelectMany(d => d.Racks).ToList();
foreach (Rack rack in Racks) rack.AddPhysicalMachines(s);
PhysicalMachines = Racks.SelectMany(d => d.PhysicalMachines).ToList();
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
nums = ReadInts();
foreach (PhysicalMachine physicalMachine in PhysicalMachines)
physicalMachine.Nodes.Add(new NumaNode { ID = i + 1, MaxCPU = nums[0], MaxRAM = nums[1], PhysicalMachine = physicalMachine });
int f = ReadInt();
for (int i = 0; i < f; i++)
nums = ReadInts();
VirtualMachinesTypes.Add(new VirtualMachine { NumaCount = nums[0], CPU = nums[1], RAM = nums[2] });
VirtualMachinesDoubles = VirtualMachinesTypes.Where(t => t.NumaCount > 1).ToList();
Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
int maxCPU = PhysicalMachines[0].Nodes.Sum(n => n.MaxCPU);
int maxRAM = PhysicalMachines[0].Nodes.Sum(n => n.MaxRAM);
bool[,] vmReachable = new bool[maxCPU + 1, maxRAM + 1];
FindReachable(vmReachable, 0, 0, maxCPU, maxRAM, 0);
NumaNode.Score = new double[maxCPU + 1, maxRAM + 1];
NumaNode.ScoreSingle = new double[maxCPU + 1, maxRAM + 1];
for (int cpu = 0; cpu <= maxCPU; cpu++)
for (int ram = 0; ram <= maxRAM; ram++)
foreach (VirtualMachine machine in VirtualMachinesTypes)
int maxMachines = Math.Min(maxCPU / machine.CPU, maxRAM / machine.RAM);
int currentMachines = Math.Min(Math.Max(1, cpu) / machine.CPU, Math.Max(1, ram) / machine.RAM);
NumaNode.Score[cpu, ram] += (double)currentMachines / maxMachines;
if (machine.NumaCount == 1) NumaNode.ScoreSingle[cpu, ram] += (double)currentMachines / maxMachines;
while (true)
InstructionType instruction = (InstructionType)ReadInt();
if (instruction == InstructionType.Terminate) return;
if (instruction == InstructionType.PlacementGroupCreate)
nums = ReadInts();
int j = nums[0], kj = nums[1], aj = nums[2];
nums = ReadInts();
int nj = nums[0], rj = nums[1];
PlacementGroup group = new PlacementGroup(j, kj, aj, nj, rj);
PlacementGroups[group.ID] = group;
if (instruction == InstructionType.VirtualMachineCreate)
#if !DEBUG
if (!FastMode && sw.ElapsedMilliseconds > 9000) FastMode = true;
nums = ReadInts();
int li = nums[0], fi = nums[1], ji = nums[2], pi = nums[3];
int[] vmIndices = ReadInts();
VirtualMachineCreateInstruction create = new VirtualMachineCreateInstruction(li, VirtualMachinesTypes[fi - 1], PlacementGroups[ji], pi, vmIndices);
if (!create.Create())
if (instruction == InstructionType.VirtualMachineDelete)
nums = ReadInts();
foreach (int num in nums.Skip(1))
int cpuUsePhysical = PhysicalMachines.SelectMany(p => p.Nodes).Sum(n => n.CurrentCPU);
int virtualCPU = VirtualMachines.Values.Sum(v => v.CPU * v.NumaCount);
if (cpuUsePhysical != virtualCPU) Debugger.Break();
private static void FindReachable(bool[,] vmReachable, int cpu, int ram, int maxCPU, int maxRAM, int vmIndex)
if (vmReachable[cpu, ram] || vmIndex == VirtualMachinesTypes.Count) return;
vmReachable[cpu, ram] = true;
for (int uses = 1; ; uses++)
int _cpu = cpu + uses * VirtualMachinesTypes[vmIndex].CPU;
int _ram = ram + uses * VirtualMachinesTypes[vmIndex].RAM;
if (_ram > maxRAM || _cpu > maxCPU) break;
FindReachable(vmReachable, _cpu, _ram, maxCPU, maxRAM, vmIndex + 1);
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