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Created December 15, 2012 14:35
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startSimplize 字串


# startSimplize "x+y+2*3+2x+x^2+y^2";;
- : string = "x^2+3x+y^2+y+6"
type bitree = Leaf of int array | Node of string * bitree * bitree | Empty
exception Oops
exception WrongType
(*Julia's code*)
let left = function Node (x, y, z) -> y
let right = function Node (x, y, z) -> z
(* let getVal a = match a with
Node (x, y, z) -> x
| Leaf (w) -> w *)
let getType a = match a with
"+" -> "operator"
| "-" -> "operator"
| "*" -> "operator"
| "/" -> "operator"
| "^" -> "power"
| "(" -> "parenthese"
| ")" -> "parenthese"
| _ -> try if int_of_string a = 123 then "number"
else "number" with Failure "int_of_string" -> "variable" (* include both single variable ex. x, y AND compound variable ex. x^2, y^3 *)
let explode s =
let rec exp i l t c =
if i < 0 then
if t = "" then l
else if c = true then t::l
else t :: "*" :: l
else if (Char.escaped s.[i]) = " " then exp (i - 1) l t c
else if getType (Char.escaped s.[i]) = "operator" then
if t = "" then exp (i - 1) ((Char.escaped s.[i]) :: l) "" true
else if c = true then exp (i - 1) ((Char.escaped s.[i]) :: (t :: l)) "" true
else exp (i - 1) ((Char.escaped s.[i]) :: t :: "*" :: l) "" true
else if getType (Char.escaped s.[i]) = "parenthese" then
if (Char.escaped s.[i]) = ")" then
if c = true then
if t = "" then exp (i - 1) ((Char.escaped s.[i]) :: l) "" true
else exp (i - 1) ((Char.escaped s.[i]) :: "*" :: t :: l) "" true
else if t = "" then exp (i - 1) ((Char.escaped s.[i]) :: "*" :: l) "" true
else exp (i - 1) ( (Char.escaped s.[i]) :: "*" :: t :: "*" :: l ) "" true
else if List.hd l = "(" || List.hd l = ")" then exp (i - 1) ((Char.escaped s.[i]) :: l) "" false (* for "(("或"))"的狀況 *)
else if t != "" then
if c = true then exp (i - 1) ( (Char.escaped s.[i]) :: t :: l ) "" false
else exp (i - 1) ( (Char.escaped s.[i]) :: t :: "*" :: l ) "" false
else exp (i - 1) ((Char.escaped s.[i]) :: l) "" false
else if getType (Char.escaped s.[i]) = "variable" then
if c = true then
if t = "" then exp (i - 1) ((Char.escaped s.[i]) :: l) "" false
else exp (i - 1) ((Char.escaped s.[i]) :: "*" :: t :: l) "" false
else if t = "" then exp (i - 1) ((Char.escaped s.[i]) :: "*" :: l) "" false
else exp (i - 1) ( (Char.escaped s.[i]) :: "*" :: t :: "*" :: l ) "" false
else if getType (Char.escaped s.[i]) = "power" then
if c = true then
if t = "" then exp (i - 2) ( ( (Char.escaped s.[i-1])^(Char.escaped s.[i])^(Char.escaped s.[i+1]) ) :: (List.rev ( (List.rev l))) ) "" false
else exp (i - 2) ( ( (Char.escaped s.[i-1])^(Char.escaped s.[i])^t ) :: l ) "" false
else if t = "" then exp (i - 2) ( ( (Char.escaped s.[i-1])^(Char.escaped s.[i])^(Char.escaped s.[i+1]) ) :: (List.rev ( (List.rev l))) ) "" false
else exp (i - 2) ( ( (Char.escaped s.[i-1])^(Char.escaped s.[i])^t ):: "*" :: l ) "" false
else exp (i - 1) l ((Char.escaped s.[i])^t) c in
exp (String.length s - 1) [] "" true
(* 遇到+、-時考慮有沒有被壓在下面且沒有用括號隔開的*、/,有則移到result的stack *)
let rec s1ToPlusOrMinus s =
if s = [] then []
else match (List.hd s) with
"+" -> s
| "-" -> s
| ")" -> s
| _ -> s1ToPlusOrMinus ( s)
let resultToPlusOrMinus inputS1 inputResult =
let rec resultToPlusOrMinusDetail (s:string list) (result:string list) =
if s = [] then result
else match (List.hd s) with
"+" -> result
| "-" -> result
| ")" -> result
| _ -> resultToPlusOrMinusDetail ( s) ((List.hd s)::result) in
(resultToPlusOrMinusDetail inputS1 [])@inputResult
