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Last active June 11, 2020 04:15
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Bare minimum bashrc (no external dependency)
# -*- shell-script -*-
## Minimum .bashrc for euske
# Do nothing if not interactive.
[[ -z "$PS1" ]] && return
# Shell options.
#TMOUT=600 # auto-logout
umask 022
ulimit -c 0
unset MAIL
unset command_not_found_handle
shopt -u sourcepath # Do not use the PATH for source command.
shopt -s histappend # Always append to the history.
shopt -s histverify # Always verify the history expansion.
shopt -s histreedit # Allow reediting a failed expansion.
shopt -s checkwinsize # Automatically set LINES and COLUMNS.
shopt -u hostcomplete # Do not attempt to complete hostnames.
shopt -s no_empty_cmd_completion # Do not attempt to complete an empty line.
# Environment variables.
unset LANG
export PAGER=less
export EDITOR=vi
export LESS='-F -R -X -K -i -P ?f%f:(stdin). ?lb%lb?L/%L.. [?eEOF:?pb%pb\%..]'
export RSYNC_RSH=ssh
export CVS_RSH=ssh
# Terminal settings.
#eval `SHELL=sh tset -sQI`
#stty sane start ^- stop ^-
stty start ^- stop ^-
# Prompt settings.
function prompt_cmd {
# Show the exit code of the last command.
local s=$?
if [[ $s -eq 0 ]]; then return; fi
echo "exit $s"
PS1="\t $HOSTNAME\w[\!]\$ "
# Convenient functions.
function .. { cd ..; }
function ../ { cd ..; }
function tmp { cd ~/tmp; }
function ls { command ls -Fb "$@"; }
function ll { command ls -Fl "$@"; }
function la { command ls -Fla "$@"; }
function c { command cat "$@"; }
function h { command head "$@"; }
function t { command tail "$@"; }
function T { command tail -f "$@"; }
function j { jobs -l; }
function rmi { command rm -i "$@"; }
function mvi { command mv -i "$@"; }
function cpi { command cp -i "$@"; }
function g { LC_CTYPE=C command grep -i "$@"; }
function r { LC_CTYPE=C command grep -ir "$@"; }
function G { LC_CTYPE=C command grep "$@"; }
# hd: hex dump.
function hd {
od -Ax -tx1z -v "$@";
# xargsn: properly handle filenames with spaces.
function xargsn {
xargs -d '\n' "$@";
# l: less for a file, ls for a directory.
function l {
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
elif [ -d "$1" ]; then
ls -F "$@"
${PAGER:-less} "$@"
# f: find files by name (case insensitive)
function f {
if [ ! "$1" ]; then
echo 'usage: f pattern [dir ...]'
n="*$1*"; shift; find . "$@" -iname "$n"
# F: find files by name (case sensitive)
function F {
if [ ! "$1" ]; then
echo 'usage: F Pattern [dir ...]'
n="*$1*"; shift; find . "$@" -name "$n"
# Aliases.
unalias -a
alias 644='chmod 644' # cannot be a function (invalid identifier)
alias 755='chmod 755' # cannot be a function (invalid identifier)
# Completions.
complete -d cd
complete -c man
complete -v unset
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