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Last active November 28, 2020 18:53
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A method to add a struct in a smart contract - solidity
function addNewUser(bytes32 hash, bytes32 id, uint startDate, uint exp, uint sex, uint8 age, bytes6 user_hash, StatusCode code, Hobbies hbobbies) external returns(bool) {
CustomDataType storage user = registry[hash][msg.sender];
require(,"User already exists");
//******This is only an example ****** = id;
user.startDate = startDate;
user.iat = now*1000;
user.exp = exp; = sex;
user.age = age;
user.hash = user_hash;
user.code = code;
user.hobbies = hobbies;
user.status = true;
user[hash][msg.sender] = user;
emit UserRegistered(hash, msg.sender, id, startDate, user.iat, sex, user_hash, code, hobbies);
return true;
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