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Created February 3, 2020 13:09
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-- name: get_notes
-- record_class: NoteProduct
SELECT note.product_id, , product_name, manufacturer
FROM nested.product
join nested.note on product.note = note.product_id;
-- name: get_notes_json
select coalesce(array_to_json(array_agg(row_to_json(response))),'[]')::character varying AS BODYFROM from (
SELECT (note.product_id , as note , product_name, manufacturer
FROM nested.product
join nested.note on product.note = note.product_id
) response
import asyncio
import json
import aiosql
import asyncpg
from asyncpg import Connection
from pydantic import BaseModel
class Note(BaseModel):
product_id: int
name: str
class Product(BaseModel):
note: Note
product_name: str
manufacturer: str
class NoteProduct(Note):
product_name: str
manufacturer: str
class NoteJson(BaseModel):
f1: int
f2: str
class ProductJson(BaseModel):
note: NoteJson
product_name: str
manufacturer: str
class NoteProductJson(NoteJson):
product_name: str
manufacturer: str
async def main():
q = aiosql.from_path("./a.sql", "asyncpg", record_classes={"NoteProduct": NoteProduct})
conn: Connection = await asyncpg.connect("postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5438/postgres")
response = await q.get_notes(conn)
notes = [Note(product_id=np.product_id, for np in response]
products = [Product(note=note, product_name=r.product_name, manufacturer=r.manufacturer) for note, r in zip(notes, response)]
response = await q.get_notes_json(conn)
d = json.loads(response[0]["bodyfrom"])
productsjson = [ProductJson(note=NoteJson(**d[i]["note"]), product_name=d[i]["product_name"], manufacturer=d[i]["manufacturer"]) for i, v in enumerate(d)]
await conn.close()
if __name__ == '__main__':
create schema nested;
create table nested.product
note int,
product_name text,
manufacturer text
create table nested.note
product_id int primary key,
name text
alter table nested.product
add constraint product_note_product_id_fk
foreign key (note) references nested.note (product_id);
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