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ICPC 2023 Online Spring Challenge powered by Huawei
public class HybridStrategy : SingleStrategy
public HybridStrategy(Tenant tenant, int qSize = -1) : base(tenant, qSize) { }
public override CachingStrategy CloneStrategy(CachingStrategy s)
CachingStrategy result = new HybridStrategy(s.Tenant);
result.CopyCache(s, this);
return result;
public override void ProtocolAccess(int pageId) => Scores[pageId] = Tenant.PageFreq[pageId] + 3e-3 * Solution.Time;
public override string GetName() => nameof(HybridStrategy);
public class LeastFrequentStrategy : SingleStrategy
public LeastFrequentStrategy(Tenant tenant, int qSize = -1) : base(tenant, qSize) { }
public override CachingStrategy CloneStrategy(CachingStrategy s)
CachingStrategy result = new LeastFrequentStrategy(s.Tenant);
result.CopyCache(s, this);
return result;
public override void ProtocolAccess(int pageId) => Scores[pageId] = Tenant.PageFreq[pageId] + 1e-9 * Solution.Time;
public override string GetName() => nameof(LeastFrequentStrategy);
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class LeastFrequentXStrategy : SingleStrategy
private int factor;
private int[] FreqX;
private Queue<int> queue = new();
public LeastFrequentXStrategy(Tenant tenant, int factor) : base(tenant, -1)
this.factor = factor;
FreqX = new int[tenant.DatabaseSize];
public override CachingStrategy CloneStrategy(CachingStrategy s)
CachingStrategy result = new LeastFrequentXStrategy(s.Tenant, factor);
result.CopyCache(s, this);
return result;
int lastAccess = -1;
public override void ProtocolAccess(int pageId)
if (lastAccess == Solution.Time) return;
lastAccess = Solution.Time;
Scores[pageId] = FreqX[pageId] + 1e-9 * Solution.Time;
while (queue.Count > QTarget * factor)
int p = queue.Dequeue();
Scores[p] = FreqX[p] + 1e-9 * Solution.Time;
if (HasCached(p)) CacheTree.Update(PagePos[p], Scores[p]);
public override string GetName() => nameof(LeastFrequentXStrategy) + factor;
public class LeastRecentStrategy : SingleStrategy
public LeastRecentStrategy(Tenant tenant, int qSize = -1) : base(tenant, qSize) { }
public override CachingStrategy CloneStrategy(CachingStrategy s)
CachingStrategy result = new LeastRecentStrategy(s.Tenant);
result.CopyCache(s, this);
return result;
public override void ProtocolAccess(int pageId) => Scores[pageId] = Solution.Time;
public override string GetName() => nameof(LeastRecentStrategy);
using System;
public class MinSegmentTree
public int Size;
private (double val, int index)[] Data;
public MinSegmentTree(int size, double initialValue)
this.Size = size;
Data = new (double, int)[4 * size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) Update(i, initialValue);
private (double value, int index) Min(int v, int tl, int tr, int l, int r)
if (l > r) return (1e9, -1);
if (l == tl && r == tr) return Data[v];
int tm = (tl + tr) / 2;
var a = Min(v * 2, tl, tm, l, Math.Min(r, tm));
var b = Min(v * 2 + 1, tm + 1, tr, Math.Max(l, tm + 1), r);
if (a.value < b.value) return a;
return b;
public (double value, int index) Min() => Min(1, 0, Size - 1, 0, Size - 1);
private void Update(int v, int tl, int tr, int pos, double newVal)
if (tl == tr) Data[v] = (newVal, pos);
int tm = (tl + tr) / 2;
if (pos <= tm) Update(v * 2, tl, tm, pos, newVal);
else Update(v * 2 + 1, tm + 1, tr, pos, newVal);
