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Created June 25, 2021 22:24
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Godot - Drag and drop example in GDScript and C#
* Handle input events on the current slot.
* @param InputEvent @event The input event to handle
* @return void
public override void _GuiInput(InputEvent @event)
// If right click, then equip item
if (@event.IsActionReleased("right_click")) {
var item = this.getItem();
if (item != null) {
var parent = (BagContent) this.GetParent();
// If left click, force drag and drop
if (@event.IsActionReleased("left_click")) {
var item = this.getItem();
if (item != null) {
var preview = this.getDragPreview(item);
this.ForceDrag(item, preview);
* Returns the drag-and-drop preview for an item.
* @return Control | null
public Control getDragPreview(Item item = null)
if (item == null) {
item = this.getItem();
if (item != null) {
var preview = new Control();
var sprite = new Sprite();
return preview;
return null;
* Unsets the current item and starts the drag-and-drop flow.
* @param Vector2 _pos The position clicked
* @return Item The item we want to drag
public override Godot.Object GetDragData(Vector2 position)
var item = this.getItem();
var preview = this.getDragPreview();
return item;
* Checks whether we can drop the item on the current slot.
* If the item is of class Item, then return true. Else return false
* @param Vector2 position The position clicked
* @param Variant data The dropped data
* @return bool True if we can drop the item here, false otherwise
public override bool CanDropData(Vector2 position, object item)
if (item is Item) {
return true;
return false;
* Drop an item on the current slot. If the slot is already occupied, swap them.
* @param Vector2 position The click/drop position
* @param Item item The item to drop
* @return void
public override void DropData(Vector2 position, object item)
if (Input.IsActionPressed("left_click")) {
this.CallDeferred("force_drag", (Item)item, this.getDragPreview((Item)item));
} else {
var oldItem = this.getItem();
if (oldItem == null) {
} else {
this.EmitSignal("swapItem", item);
* Swaps the item currently occupying the slot with another one, and forces drag-and-drop on the current one
* @param Item item The item which to swap with the one currently on the slot
* @return void
public void swapItem(Item item)
var oldItem = this.getItem();
var preview = this.getDragPreview(oldItem);
this.CallDeferred("force_drag", oldItem, preview);
Handle input events on the current slot.
@param InputEvent ev The input event to handle
func _gui_input(ev):
If right click, then equip item
if (ev.is_action_pressed("right_click")):
var item = self.getItem()
if(item != null):
if left click RELEASED, force drag and drop
if (ev.is_action_released("left_click")):
var item = self.getItem()
if (item != null):
var preview = self.getDragPreview(item)
self.call_deferred("force_drag", item, preview)
Returns a new Sprite with an item's icon, so we can se what we are dragging.
@param Item _item The item we need to generate the preview for. If it's null,
get the current item.
@return Control A control node with a Sprite child, containing the preview.
Control is used because the drag preview needs to be a Control node (or a child of Control)
func getDragPreview(item = null):
if (item == null):
item = self.getItem()
if (item != null):
var preview =
var sprite =
return preview
return null
Unsets the current item and starts the drag-and-drop flow.
@param Vector2 _pos The position clicked
@return Item The item we want to drag
func get_drag_data(pos):
var item = self.getItem()
var preview = self.getDragPreview()
return item
Checks whether we can drop the item on the current slot.
If the item is of class Item, then return true. Else return false
@param Vector2 _pos The position clicked
@param Variant _item The dropped data
@return book True if we can drop the item here, false otherwise
func can_drop_data(pos, data):
if (data is Item):
return true
return false
Drop an item on the current slot. If the slot is already occupied, swap them.
@param Vector2 _pos The click/drop position
@param Item _item The item to drop
@return void
func drop_data(_pos, _item):
self.call_deferred("force_drag", _item, self.getDragPreview(_item))
var oldItem = self.getItem()
if (oldItem == null):
emit_signal("swapItem", _item)
Swaps the item currently occupying the slot with another one, and forces drag-and-drop on the current one
@param Item item The item which to swap with the one currently on the slot
@return void
func swapItem(item):
var oldItem = getItem()
var preview = self.getDragPreview(oldItem)
self.force_drag(oldItem, preview)
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