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Last active May 30, 2018 07:07
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angular2 help

UX tools, colors


Get Child element on component binding

  • The QueryList is initialized only before the ngAfterContentInit lifecycle hook, therefore, is available only from this point.
  • ViewChildren don’t include elements that exist within the ng-content tag.
  • ContentChildren includes only elements that exists within the ng-content tag. contentchildren
  • more here
@ContentChild(KngViewTest) viewTest: KngViewTest;
@ContentChildren(KngViewTest, { descendants: true }) actions: QueryList<KngViewTest>;

Run change detection explicitly after the change:

import { ChangeDetectorRef } from '@angular/core';

constructor(private cdRef:ChangeDetectorRef) {}
  console.log( "! changement de la date du composant !" );
  this.dateNow = new Date();

Route resolver

export const appRoutes: Routes = [{
    resolve:{ loader:LoaderResolve }

// activate route only when loader is ready!
export class LoaderResolve implements Resolve<any> {
  constructor(private $loader: LoaderService) {}
  resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot) {
    return this.$loader.ready();

Audit perf & PWA

async & rxjs

  • pipe data stream to template
  template: `<p>{{data$ | async}}</p>`
export class SomeComponent {
  data$ = this.dataService.getData().pipe(catchError(() => ''));
  constructor(protected dataService: DataService) {}
  • unsubscribe multiple stream
export class MyComponent{
    private ngUnsubscribe: Subject = new Subject();
        private service$: MyService,
    ) { }
    ngOnInit() {
            .subscribe(things => console.log(things));

            .subscribe(things => console.log(things));
    ngOnDestroy() {;


If there is no Internet connection or the server is unavailable, it will redirect the user to an offline page

import { catchOffline } from '@ngx-pwa/offline';
  template: `<p>{{data$ | async}}</p>`
export class SomeComponent {
  data$ = this.dataService.getData().pipe(catchOffline());
  constructor(protected dataService: DataService) {}

Example with JSONP Call (A2)

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { URLSearchParams, Jsonp } from '@angular/http';

export class WikipediaService {
  constructor(private jsonp: Jsonp) {}

  search (term: string) {
    var search = new URLSearchParams()
    search.set('action', 'opensearch');
    search.set('search', term);
    search.set('format', 'json');
    return this.jsonp
                .get('', { search })
                .then((response) => response.json()[1]);
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