if (Data[2 * v].val < Data[2 * v + 1].val) Data[v] = Data[2 * v];
else Data[v] = Data[2 * v + 1];
public void Update(int pos, double newVal) => Update(1, 0, Size - 1, pos, newVal);
public class MostFrequentStrategy : SingleStrategy
public MostFrequentStrategy(Tenant tenant, int qSize = -1) : base(tenant, qSize) { }
public override CachingStrategy CloneStrategy(CachingStrategy s)
CachingStrategy result = new MostFrequentStrategy(s.Tenant);
result.CopyCache(s, this);
return result;
public override void ProtocolAccess(int pageId) => Scores[pageId] = -Tenant.PageFreq[pageId] - 1e-9 * Solution.Time;
public override string GetName() => nameof(MostFrequentStrategy);
public class MostRecentStrategy : SingleStrategy
public MostRecentStrategy(Tenant tenant, int qSize = -1) : base(tenant, qSize) { }
public override CachingStrategy CloneStrategy(CachingStrategy s)
CachingStrategy result = new MostRecentStrategy(s.Tenant);
result.CopyCache(s, this);
return result;
public override void ProtocolAccess(int pageId) => Scores[pageId] = 1000000 - Solution.Time;
public override string GetName() => nameof(MostRecentStrategy);
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
public class Segmented_LRU_LFU_Strategy : CachingStrategy
public SingleStrategy[] Segments = new SingleStrategy[2];
public Segmented_LRU_LFU_Strategy(Tenant t) : base(t)
Segments[0] = new LeastRecentStrategy(t);
Segments[1] = new LeastFrequentStrategy(t);
public override bool HasCached(int pageId) => Segments.Any(s => s.HasCached(pageId));
public override void ProtocolAccess(int pageId)
foreach (CachingStrategy s in Segments) s.ProtocolAccess(pageId);
public override string GetName() => nameof(Segmented_LRU_LFU_Strategy);
public override bool Update(int pageId)
if (Segments[0].HasCached(pageId))
return true;
if (Segments[1].HasCached(pageId))
// TODO move back to segments[0]?
return true;
if (Segments[0].QCurrent < Segments[0].QTarget) Segments[0].Update(pageId);
int shift = Segments[0].MinPage();
if (shift != -1) Segments[1].Update(shift);
QCurrent = Segments[0].QCurrent + Segments[1].QCurrent;
return false;
public override int MinPage() => Segments[1].MinPage();
public override void Shrink()
if (QCurrent <= QTarget) return;
if (Segments[0].QCurrent < Segments[0].QTarget) Segments[0].Shrink();
else if (Segments[1].QCurrent < Segments[1].QTarget) Segments[1].Shrink();
else if (3 * Segments[0].QTarget > Segments[1].QTarget)
int shift = Segments[0].MinPage();
else Segments[1].Shrink();
QCurrent = Segments[0].QCurrent + Segments[1].QCurrent;
public override void Grow(int pageId)
if (QTarget <= Q)
if (3 * Segments[0].QTarget <= Segments[1].QTarget) Segments[0].QTarget++;
else Segments[1].QTarget++;
public override CachingStrategy CloneStrategy(CachingStrategy s)
CachingStrategy result = new Segmented_LRU_LFU_Strategy(s.Tenant);
result.CopyCache(s, this);
return result;
public override void CopyCache(CachingStrategy cache, CachingStrategy winning)
Segments[0].Scores = Tenant.Strategies.OfType<LeastRecentStrategy>().First().Scores;
Segments[1].Scores = Tenant.Strategies.OfType<LeastFrequentStrategy>().First().Scores;
QTarget = cache.QTarget;
QCurrent = cache.QCurrent;
List<int> cached = cache.GetCache().OrderByDescending(c => Segments[0].Scores[c]).ToList();
for (int i = 0; i < (cached.Count + 3) / 4; i++) Segments[0].Grow(cached[i]);
