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Last active July 23, 2018 16:31
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CodinGame Amadeus contest
//#undef DEBUG
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
class Player
const double planetOwnScore = 100;
const double planetWinByNeighborsScore = 80;
const double voronoiScore = 8;
const double sameTargetScore = 60;
const double dangerScore = 5;
static Random random = new Random ();
static void Main (string[] args)
string[] inputs;
inputs = Console.ReadLine ().Split (' ');
int planetCount = int.Parse (inputs [0]);
int edgeCount = int.Parse (inputs [1]);
string init = string.Join (" ", inputs) + "\n";
List<Node> nodes = Enumerable.Range (0, planetCount).Select (p => new Node (p)).ToList ();
for (int i = 0; i < edgeCount; i++) {
inputs = Console.ReadLine ().Split (' ');
int planetA = int.Parse (inputs [0]);
int planetB = int.Parse (inputs [1]);
nodes [planetA].Neighbors.Add (nodes [planetB]);
nodes [planetB].Neighbors.Add (nodes [planetA]);
init += string.Join (" ", inputs) + "\n";
// game loop
int turn = 0;
Node articulationPoint = null;
Node finalPoint = null;
int[,] dist = Distances (nodes);
while (true) {
for (int i = 0; i < planetCount; i++) {
Node n = nodes [i];
n.Reset ();
inputs = Console.ReadLine ().Split (' ');
n.MyUnits = int.Parse (inputs [0]);
n.MyTolerance = int.Parse (inputs [1]);
n.EnemyUnits = int.Parse (inputs [2]);
n.EnemyTolerance = int.Parse (inputs [3]);
n.CanAssign = int.Parse (inputs [4]) > 0;
Console.Error.Write (init);
foreach (Node n in nodes)
Console.Error.WriteLine (n);
if (turn == 1) {
articulationPoint = FindArticulationPoint (nodes, out finalPoint);
Node myBase = nodes.Find (n => n.MyUnits > 0);
Node enemyBase = nodes.Find (n => n.EnemyUnits > 0);
foreach (Node n in nodes) {
if (dist [n.ID, myBase.ID] <= dist [n.ID, enemyBase.ID] || articulationPoint == null)
n.ShallConquer = true;
if (AttackArticulationPoint (articulationPoint, dist, nodes))
if (finalPoint != null && articulationPoint.Mine)
articulationPoint = finalPoint;
if (articulationPoint != null)
Console.Error.WriteLine ("articulation Point: " + articulationPoint.ID);
HashSet<Node> conquer = new HashSet<Node> (nodes.Where (n => n.ShallConquer));
ReverseNodes (nodes);
List<Node> opponent = Move (turn, dist, nodes, 10, new List<Node>(), false);
ReverseNodes (nodes);
foreach (Node n in nodes)
n.ShallConquer = conquer.Contains (n);
List<Node> action = Move (turn, dist, nodes, 30, opponent, false);
foreach(Node n in action)
Console.WriteLine (n.ID);
if (action.Count == 6)
List<Node> spread = nodes.Where (n => n.MyUnits > 5 && n.EnemyUnits == 0 && n.Neighbors.Count > 4 && n.EnemyDist > 2).ToList ();
if (spread.Count == 0)
Console.WriteLine ("NONE");
Console.WriteLine (spread.OrderByDescending (s => s.Neighbors.Count).First ().ID);
static void ReverseNodes(List<Node> nodes) {
foreach (Node n in nodes) {
int tmp = n.MyUnits;
n.MyUnits = n.EnemyUnits;
n.EnemyUnits = tmp;
tmp = n.MyTolerance;
n.MyTolerance = n.EnemyTolerance;
n.EnemyTolerance = tmp;
n.ShallConquer = true;
foreach (Node n in nodes) {
n.CanAssign = n.MyTolerance > 0 && (
n.MyUnits > 0 || n.Neighbors.Any (n2 => n2.MyUnits > n2.EnemyUnits)
foreach (Node n in nodes)
n.Save ();