(* ******************************************************************* *)
(* 遇到右括號直接放入stack,但遇到左括號的時候,要將operator stack(s1)中,在右括號之前的東西都pop出來 *)
let rec s1ToLeftParenthesis s =
if s = [] then []
else match (List.hd s) with
")" -> s
| _ -> s1ToLeftParenthesis ( s)
let resultToLeftParenthesis inputS1 inputResult =
let rec resultToLeftParenthesisDetail (s:string list) (result:string list) =
if s = [] then result
else match (List.hd s) with
")" -> result
| _ -> resultToLeftParenthesisDetail ( s) ((List.hd s)::result) in
(resultToLeftParenthesisDetail inputS1 [])@inputResult
(* **************************************************************************************** *)
(* 主要function,revstr為使用者輸入的字串轉為string list後reverse後的結果;s1為operator(暫存);result為最後要輸出的結果 *)
(* stack遇到*/)時直接放入s1,遇到+-時要考慮是不是有在s1中的*/被壓在下面,遇到(時要將)之前的operator pop出來 *)
let rec infixToPrefixDetail (revstr:string list) (s1:string list) (result:string list) =
match revstr with
[] -> (List.rev s1)@result
| x::y -> if x = "*" || x = "/" || x = ")" then infixToPrefixDetail y (x::s1) result
else if x = "+" || x = "-" then infixToPrefixDetail y (x::(s1ToPlusOrMinus s1)) (resultToPlusOrMinus s1 result)
else if x = "(" then infixToPrefixDetail y (s1ToLeftParenthesis s1) (resultToLeftParenthesis s1 result)
else infixToPrefixDetail y s1 (x::result)
(* 以 infixToPrefix "a*(b+c*(d+e))+f" 這樣的方式,可以將infix轉為prefix *)
let infixToPrefix input = infixToPrefixDetail (List.rev (explode input)) [] []
(* ****************************************** *)
(* hw8 start *)
(* let tempVariableIndex = [|"constant";"x";"y"|] *)
(* let tempVariableIndex = Array.of_list (List.rev tempList) *)
let variableIndex variable variableArray =
let rec variableIndexDetail variable index variableArray =
if index >= (Array.length variableArray) then -1
else if variable = variableArray.(index) then index
else variableIndexDetail variable (index+1) variableArray in
variableIndexDetail variable 0 variableArray
exception Oops2
(* convert a variable (x, x^2, etc.) into array ( [|1,1,0|], [|1,2,0|], etc. *)
let convertToLeaf input variableArray =
let tempArray = Array.make (Array.length variableArray) 0 in
(* let convertToLeafDetail input tempArray finished = *)
(* if finished then tempArray *)
if String.contains input '^' then
let indexOfVariable = variableIndex (String.sub input 0 (String.index input '^')) variableArray in
if indexOfVariable != -1 && (Array.set tempArray 0 1) = () && (Array.set tempArray indexOfVariable (int_of_string (String.sub input ((String.index input '^')+1) ((String.length input)-(String.index input '^')-1)))) = () then tempArray
else raise Oops
else if getType input = "variable" && (Array.set tempArray 0 1) = () && (Array.set tempArray (variableIndex input variableArray) 1) = () then tempArray
else if (Array.set tempArray 0 (int_of_string input)) = () then tempArray
else raise Oops
(* convertToLeafDetail input (Array.make (Array.length tempVariableIndex) 0) false *)
(* let addTreeValue aTree a = match a with *)
let rec isLeft aTree = match aTree with
Empty -> true
| Leaf (w) -> false
| Node (x, y ,z) -> isLeft y || isRight y
and isRight aTree = match aTree with
Empty -> true
| Leaf (w) -> false
| Node (x, y ,z) -> isLeft z || isRight z
let rec insertOperator aTree x = match aTree with
Empty -> Node(x, Empty, Empty)
| Node(a, l, r) -> if isLeft aTree then Node(a, (insertOperator l x), r)
else if isRight aTree then Node(a, l, (insertOperator r x))
else raise Oops