for (int i = (cached.Count + 3) / 4; i < cached.Count; i++) Segments[1].Grow(cached[i]);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
public abstract class SingleStrategy : CachingStrategy
public MinSegmentTree CacheTree;
public double[] Scores;
public int[] PagePos;
public int[] PagePosReverse;
public Stack<int> free = new();
public SingleStrategy(Tenant tenant, int qSize = -1) : base(tenant)
int q = qSize == -1 ? tenant.QMax : tenant.QBase;
CacheTree = new MinSegmentTree(q, double.PositiveInfinity);
Scores = new double[tenant.DatabaseSize];
PagePos = new int[tenant.DatabaseSize];
PagePosReverse = new int[tenant.DatabaseSize];
Array.Fill(PagePos, -1);
Array.Fill(PagePosReverse, -1);
for (int i = 0; i < q; i++) free.Push(i);
public override int MinPage() => PagePosReverse[CacheTree.Min().index];
public override bool HasCached(int pageId) => PagePos[pageId] != -1;
protected int Evict()
var min = CacheTree.Min();
CacheTree.Update(min.index, double.PositiveInfinity);
int page = PagePosReverse[min.index];
PagePos[page] = -1;
PagePosReverse[min.index] = -1;
return min.index;
public void SetValue(int pageId, double value)
CacheTree.Update(PagePos[pageId], value);
public void EvictPage(int pageId)
int pos = PagePos[pageId];
CacheTree.Update(pos, double.PositiveInfinity);
PagePos[pageId] = -1;
PagePosReverse[pos] = -1;
public override bool Update(int pageId)
if (HasCached(pageId))
CacheTree.Update(PagePos[pageId], Scores[pageId]);
return true;
return false;
private void AddPage(int pageId)
int insertPos = QCurrent < Q ? free.Pop() : Evict();
CacheTree.Update(insertPos, Scores[pageId]);
PagePos[pageId] = insertPos;
PagePosReverse[insertPos] = pageId;
public override void Shrink()
if (QCurrent > QTarget) free.Push(Evict());
public override void Grow(int pageId)
public override void CopyCache(CachingStrategy cache, CachingStrategy winning)
Scores = (winning as SingleStrategy).Scores;
QTarget = cache.QTarget;
foreach (int pageId in cache.GetCache()) AddPage(pageId);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
public class Solution
public static Tenant[] Tenants;
public static int[] PagePos;
public static int[] PagePosReverse;
public static int Time;
public static int QueryCount;
public static int BufferSize;
public static Queue<int> FreeCells = new();
public static void Main(string[] args)
private static (int tenant, int page) ParseQuery()
string line = Console.ReadLine();
int tenant = 0, page = 0;
int pos = 0;
while (line[pos] != ' ') { tenant *= 10; tenant += line[pos] - '0'; pos++; }
while (pos < line.Length) { page *= 10; page += line[pos] - '0'; pos++; }
return (tenant - 1, page - 1);
private static void Solve()
int[] nums = Console.ReadLine().Split().Select(int.Parse).ToArray();
int tenantCount = nums[0];
BufferSize = nums[1];
QueryCount = nums[2];
Tenants = Enumerable.Range(0, tenantCount).Select(i => new Tenant(i)).ToArray();
nums = Console.ReadLine().Split().Select(int.Parse).ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i < tenantCount; i++) Tenants[i].Priority = nums[i];
nums = Console.ReadLine().Split().Select(int.Parse).ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i < tenantCount; i++) Tenants[i].DatabaseSize = nums[i];
nums = Console.ReadLine().Split().Select(int.Parse).ToArray();
int offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < tenantCount; i++)
Tenants[i].QMin = nums[3 * i];
