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Created September 24, 2017 19:03
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Example of a QBE pass
function w $add(w %a, w %b) { # Define a function add
%c =w add %a, %b # Adds the 2 arguments
ret %c # Return the result
function w $sum(w %n) {
%s =w add 0, 0
jnz %n, @body, @exit
jmp @faux2
%s =w add %s, %n
%n =w sub %n, 1
jmp @header
ret %s
jmp @faux1
export function w $main() {
%r =w call $sum(w 3)
call $printf(l $fmt, w %r, ...)
ret 0
data $fmt = { b "%d\n", b 0 }
#include <qbe/all.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void remove_dead_code (Fn *fn) {
if (!fn->nblk) {
bool live_blocks[fn->nblk];
memset(live_blocks, false, sizeof live_blocks);
live_blocks[0] = true;
for (bool changed = true; changed; ) {
changed = false;
for (Blk *blk = fn->start; blk; blk = blk->link) {
if (!live_blocks[blk->id]) {
Blk *succs[] = { blk->s1, blk->s2, NULL };
for (Blk **psucc = succs; *psucc; ++psucc) {
Blk *succ = *psucc;
changed |= !live_blocks[succ->id];
live_blocks[succ->id] = true;
for (Blk **pblk = &fn->start; *pblk; ) {
Blk *blk = *pblk;
if (live_blocks[blk->id]) {
pblk = &blk->link;
else {
edgedel(blk, &blk->s1);
edgedel(blk, &blk->s2);
*pblk = blk->link;
void read_fn (Fn *fn) {
printfn(fn, stdout);
void read_dat (Dat *dat) {
static bool s_comma = false;
switch (dat->type) {
case DStart:
case DEnd:
printf(" }\n");
s_comma = false;
case DName:
printf("data $%s = { ", dat->u.ref.nam);
case DB:
if (s_comma) {
printf(", ");
else {
s_comma = true;
printf("b ");
if (dat->u.num) {
printf("\"%s\"", dat->u.str);
else {
die("Unsupported Dat type");
int main () {
parse(stdin, "stdin", read_dat, read_fn);
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