| Leaf(a) -> raise Oops
let rec insertNumber aTree x variableArray = match aTree with
Empty -> Leaf( convertToLeaf x variableArray )
| Node(a, l, r) -> if isLeft aTree then Node(a, (insertNumber l x variableArray), r)
else if isRight aTree then Node(a, l, (insertNumber r x variableArray))
else raise Oops
| Leaf(a) -> raise Oops
(* 製造variable list *)
(* 確認這個variable是否已應在variable list裡面了 *)
let rec meetVariableBefore input templist =
match templist with
[] -> false
| a::y -> if a = input then true
else meetVariableBefore input y
(* 確認該variable是否已在variable list中,如果不在則加到variable list並回傳list,若已在其中則直接回傳原本的list *)
let addVariableToList input tempList=
if meetVariableBefore input tempList = false then input::tempList
else tempList
(* 將inputList(在此為使用者輸入後經explode過的東西)中為variable的部份做檢視,若未出現過則加入variable list中,最後回傳新增過後的list *)
let rec makeVariableList inputList tempList =
match inputList with
[] -> tempList
| a::y -> if getType a = "variable" then if String.contains a '^' then makeVariableList y (addVariableToList (String.sub a 0 (String.index a '^')) tempList)
else makeVariableList y (addVariableToList a tempList)
else makeVariableList y tempList
(* 將inputList(在此為使用者輸入後經explode過的東西)中為variable的部份做檢視,若未出現過則加入variable list中,最後回傳新增過後的variable Array *)
let makeVariableArray inputList tempList = (Array.of_list (List.rev (makeVariableList inputList tempList)))
let rec formAbstractTreeDetail aList ansTree variableArray = match aList with
[] -> ansTree
| x::y -> if getType x = "number" || getType x = "variable" then formAbstractTreeDetail y (insertNumber ansTree x variableArray) variableArray
else if getType x = "operator" then formAbstractTreeDetail y (insertOperator ansTree x) variableArray
else raise Oops
let formAbstractTree input = formAbstractTreeDetail (infixToPrefix input) Empty (makeVariableArray (explode input) ["y";"x";"Constant"])
(*Mike's code*)
let newCompare2 i l1 l2 =
if l1.(i) < l2.(i) then 1
else if l1.(i) > l2.(i) then -1
else 0
let newCompare l1 l2 =
if l1.(1) < l2.(1) then 1
else if l1.(1) > l2.(1) then -1
else 0
let rec doSort aList i =
if i = 0 then aList
else doSort (List.sort (newCompare2 i) aList ) (i-1)
let isZeroLeaf l =
match l with
| Leaf (a) -> if a.(0) = 0 then true
else false
| _ -> false
let plusSimpling aTree =
match aTree with
| Node (o, l,r )-> if (isZeroLeaf l) then r
else if (isZeroLeaf r) then l
else Node (o, l, r)
| _ -> raise Oops
let rec plusSimple aTree =
match aTree with
Empty -> raise Oops
| Node(o, l,r ) -> if o = "+" then plusSimpling (Node (o,(plusSimple l),(plusSimple r)) )
else Node (o,(plusSimple l),(plusSimple r))
| Leaf(a) -> Leaf(a)
let multiSimpling aTree =
match aTree with
| Node (o, l,r )-> if (isZeroLeaf l) then l
else if (isZeroLeaf r) then r
else Node (o, l, r)
| _ -> raise Oops
let rec multiSimple aTree =
match aTree with
Empty -> raise Oops
| Node(o, l,r ) -> if o = "*" then multiSimpling (Node (o,(multiSimple l),(multiSimple r)) )
else Node (o,(multiSimple l),(multiSimple r))
| Leaf(a) -> Leaf(a)
(*減法中出現零的話 會將他簡單化 *)
(*使用方式就是 (fun) minusSimple aTree(你想要簡化的樹) *)
let minusSimpling aTree =
match aTree with
| Node (o, l,r )-> if (isZeroLeaf r) then l
else Node (o, l, r)
| _ -> raise Oops
let rec minusSimple aTree =
match aTree with
Empty -> raise Oops
| Node(o, l,r ) -> if o = "-" then minusSimpling (Node (o,(minusSimple l),(minusSimple r)) )
else Node (o,(minusSimple l),(minusSimple r))
| Leaf(a) -> Leaf(a)
let rec getLeaf leaf res i=
if i >= Array.length leaf then res