static List<Node> Move(int turn, int[,] dist, List<Node> nodes, int maxTime, List<Node> opponentMoves, bool canSplit) {
List<Node> candidates = nodes.Where (n => n.ShallConquer && n.CanAssign &&
(n.MyUnits <= n.EnemyUnits || n.Neighbors.Any(n2 => n2.MyUnits < n2.EnemyUnits))).ToList ();
List<Node> enemy = nodes.Where (n => n.EnemyUnits > 0).ToList ();
if (candidates.Count == 0)
candidates = nodes.Where (n => n.ShallConquer && n.CanAssign).ToList ();
if (candidates.Count == 0)
candidates = nodes.ToList ();
int enemyDist = 0;
if (nodes.Any(n => n.Mine)) nodes.Where(n => n.Mine).Min (c => enemy.Min (e => dist [e.ID, c.ID]));
if (enemyDist > 3) {
Node node = candidates.OrderByDescending (n => n.Neighbors.Count (n2 => n2.MyUnits <= n2.EnemyUnits)).First ();
return Enumerable.Range (0, 6).Select (n => node).ToList ();
enemyDist = candidates.Min (c => enemy.Min (e => dist [e.ID, c.ID]));
foreach (Node n in opponentMoves)
//turn = nodes.Count - 4;
if (turn + 5 < nodes.Count)
candidates = candidates.Where (c => enemy.Min (e => dist [e.ID, c.ID]) <= enemyDist+1).ToList ();
Console.Error.WriteLine ("cand = " + string.Join (" ", candidates.Select (c => c.ID)));
Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew ();
List<Node> action = new List<Node> ();
List<Node> scoreRelevance = candidates.SelectMany (c => c.Neighbors).Union (candidates).Distinct ().OrderBy(n => n.ID).ToList ();
double bestScore = double.MinValue;
int counter = 0;
while (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds < maxTime) {
List<Node> place = new List<Node> ();
place.Add (candidates [random.Next (candidates.Count)]);
while (place.Count < 5) {
if (random.Next (2) == 0)
place.Add (candidates [random.Next (candidates.Count)]);
place.Add (place [random.Next (place.Count)]);
double tmp = Eval (nodes, place, scoreRelevance, canSplit && random.Next(5) == 0);
if (tmp > bestScore) {
bestScore = tmp;
action = place;
return action;
static double Eval(List<Node> nodes, List<Node> place, List<Node> toScore, bool split) {
foreach (Node n in place)
if (split) {
List<Node> toSplit = new List<Node> ();
foreach (Node n in nodes) {
if (n.MyUnits >= 5)
toSplit.Add (n);
if (toSplit.Count > 0) {
Node s = toSplit [random.Next (toSplit.Count)];
s.MyUnits -= 5;
foreach (Node n in s.Neighbors)
place.Add (s);
//foreach(Node n in nodes) n.UpdateOwner ();
//foreach(Node n in nodes) n.KillIsolated ();
double score = 0;
foreach (Node n in toScore) {
int diff = n.MyUnits - n.EnemyUnits;
int laterScore = n.Score ();
if (diff > 1 || diff == 1 && laterScore >= 0)
score += planetOwnScore;
if (diff < -1 || diff == -1 && laterScore <= 0)
score -= planetOwnScore;
if (n.MyUnits > 0 && Math.Sign (laterScore) > Math.Sign (diff))
score += planetWinByNeighborsScore;
if (n.EnemyUnits > 0 && Math.Sign (laterScore) < Math.Sign (diff))
score -= planetWinByNeighborsScore;
if (diff > 0 && laterScore > 0 && n.Endangered)
score -= dangerScore;
Queue<Node> queue = new Queue<Node>();
foreach(Node n in nodes) {
n.Visited = false;
if (n.MyUnits > n.EnemyUnits) {
queue.Enqueue (n);
n.Visited = true;
n.MyDist = 0;
while (queue.Count > 0) {
Node q = queue.Dequeue ();
foreach (Node n in q.Neighbors) {
if (n.Visited)
n.MyDist = q.MyDist + 1;
n.Visited = true;
queue.Enqueue (n);
foreach(Node n in nodes) {
n.Visited = false;
if (n.MyUnits < n.EnemyUnits) {
queue.Enqueue (n);
n.Visited = true;
