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Created December 11, 2020 11:23
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import scrapy
from scrapy.utils.response import open_in_browser
def get_headers(s, sep=': ', strip_cookie=True, strip_cl=True, strip_headers: list = []) -> dict():
d = dict()
for kv in s.split('\n'):
kv = kv.strip()
if kv and sep in kv:
k = kv.split(sep)[0]
if len(kv.split(sep)) == 1:
v = ''
v = kv.split(sep)[1]
if v == '\'\'':
v =''
# v = kv.split(sep)[1]
if strip_cookie and k.lower() == 'cookie': continue
if strip_cl and k.lower() == 'content-length': continue
if k in strip_headers: continue
d[k] = v
return d
class WsSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'ws'
def start_requests(self):
h = get_headers('''
accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9
accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br
accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9
sec-fetch-dest: document
sec-fetch-mode: navigate
sec-fetch-site: none
upgrade-insecure-requests: 1
user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36
cookie: cookie_enabled=true; ID=MJHDC7TT2D70BWF; IDPWD=I55722139; COOKIE_ID=MJHDC7TT2D70BWF; visit=MJHDC7TT2D70BWF%7C20201211094710%7C%2Fbiz%2Fproducers%2Fcanada%7C%7Cend%20; user_status=A%7C; fflag=flag_store_manager%3A0%2Cend; _csrf=9iauzg0wH9qtx0aJNWZfufQyKrOGIxPo; _pxhd=996f3f5938fe57b8b25d1537c6cd623b8244d92d58ffa16bc4bcc83076669d8c:d683a651-3b95-11eb-9210-31942c6b15e0; _pxvid=d683a651-3b95-11eb-9210-31942c6b15e0; _gid=GA1.2.1112469370.1607680033; _ga_M0W3BEYMXL=GS1.1.1607680032.1.1.1607680234.0; _ga=GA1.2.1736177304.1607680033; __gads=ID=03e4454d1a5b70bb:T=1607680036:S=ALNI_MbKY38CaYSCQKSCLAGi_bDFdqg_FQ; _px3=ff767f5546c27c337924d2df0becd8fdfacf7a0daf4b3a3c711597f908d693b6:Kykj5xcibzza3GO1XxKPXIRm2kpApik8o2Rbao62N1hkOI9p1zeqNHVuWq+dbkGTzZk4B9JKS0iE32PEedrqMA==:1000:nJXdHhIDcTcyI0rMJsQi87T+ABu9tKZiCOVSrHzKQodKjvMo6jf9MkpN06BHLqX4xdvRM/Fe5waFUHzxPOZOBeN/pLWwBXnVWt69BLIq7bjj0RLeTeCCLsky4lxOzxgrSZz+zd/FALzdyrTvennzpAQTDVQBeAwzMLKqJK8x9p0=; _px2=eyJ1IjoiNTBhMzNhZTAtM2I5Ni0xMWViLTlkZmMtNGYyNTM0MDhlYzU1IiwidiI6ImQ2ODNhNjUxLTNiOTUtMTFlYi05MjEwLTMxOTQyYzZiMTVlMCIsInQiOjE2MDc2ODEyNTk1NDcsImgiOiIwOGViY2U1OWIwOWM0MzA2MjQyNzRiZTQ1NzA2NWJmZTdkNTdkODMyOWQ3ZDYxNDA4OGMyYTFlNzRkNTBjZDk1In0=; _pxde=5eef4b6944a88ff4b800d3fc7d412d77240d66691e17ac42b7b9026dc4a4ab0e:eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE2MDc2ODA5NTk1NDcsImZfa2IiOjAsImlwY19pZCI6W119
req = scrapy.Request('',headers=h)
yield req
def parse(self, response):
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ZenonH commented Jan 1, 2021

Hi; I'm new to scrrapy, but not to web scraping (VBA, python beautiful soup, etc). I tried running your code in windows vscode. I did not get any results nor error messages. In debug mode the code the never enters the functions in the wsSpider class. The only variable that gets set is name = "ws". Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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ZenonH commented Jan 1, 2021


I got the answer to my original question by watching another video of yours: One just needs to add the process statements to run the code.
Thanks again for posting your videos.

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