else leaf.(i)::(getLeaf leaf res (i+1))
let rec equalxy l r i=
if i >= Array.length l then true
else if l.(i) = r.(i) then equalxy l r (i+1)
else false
let rec equalList l r =
match r with
[] -> false
| a::y -> if (equalxy l a 1) then true
else equalList l y
let returnSetArray a i e =
Array.set a i e;
let rec plused res target return i =
if i >= Array.length res then return
else if i = 0 then plused res target (returnSetArray return i (res.(i)+target.(i)) ) (i+1)
else plused res target (returnSetArray return i (res.(i))) (i+1)
let rec plusing2 l r i =
match r with
[] -> raise Oops
| a::y -> if (equalxy l a 1) then (plused l a (Array.create (Array.length l) 0 ) 0 )::y
else a::(plusing2 l y i)
let plusing l r i=
if ( equalList l r ) then (plusing2 l r i)
else l::r
let rec plus l r i =
if l = [] then r
else (plus ( l) (plusing (List.hd l) r i ) i )
(*加法函式庫 結束*)
let rec minused res target return i =
if i >= Array.length res then return
else if i = 0 then minused res target (returnSetArray return i (res.(i)-target.(i)) ) (i+1)
else minused res target (returnSetArray return i (res.(i))) (i+1)
let rec minusing2 l r i =
match l with
[] -> raise Oops
| a::y -> if (equalxy a r 1) then (minused a r (Array.create (Array.length a) 0 ) 0 )::y
else a::(minusing2 y r i)
let minusing l r i=
if ( equalList r l ) then (minusing2 l r i)
else l@( (returnSetArray r 0 (r.(0)*i) )::[] )
let rec minus l r i =
if r = [] then l
else (minus ( minusing l (List.hd r) i ) ( r) i )
(*減法函式庫 結束*)
let rec domulti res target return i =
if i >= Array.length res then return
else if i = 0 then domulti res target (returnSetArray return i (res.(i)*target.(i)) ) (i+1)
else domulti res target (returnSetArray return i (res.(i)+target.(i))) (i+1)
let rec multiing l r =
if r <> [] then (domulti l (List.hd r) (Array.create (Array.length l) 0 ) 0 )::(multiing l ( r))
else []
let rec multi l r res =
if l = [] then res
else (multi ( l ) r (plus (multiing (List.hd l) r ) res 1) )
let rec doSimple aTree =
match aTree with
Empty -> raise Oops
| Leaf (a) -> a::[]
| Node(o, l,r ) -> if o = "+" then (plus (doSimple l) (doSimple r) 1)
else if o = "-" then (minus (doSimple l) (doSimple r) (-1))
else if o = "*" then (multi (doSimple l) (doSimple r) [])
(*else if o = "/" then (divi (doSimple l) (doSimple r) [])*)
else raise Oops
| _ -> raise WrongType
let rec anyVariable a i =
if i >= Array.length a then false
else if a.(i) > 0 then true
else anyVariable a (i+1)
let rec newString aList aArray i result =
if i >= Array.length aArray then result
else if aList.(i) = 0 then newString aList aArray (i+1) result
else if i = 0 then if (aList.(i)=1) && (anyVariable aList 1) then newString aList aArray (i+1) result
else newString aList aArray (i+1) (result^(string_of_int aList.(i)) )
else if aList.(i) = 1 then newString aList aArray (i+1) (result^aArray.(i) )
else newString aList aArray (i+1) (result^aArray.(i)^"^"^(string_of_int aList.(i)) )
let rec output aList aArray i result =
match aList with
[] -> result
| a::y -> if i > 0 && a.(0) > 0 then "+"::(newString a aArray 0 "")::(output y aArray (i+1) result)
else (newString a aArray 0 "")::(output y aArray (i+1) result)
let simplize aTree =
let s = (doSimple ( minusSimple ( plusSimple aTree ) ) ) in
doSort s ((Array.length (List.hd s))-1)
let startSimplize input =
String.concat "" (output (simplize (formAbstractTree input) ) (makeVariableArray (explode input) ["y";"x";"Constant"]) 0 [] )
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