n.EnemyDist = 0;
while (queue.Count > 0) {
Node q = queue.Dequeue ();
foreach (Node n in q.Neighbors) {
if (n.Visited)
n.EnemyDist = q.EnemyDist + 1;
n.Visited = true;
queue.Enqueue (n);
foreach (Node n in nodes) {
if (n.MyDist < n.EnemyDist)
score += voronoiScore;
if (n.MyDist > n.EnemyDist)
score -= voronoiScore;
score -= sameTargetScore * place.Distinct ().Count (); // don't place all on different planets
foreach (Node n in place)
n.Restore ();
return score;
// advantage of planets i own (if it affects sign(neighbor score)), disadvantage at opponent planets (cap at delta=5)
// voronoi
// tolerance
static bool AttackArticulationPoint (Node artPoint, int[,] dist, List<Node> nodes)
if (artPoint == null)
return false;
if (artPoint.MyTolerance == 0) {
if (artPoint.MyUnits > artPoint.EnemyUnits)
return false;
foreach (Node n in artPoint.Neighbors) {
if (n.CanAssign || n.MyUnits > 5) {
Node target = n;
if (!n.CanAssign && nodes.Any(node => node.CanAssign)) {
target = nodes.Where (node => node.CanAssign).OrderByDescending (node => dist[node.ID, artPoint.ID]).First ();
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
Console.WriteLine (target.ID);
Console.WriteLine (n.ID);
return true;
foreach (Node n in artPoint.Neighbors.Where(n => n.Mine).SelectMany(a => a.Neighbors).Distinct()) {
if (n.CanAssign) {
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
Console.WriteLine (n.ID);
return true;
return false;
Node closest = nodes.Where (n => n.Mine).OrderBy (n => dist [n.ID, artPoint.ID]).First ();
int myDist = dist [closest.ID, artPoint.ID];
Node enemyClosest = nodes.Where (n => n.Enemy).OrderBy (n => dist [n.ID, artPoint.ID]).First ();
int enemyDist = dist [enemyClosest.ID, artPoint.ID];
Node next = closest.Neighbors.FirstOrDefault (n => dist [n.ID, artPoint.ID] < myDist);
Console.Error.WriteLine ("dist: " + myDist);
if (myDist == 0 && enemyDist > 1) return false;
if (artPoint.MyUnits > artPoint.EnemyUnits + 5)
return false;
if (myDist > 2) {
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
Console.WriteLine (next.ID);
} else if (myDist == 2) {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
Console.WriteLine (next.ID);
Console.WriteLine (closest.ID);
} else if (myDist == 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
Console.WriteLine (next.ID);
Console.WriteLine (closest.MyUnits <= 5 ? "NONE" : closest.ID.ToString());
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
Console.WriteLine (artPoint.ID);
if (artPoint.Mine &&
artPoint.Neighbors.Count (n => n.Mine) <= artPoint.Neighbors.Count (n => n.Enemy) &&
artPoint.Neighbors.Any (n => n.MyUnits == 0 && n.MyTolerance > 0 && n.EnemyUnits == 0)) {
Node neighbor = artPoint.Neighbors.First (n => n.MyUnits == 0 && n.MyTolerance > 0 && n.EnemyUnits == 0);
Console.WriteLine (neighbor.ID);
else Console.WriteLine (artPoint.ID);
Node split = nodes.FirstOrDefault (n => dist [n.ID, artPoint.ID] == 2 && n.MyUnits >= 5 && !n.Neighbors.Any (n2 => n2.EnemyUnits > 0));
Console.WriteLine (split == null ? "NONE" : split.ID.ToString());
return true;
static Node FindArticulationPoint (List<Node> nodes, out Node finalPoint)
finalPoint = null;
bool majority = false;
Node myBase = nodes.Find (n => n.MyUnits > 0);
Node enemyBase = nodes.Find (n => n.EnemyUnits > 0);
int[,] dist = Distances (nodes);