Tenants[i].QBase = nums[3 * i + 1];
Tenants[i].QMax = nums[3 * i + 2];
Tenants[i].Offset = offset;
offset += Tenants[i].DatabaseSize;
Validator validator = new();
double scale = (double)BufferSize / Tenants.Sum(t => t.QBase);
foreach (Tenant t in Tenants)
t.QExpected = Math.Max(t.QMin, Math.Min(t.QMax, (int)(t.QMin * scale)));
PagePos = new int[Tenants.Sum(t => t.DatabaseSize)];
PagePosReverse = new int[Tenants.Sum(t => t.DatabaseSize)];
Array.Fill(PagePos, -1);
Array.Fill(PagePosReverse, -1);
foreach (Tenant t in Tenants) t.Init();
for (int i = 0; i < BufferSize; i++) FreeCells.Enqueue(i);
List<int> logTimes = new();
for (Time = 1; Time <= QueryCount; Time++)
(int tenantId, int pageId) = ParseQuery();
int action = Tenants[tenantId].Store(pageId);
validator.Validate(tenantId, pageId, action);
if (Time % 100 == 0)
foreach (Tenant t in Tenants) t.LogState();
Console.WriteLine(action + 1);
Console.Error.WriteLine($"BufferSize:{BufferSize}\tQueries:{QueryCount}\tTenants:{tenantCount}\tPenalty: {Tenants.Sum(t => t.Score())}");
foreach (Tenant t in Tenants)
private static void PlotStats(List<int> times)
foreach (string key in Tenants[0].History.Keys)
string name = "img/" + key.Replace(" ", "_");
string code = "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n";
code += "time = [" + string.Join(",", times) + "]\n";
foreach (Tenant t in Tenants)
code += "plt.plot(time, [" + string.Join(",", t.History[key]) + "], label='" + t.ID + "')\n";
code += "plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 300\n";
code += "plt.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 300\n";
code += "plt.xlabel('query')\n";
code += "plt.ylabel('" + key + "')\n";
code += "plt.legend()\n";
code += "plt.savefig('" + name + ".png')";
using (FileStream fs = File.Create(name + ".py"))
byte[] info = new UTF8Encoding(true).GetBytes(code);
fs.Write(info, 0, info.Length);
ProcessStartInfo start = new ProcessStartInfo
FileName = "python3",
Arguments = name + ".py",
UseShellExecute = true
private static void Generate()
for (int testId = 1; testId < 100; testId++)
Random random = new();
int tenantCount = random.Next(3, 11);
BufferSize = random.Next(1000, 10000);
int queryCount = random.Next(100000, 200000);
Tenants = Enumerable.Range(0, tenantCount).Select(i => new Tenant(i)).ToArray();
foreach (Tenant t in Tenants)
t.QMin = random.Next(100, 1000);
t.QBase = random.Next(t.QMin, 5000);
t.QMax = random.Next(t.QBase, 10000);
t.Priority = random.Next(1, 11);
t.DatabaseSize = random.Next(t.QMax, 2 * t.QMax);
} while (Tenants.Sum(t => t.QMin) >= BufferSize);
List<string> testcase = new();
testcase.Add($"{tenantCount} {BufferSize} {3 * queryCount - 200}");
testcase.Add(string.Join(" ", Tenants.Select(t => t.Priority)));
testcase.Add(string.Join(" ", Tenants.Select(t => t.DatabaseSize)));
testcase.Add(string.Join(" ", Tenants.Select(t => $"{t.QMin} {t.QBase} {t.QMax}")));
List<int>[] freqPerTenants = Tenants.Select(t => new List<int>()).ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i < tenantCount; i++)
int freqBias = random.Next(1, 11);
for (int d = 0; d < Tenants[i].DatabaseSize; d++)
for (int j = random.Next(1, freqBias + 1); j > 0; j--) freqPerTenants[i].Add(d);
List<Tenant> tenantBias = new();
foreach (Tenant t in Tenants)
for (int i = random.Next(5); i >= 0; i--) tenantBias.Add(t);
for (int i = 0; i < queryCount; i++)
