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Created September 27, 2021 19:41
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* Inspired by Viktor Klang's minscalaactors.scala
* Copyright 2014 Viktor Klang
* Copyright 2021 Edoardo Vacchi
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
//JAVA 17
//JAVAC_OPTIONS --enable-preview --release 17
//JAVA_OPTIONS --enable-preview
package io.github.evacchi;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.Function;
import static java.lang.System.out;
public interface Actor {
interface Effect<T> extends Function<Behavior<T>, Behavior<T>> {}
interface Behavior<T> extends Function<T, Effect<T>> {}
interface Address<T> { void tell(T msg); }
static <T> Effect<T> Become(Behavior<T> like) { return old -> like; }
static <T> Effect<T> Stay() { return old -> old; }
static <T> Effect<T> Die() { return Become(msg -> { out.println("Dropping msg [" + msg + "] due to severe case of death."); return Stay(); }); }
record System(Executor executor) {
public <T> Address<T> actorOf(Function<Address<T>, Behavior<T>> initial) {
abstract class AtomicRunnableAddress<T> implements Address<T>, Runnable
{ AtomicInteger on = new AtomicInteger(0); }
var addr = new AtomicRunnableAddress<T>() {
// Our awesome little mailbox, free of blocking and evil
final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<T> mbox = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
Behavior<T> behavior = // Rebindable top of the mailbox, bootstrapped to identity
m -> (m instanceof Address self) ? Become(initial.apply((Address<T>) self)) : Stay();
public void tell(T msg) { mbox.offer(msg); async(); } // Enqueue the message onto the mailbox and try to schedule for execution
// Switch ourselves off, and then see if we should be rescheduled for execution
public void run() {
try { if (on.get() == 1) behavior = behavior.apply((T) mbox.poll()).apply(behavior); } finally { on.set(0); async(); }
// If there's something to process, and we're not already scheduled
void async() {
if (!mbox.isEmpty() && on.compareAndSet(0, 1)) {
// Schedule to run on the Executor and back out on failure
try { executor.execute(this); } catch (Throwable t) { on.set(0); throw t; }
void init() { executor.execute(() -> { behavior = initial.apply(this); async();}); }
addr.init(); // Make the actor self aware by seeding its address to the initial behavior
return addr;
static void main(String... args) {
String choice = args.length >= 1? args[0] : "1";
switch (Integer.parseInt(choice)) {
case 1, default -> new Demo1().run();
case 2 -> new Demo2().closure();
case 3 -> new Demo2().stateful();
case 4 -> new DemoVending().run();
class Demo1 {
void run() {
var actorSystem = new Actor.System(Executors.newCachedThreadPool());
var actor = actorSystem.actorOf(self -> msg -> {
out.println("self: " + self + " got msg " + msg);
return Actor.Die();
class Demo2 {
sealed interface TPong { Address<Ping> sender(); }
static record Ping(Address<TPong> sender) {}
static record Pong(Address<Ping> sender) implements TPong {}
static record DeadlyPong(Address<Ping> sender) implements TPong {}
void closure() {
var actorSystem = new Actor.System(Executors.newCachedThreadPool());
var ponger = actorSystem.actorOf((Address<Ping> self) -> (Ping msg) -> pongerBehavior(self, msg, 0));
var pinger = actorSystem.actorOf((Address<TPong> self) -> (TPong msg) -> pingerBehavior(self, msg));
ponger.tell(new Ping(pinger));
void stateful() {
var actorSystem = new Actor.System(Executors.newCachedThreadPool());
var ponger = actorSystem.actorOf(StatefulPonger::new);
var pinger = actorSystem.actorOf((Address<TPong> self) -> (TPong msg) -> pingerBehavior(self, msg));
ponger.tell(new Ping(pinger));
Effect<Ping> pongerBehavior(Address<Ping> self, Ping msg, int counter) {
return switch (msg) {
case Ping p && counter < 10 -> {
out.println("ping! ➡️");
p.sender().tell(new Pong(self));
yield Become(m -> pongerBehavior(self, m, counter + 1));
case Ping p -> {
out.println("ping! ☠️");
p.sender().tell(new DeadlyPong(self));
yield Die();
Effect<TPong> pingerBehavior(Address<TPong> self, TPong msg) {
return switch (msg) {
case Pong p -> {
out.println("pong! ⬅️");
p.sender().tell(new Ping(self));
yield Stay();
case DeadlyPong p -> {
out.println("pong! 😵");
p.sender().tell(new Ping(self));
yield Die();
class StatefulPonger implements Behavior<Ping> {
Address<Ping> self; int counter = 0;
StatefulPonger(Address<Ping> self) { this.self = self; }
public Effect<Ping> apply(Ping msg) {
return switch (msg) {
case Ping p && counter < 10 -> {
out.println("ping! ➡️");
p.sender().tell(new Pong(self));
yield Stay();
case Ping p -> {
out.println("ping! ☠️");
p.sender().tell(new DeadlyPong(self));
yield Die();
class DemoVending {
sealed interface Vend {}
static record Coin(int amount) implements Vend{
public Coin {
if (amount < 1 && amount > 100)
throw new AssertionError("1 <= amount < 100");
static record Choice(String product) implements Vend{}
void run() {
var actorSystem = new Actor.System(Executors.newCachedThreadPool());
var vendingMachine = actorSystem.actorOf((Address<Vend> self) -> (Vend msg) -> new DemoVending().initial(msg));
vendingMachine.tell(new Coin(50));
vendingMachine.tell(new Coin(40));
vendingMachine.tell(new Coin(30));
vendingMachine.tell(new Choice("Chocolate"));
Effect<Vend> initial(Vend message) {
return switch(message) {
case Coin c -> {
out.println("Received first coin: " + c.amount);
yield Become(m -> waitCoin(m, c.amount()));
default -> Stay(); // ignore message, stay in this state
Effect<Vend> waitCoin(Object message, int counter) {
return switch(message) {
case Coin c && counter + c.amount() < 100 -> {
var count = counter + c.amount();
out.println("Received coin: " + count + " of 100");
yield Become(m -> waitCoin(m, count));
case Coin c -> {
var count = counter + c.amount();
out.println("Received last coin: " + count + " of 100");
var change = counter + c.amount() - 100;
yield Become(m -> vend(m, change));
default -> Stay(); // ignore message, stay in this state
Effect<Vend> vend(Object message, int change) {
return switch(message) {
case Choice c -> {
yield Become(this::initial);
default -> Stay(); // ignore message, stay in this state
void vendProduct(String product) {
out.println("VENDING: " + product);
void releaseChange(int change) {
out.println("CHANGE: " + change);
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You'll need to check the result of the poll for null as here:

Also, if I were to write this today, I'd go with getAndSet(1) == 0 instead of compareAndSet(0,1)

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evacchi commented Sep 30, 2021

in the body of the blog draft I have revised it with the null check :-) -- thx for the suggestion about getandSet() !

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