Node result = null;
int unreachable = 4;
foreach (Node n in nodes) {
if (dist [n.ID, myBase.ID] != dist [n.ID, enemyBase.ID])
foreach (Node n2 in n.Neighbors)
n2.Neighbors.Remove (n);
int[,] tmpDist = Distances (nodes);
int tmpUnreachable = nodes.Count(node => tmpDist[node.ID, myBase.ID] > nodes.Count);
if (!majority && tmpUnreachable > unreachable) {
unreachable = tmpUnreachable;
result = n;
if (tmpUnreachable > unreachable) {
unreachable = tmpUnreachable;
finalPoint = n;
if (2 * tmpUnreachable > nodes.Count) {
if (!majority || tmpUnreachable < unreachable) {
majority = true;
unreachable = tmpUnreachable;
finalPoint = n;
foreach (Node n2 in n.Neighbors)
n2.Neighbors.Add (n);
return result;
static int[,] Distances (List<Node> nodes)
int n = nodes.Count;
int[,] dist = new int[n, n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
dist [i, j] = (int)1e9;
foreach (Node nod in nodes) {
dist [nod.ID, nod.ID] = 0;
foreach (Node nod2 in nod.Neighbors) {
dist [nod.ID, nod2.ID] = 1;
for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
if (dist [i, j] > dist [i, k] + dist [k, j])
dist [i, j] = dist [i, k] + dist [k, j];
return dist;
class Node
public int ID;
public List<Node> Neighbors = new List<Node> ();
public bool CanAssign;
public int MyUnits;
public int EnemyUnits;
public bool Visited;
public int MyDist;
public int EnemyDist;
public int MyTolerance;
public int EnemyTolerance;
public bool Mine => MyUnits > EnemyUnits;
public bool Enemy => MyUnits < EnemyUnits;
public bool ShallConquer;
private int _myUnits;
private int _enemyUnits;
private int _myTolerance;
private int _enemyTolerance;
private int _dominationVal;
public void Save() {
_myUnits = MyUnits;
_enemyUnits = EnemyUnits;
_myTolerance = MyTolerance;
_enemyTolerance = EnemyTolerance;
_dominationVal = EnemyUnits + 1 - MyUnits;
if (EnemyTolerance > 0 && (EnemyUnits > 0 || Neighbors.Any (n => n.Enemy)))
_dominationVal += 5;
public bool Endangered => MyUnits < _dominationVal;
public void Restore() {
MyUnits = _myUnits;
EnemyUnits = _enemyUnits;
MyTolerance = _myTolerance;
EnemyTolerance = _enemyTolerance;
public int Score() {
int result = 0;
foreach (Node n in Neighbors) {
if (n.Mine)
if (n.Enemy)
return result;
public Node (int id)
this.ID = id;
public void Reset ()
EnemyDist = -1;
private bool[] Owner;
public void UpdateOwner ()
Owner = new bool[] { MyUnits > EnemyUnits, MyUnits < EnemyUnits };
public void KillIsolated ()
int neighborSum = 0;
foreach (Node n in Neighbors) {
if (n.Owner [0])
else if (n.Owner [1])
if (EnemyUnits > 0 && neighborSum > 0)
if (MyUnits > 0 && neighborSum < 0)
public override string ToString ()
return string.Join (" ", new [] {
CanAssign ? 1 : 0
}) + " (" + ID + ")";
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Amadeus
class Referee
public static void Main (string[] args)
List<string> maps = new List<string> ();
foreach (FileInfo fi in new DirectoryInfo("./replays/Amadeus/cleaned").GetFiles()) { // list of about 250 real maps that I downloaded
maps.Add (File.ReadAllText (fi.FullName));
int seed = -1;
while (true) {
string[] lineParts = Console.ReadLine ().Split ();
if (lineParts [0] == "###Seed")
seed = int.Parse (lineParts [1]);
else if (lineParts [0] == "###Start") {
Board board = new Board (maps, seed);
while (board.Play ()) {
board.Tick ();