Tenant t = tenantBias[random.Next(tenantBias.Count)];
testcase.Add((t.ID + 1) + " " + (freqPerTenants[t.ID][random.Next(freqPerTenants[t.ID].Count)] + 1));
if (i >= 100)
testcase.Add(testcase[testcase.Count - random.Next(1, 101)]);
testcase.Add(testcase[testcase.Count - random.Next(1, 101)]);
File.WriteAllLines("inputs/" + testId + ".txt", testcase);
//File.AppendAllLines("inputs/" + testId + ".txt", testcase);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
public abstract class CachingStrategy
public Tenant Tenant;
public int HitsCount;
public int SLA => Tenant.QueryCount - HitsCount;
public int QTarget;
public int QCurrent;
public int QMax = 1000000;
protected int Q => Math.Min(QMax, QTarget);
public double Hitrate;
public CachingStrategy(Tenant tenant)
this.Tenant = tenant;
public IEnumerable<int> GetCache()
for (int i = 0; i < Tenant.DatabaseSize; i++)
if (HasCached(i)) yield return i;
private int hitUpdate;
private int hitsCount;
public void UpdateHitrate(bool hit)
if (hit) hitsCount++;
Hitrate = (double)hitsCount / hitUpdate;
public abstract int MinPage();
public abstract bool HasCached(int pageId);
public abstract void ProtocolAccess(int pageId);
public abstract bool Update(int pageId);
public abstract void Shrink();
public abstract void Grow(int pageId);
public abstract CachingStrategy CloneStrategy(CachingStrategy s);
public abstract void CopyCache(CachingStrategy cache, CachingStrategy winning);
public abstract string GetName();
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
public class Tenant
public int ID;
public int Priority;
public int DatabaseSize;
public int QMin, QMax, QBase, QCurrent, QExpected;
public int[] GlobalCacheLocation;
public int SLAcurrent;
public bool CanAdd => QCurrent < QMax;
public bool CanRemove => QCurrent > QMin;
public int QueryCount;
public int[] PageFreq;
public List<int> Calltimes = new();
private double qAverage;
private double qAverageLRU;
public List<CachingStrategy> Strategies = new();
public CachingStrategy LeadingStrategy;
public CachingStrategy ActiveStrategy;
public LeastRecentStrategy LRUStrategy;
public Dictionary<string, List<double>> History = new()
["Q current"] = new List<double>(),
["Q current target"] = new List<double>(),
["Penalty"] = new List<double>(),
["Penalty predict"] = new List<double>(),
["SLAbase predict"] = new List<double>(),
["SLAbase current"] = new List<double>(),
["SLAreal predict"] = new List<double>(),
["SLAreal current"] = new List<double>(),
public Tenant(int id) => this.ID = id;
public void Init()
GlobalCacheLocation = new int[DatabaseSize];
PageFreq = new int[DatabaseSize];
Array.Fill(GlobalCacheLocation, -1);
Strategies.Add(new HybridStrategy(this));
Strategies.Add(new LeastRecentStrategy(this));
Strategies.Add(new MostRecentStrategy(this));
Strategies.Add(new LeastFrequentStrategy(this));
Strategies.Add(new LeastFrequentXStrategy(this, 3));
Strategies.Add(new MostFrequentStrategy(this));
Strategies.Add(new Segmented_LRU_LFU_Strategy(this));
foreach (CachingStrategy s in Strategies) s.QMax = Math.Max(10, Solution.BufferSize / Solution.Tenants.Length);
LRUStrategy = new LeastRecentStrategy(this, QBase);
ActiveStrategy = new HybridStrategy(this);
LeadingStrategy = Strategies.First(s => s.GetName() == ActiveStrategy.GetName());
public int Offset;
public int GlobalPageId(int pageId) => Offset + pageId;
public int Store(int pageId)