board.DeclareWinner ();
class Board
private string init = "";
public List<Node> nodes = new List<Node> ();
public Board (List<string> maps, int seed)
Random random = new Random ();
if (seed >= 0)
random = new Random (seed);
string map = maps [random.Next (maps.Count)];
string[] lines = map.Split ('\n');
int nodeCount = int.Parse (lines [0]);
int links = int.Parse (lines [1]);
init += nodeCount + " " + links + "\n";
for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++) {
nodes.Add (new Node (i));
for (int i = 0; i < links; i++) {
int[] nums = lines [2 + i].Split (' ').Select (int.Parse).ToArray ();
nodes [nums [0]].Neighbors.Add (nodes [nums [1]]);
nodes [nums [1]].Neighbors.Add (nodes [nums [0]]);
init += nums [0] + " " + nums [1] + "\n";
int start1 = int.Parse (lines [2 + links]);
int start2 = int.Parse (lines [3 + links]);
nodes [start1].Units [0] += 5;
nodes [start1].Tolerance [0] = 4;
nodes [start2].Units [1] += 5;
nodes [start2].Tolerance [1] = 4;
private int round = 0;
public void Tick ()
// user input
List<List<string>> actions = new List<List<string>> ();
for (int player = 0; player < 2; player++) {
string state = "";
if (round == 0) {
state = init;
foreach (Node n in nodes)
state += n.Print (player) + "\n";
Console.WriteLine ("###Input " + player);
Console.Write (state);
Console.WriteLine ("###Output " + player + " 6");
actions.Add (new List<string> ());
for (int a = 0; a < 6; a++) {
actions [player].Add (Console.ReadLine ());
// place units
for (int player = 0; player < 2; player++) {
HashSet<int> toleranceReduced = new HashSet<int> ();
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
int n = int.Parse (actions [player] [i]);
nodes [n].Units [player]++;
if (!toleranceReduced.Contains (n)) {
toleranceReduced.Add (n);
nodes [n].Tolerance [player]--;
if (actions [player] [5] != "NONE") {
int n = int.Parse (actions [player] [5]);
nodes [n].Units [player] -= 5;
foreach (Node neighbor in nodes[n].Neighbors)
neighbor.Units [player]++;
// isolation deaths
nodes.ForEach (n => n.UpdateOwner ());
nodes.ForEach (n => n.KillIsolated ());
public bool Play ()
return round < nodes.Count;
public void DeclareWinner ()
int p1 = nodes.Count (n => n.Units [0] > n.Units [1]);
int p2 = nodes.Count (n => n.Units [0] < n.Units [1]);
if (p1 < p2)
Console.WriteLine ("###End 0 1");
if (p1 == p2)
Console.WriteLine ("###End 01");
if (p1 > p2)
Console.WriteLine ("###End 1 0");
class Node
public int ID;
public int[] Units = new int[2];
public int[] Tolerance = new int[]{ 5, 5 };
public bool[] Owner;
public List<Node> Neighbors = new List<Node> ();
public Node (int id)
this.ID = id;
public void UpdateOwner ()
Owner = new bool[] { Units [0] > Units [1], Units [0] < Units [1] };
public void KillIsolated ()
int neighborSum = 0;
foreach (Node n in Neighbors) {
if (n.Owner [0])
else if (n.Owner [1])
if (Units [1] > 0 && neighborSum > 0)
Units [1]--;
if (Units [0] > 0 && neighborSum < 0)
Units [0]--;
public string Print (int player)
int opponent = 1 - player;
int canAssign = 0;
if (Tolerance [player] > 0 && (Units [player] > 0 || Neighbors.Any (n => n.Units [player] > n.Units [opponent])))
canAssign = 1;
return string.Join (" ", new [] {
Units [player],
Tolerance [player],
Units [opponent],
Tolerance [opponent],
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