int globalId = GlobalPageId(pageId);
CachingStrategy best = Strategies.MaxBy(s => s.HitsCount);
if (best.HitsCount > LeadingStrategy.HitsCount + 10)
Console.Error.WriteLine($"@{Solution.Time}, {ID}: {ActiveStrategy.GetName()} => {best.GetName()}");
LeadingStrategy = best;
ActiveStrategy = best.CloneStrategy(ActiveStrategy);
ActiveStrategy.HitsCount = best.HitsCount;
if (ActiveStrategy.HasCached(pageId))
foreach (CachingStrategy s in Strategies) s.Update(pageId);
return GlobalCacheLocation[pageId];
if (CanAdd && Solution.FreeCells.Count > 0)
int free = Solution.FreeCells.Dequeue();
GlobalCacheLocation[pageId] = free;
Solution.PagePos[free] = globalId;
foreach (CachingStrategy s in Strategies) s.Grow(pageId);
Solution.PagePosReverse[globalId] = free;
return free;
double score = 0;
Tenant other = null;
bool valid = false;
// replace from own storage
if (QCurrent >= QMin)
score = Score(QCurrent) * AgeFactor();
if (score < 0) score /= 0.99;
else score *= 0.99;
valid = true;
// extend into other storage
if (CanAdd)
foreach (Tenant t in Solution.Tenants)
if (t == this || !t.CanRemove) continue;
double tmp = t.Score(t.QCurrent) * t.AgeFactor();
if (!valid || tmp < score)
other = t;
score = tmp;
valid = true;
int result = (other ?? this).MinIndex();
GlobalCacheLocation[pageId] = result;
Solution.PagePos[result] = globalId;
Solution.PagePosReverse[globalId] = result;
if (other != null)
foreach (CachingStrategy s in other.Strategies) s.Shrink();
foreach (CachingStrategy s in Strategies) s.Grow(pageId);
ActiveStrategy.Update(pageId); // this will update scores, important for LeastFrequentX
foreach (CachingStrategy s in Strategies) s.Update(pageId);
return result;
private double AgeFactor()
=> Math.Min(LRUStrategy.Scores[ActiveStrategy.MinPage()], Calltimes[^QCurrent]) / (Solution.Time + 100);
private int MinIndex() => Solution.PagePosReverse[GlobalPageId(ActiveStrategy.MinPage())];
private double Score(int qCurrent)
double progress = (double)Solution.Time / Solution.QueryCount;
double slaPlan = PredictSLAreal(qCurrent);
double slaExpected = PredictSLAbase();
if (slaPlan >= slaExpected) return Math.Pow((slaPlan - slaExpected) / slaExpected, 2) * Priority / Math.Pow(QBase, 0.9);
return -1e-9 * Math.Sqrt((slaExpected - slaPlan) / slaExpected);
private double PredictSLAbase()
double remainingFactor = ((double)Solution.QueryCount - Solution.Time) / Solution.Time;
remainingFactor *= 0.1 * Math.Min(1, 5.0 * Solution.Time / Solution.QueryCount);
double qAvg = 1.2 * qAverageLRU - 0.2 * QBase;
return LRUStrategy.SLA + LRUStrategy.SLA * remainingFactor * (DatabaseSize - QBase) / (DatabaseSize - qAvg);
private double PredictSLAreal(double qCurrent)
//if (Solution.Time > 60000 && ID == 1) Debugger.Break();
double remainingFactor = ((double)Solution.QueryCount - Solution.Time) / Solution.Time;
remainingFactor *= 0.1 * Math.Min(1, 5.0 * Solution.Time / Solution.QueryCount);
double qAvg = 1.2 * qAverage - 0.2 * qCurrent;
return SLAcurrent + SLAcurrent * remainingFactor * (DatabaseSize - qCurrent) / (DatabaseSize - qAvg);
public double Score()
if (SLAcurrent > LRUStrategy.SLA) return Math.Pow((Math.Max(SLAcurrent, LRUStrategy.SLA) - LRUStrategy.SLA) / (double)LRUStrategy.SLA, 2) * Priority;
return -1e-9 * Math.Sqrt((LRUStrategy.SLA - SLAcurrent) / (double)LRUStrategy.SLA);
private int QCurrentTarget()
return 0;
Tenant[] tenants = Solution.Tenants;
int[] qs = tenants.Select(t => t.QCurrent).ToArray();
qs[0] += Solution.FreeCells.Count;
bool change = true;
while (change)
change = false;
double baseScore = tenants.Sum(t => t.Score(qs[t.ID]));
for (int from = 0; from < tenants.Length; from++)
if (qs[from] <= tenants[from].QMin) continue;
int bestTo = from;
double score = baseScore;
for (int to = 0; to < tenants.Length; to++)
if (from == to) continue;
if (qs[to] >= tenants[to].QMax) continue;
double tmp = baseScore + tenants[from].Score(qs[from] - 1) - tenants[from].Score(qs[from]) + tenants[to].Score(qs[to] + 1) - tenants[to].Score(qs[to]);
if (tmp < score)
score = tmp;
bestTo = to;
if (bestTo != from)
change = true;
return qs[ID];
private void UpdatePageHit(int pageId)
qAverage = (QueryCount - 1.0) / QueryCount * qAverage + 1.0 / QueryCount * QCurrent;
if (!ActiveStrategy.HasCached(pageId)) SLAcurrent++;
qAverageLRU = (QueryCount - 1.0) / QueryCount * qAverageLRU + 1.0 / QueryCount * LRUStrategy.QCurrent;
if (LRUStrategy.QCurrent < QBase && !LRUStrategy.HasCached(pageId)) LRUStrategy.Grow(pageId);
else LRUStrategy.Update(pageId);
public string GetStats()
=> $"ID: {ID}\tQueries: {QueryCount}\tQmin: {QMin}\tQbase:{QBase}\tQmax:{QMax}\tQcurrent:{QCurrent}\tSLABase:{LRUStrategy.SLA}\tSLAcurrent:{SLAcurrent}\tPriority:{Priority}\tDBSize:{DatabaseSize}\tPenalty:{Score()}\t{string.Join("\t", Strategies.Select(s => s.GetName() + ":" + s.HitsCount))}";
public void LogState()
History["Q current"].Add(QCurrent);
History["Q current target"].Add(QCurrentTarget());
History["Penalty predict"].Add(Math.Min(1.5, Score(QCurrent)));
History["SLAbase predict"].Add(PredictSLAbase());
History["SLAbase current"].Add(LRUStrategy.SLA);
History["SLAreal predict"].Add(PredictSLAreal(QCurrent));
History["SLAreal current"].Add(SLAcurrent);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
public class Validator
public int[] CachePerTenant;
(int tenant, int page)[] BufferContent;
HashSet<(int tenant, int page)> CacheContent = new();
public Validator()
CachePerTenant = new int[Solution.Tenants.Length];
BufferContent = new (int, int)[Solution.BufferSize];
for (int i = 0; i < BufferContent.Length; i++) BufferContent[i] = (-1, -1);
public void Validate(int tenant, int page, int action)
if (BufferContent[action] == (tenant, page)) return;
Debug.Assert(!CacheContent.Contains((tenant, page)));
if (CacheContent.Contains((tenant, page))) throw new Exception();
int oldTenant = BufferContent[action].tenant;
if (oldTenant != -1 && oldTenant != tenant)
Debug.Assert(CachePerTenant[oldTenant] >= Solution.Tenants[oldTenant].QMin);
if (CachePerTenant[oldTenant] < Solution.Tenants[oldTenant].QMin) throw new Exception();
if (tenant != oldTenant)
Debug.Assert(CachePerTenant[tenant] <= Solution.Tenants[tenant].QMax);
if (CachePerTenant[tenant] > Solution.Tenants[tenant].QMax) throw new Exception();
BufferContent[action] = (tenant, page);
public void ValidateBuffer()
foreach (Tenant t in Solution.Tenants)
int count = 0;
foreach (int c in t.ActiveStrategy.GetCache())
Debug.Assert(BufferContent[t.GlobalCacheLocation[c]] == (t.ID, c));
if (BufferContent[t.GlobalCacheLocation[c]] != (t.ID, c)) throw new Exception();
Debug.Assert(count == CachePerTenant[t.ID]);
if (count != CachePerTenant[t.ID]) throw new Exception();
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