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Created March 14, 2017 15:37
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import json
import math
import random
import yaml
import dominate
from dominate.tags import *
def load_yaml (filename):
with open(filename) as file:
return yaml.load(
def unpack_people (object, number_of_seats):
names = []
preferences = []
people = []
for _ in range(number_of_seats - len(object)):
"name": "[nobody]",
"preferences": []
for index, person in enumerate(object):
for person in object:
for preference in person["preferences"]:
return names, people, preferences
def uniquify_list_of_lists (list_of_lists):
unique = []
for element in list_of_lists:
if tuple(element) not in unique:
return [list(element) for element in unique]
def unpack_seats (object):
seats = []
for seat in object:
seats.append((int(seat[0]), int(seat[1])))
return seats
def generate_seats (number_of_people, rows):
seats = []
columns = math.ceil(number_of_people / rows)
for row in range(rows):
for column in range(columns):
seats.append((column, row))
return seats
def generate_random_population (people, preferences, seats, population_size):
raw = [random.sample(people, len(people)) for _ in range(population_size)]
return [(chromosome, score(chromosome, preferences, seats)) for chromosome in raw]
def get_distance (a, b):
x = a[0] - b[0]
y = a[1] - b[1]
return ((x ** 2) + (y ** 2)) ** (1 / 2)
def score (chromosome, preferences, seats):
score = 0
for preference in preferences:
source = preference[0]
target = preference[1]
strength = preference[2]
distance = get_distance(seats[chromosome[source]], seats[chromosome[target]])
score += strength / distance
return score
def select (population):
total_weight = sum([chromosome[1] for chromosome in population])
value = random.random() * total_weight
for chromosome in population:
value -= chromosome[1]
if value <= 0:
return chromosome
return population[-1]
def select_parents (population):
a = select(population)
b = select([chromosome for chromosome in population if chromosome != a])
return [a, b]
def mutate (chromosome, mutation_rate): # not perfect; sometimes a gene is switched with itself. get_mutation_rate accounts for this flaw
enumerated = list(enumerate(chromosome)) # for random.choice later on
old = chromosome[:]
for index, gene in enumerated:
if random.random() < mutation_rate:
chosen = random.choice(enumerated)[0]
chromosome[index], chromosome[chosen] = chromosome[chosen], chromosome[index]
return chromosome
def create_charts (global_best, population, seats, filename, count):
def make_chart (chromosome, rows, columns):
chart = [[None for _ in range(columns + 1)] for _ in range(rows + 1)] # range is to n - 1
for person, seat in enumerate(chromosome[0]):
name = names[person]
row = seats[seat][1]
column = seats[seat][0]
chart[row][column] = name
return chart
rows = max(seats, key = lambda seat: seat[1])[1] - min(seats, key = lambda seat: seat[1])[1]
columns = max(seats, key = lambda seat: seat[0])[0] - min(seats, key = lambda seat: seat[0])[0]
doc = dominate.document(title = filename)
with doc.head:
table, td, th {
border: 1px solid black;
table {
border-collapse: collapse;
margin-bottom: 8px;
td, th {
padding: 0.5rem;
if len(global_best[0]):
chart = make_chart(global_best, rows, columns)
with doc:
p(" ".join(["after", str(count), "generations: "]))
p("best so far:")
with table():
with tr():
th("score: " + str(global_best[1]))
for row in chart:
with tr():
for name in row:
for chromosome in population:
chart = make_chart(chromosome, rows, columns)
with doc:
with table():
with tr():
th("score: " + str(chromosome[1]))
for row in chart:
with tr():
for name in row:
with open(filename, "w") as file:
def breed (parents, preferences, seats, mutation_rate): #
parent_chromosomes = [parent[0] for parent in parents] # scores aren't needed at this point, though we could potentially weight parents
child_chromosome = []
length = len(parent_chromosomes[0])
adjacency_matrix = {}
for parent_chromosome in parent_chromosomes: # build adjacency matrix
for index, gene in enumerate(parent_chromosome):
if gene not in adjacency_matrix:
adjacency_matrix[gene] = set()
if index > 0:
adjacency_matrix[gene].add(parent_chromosome[index - 1])
if index < length - 1:
adjacency_matrix[gene].add(parent_chromosome[index + 1])
a = random.choice(parent_chromosomes)[0] # first node of a random parent
while True:
if len(child_chromosome) == length:
adjacency_matrix = {index: {gene for gene in adjacent_list if gene != a} for index, adjacent_list in adjacency_matrix.items()} # remove a from neighbor lists
b = None
if len(adjacency_matrix[a]): # b becomes neighbor of a with fewest neighbors in its list
fewest = ([], float("inf"))
for neighbor in adjacency_matrix[a]:
neighbor_matrix_length = len(adjacency_matrix[neighbor])
if neighbor_matrix_length < fewest[1]:
fewest = ([neighbor], neighbor_matrix_length)
elif neighbor_matrix_length == fewest[1]:
b = random.choice(fewest[0])
else: # b becomes a randomly chosen node not in child_chromosome
b = random.choice([gene for gene in parent_chromosomes[0] if gene not in child_chromosome])
a = b
mutated_chromosome = mutate(child_chromosome, mutation_rate)
return (mutated_chromosome, score(mutated_chromosome, preferences, seats))
def generation (population, preferences, seats, mutation_rate):
next_generation = []
while len(next_generation) < len(population):
next_generation.append(breed(select_parents(population), preferences, seats, mutation_rate))
return next_generation
def get_average_fitness (population):
return sum([chromosome[1] for chromosome in population]) / len(population)
def get_most_fit (population, count):
# maximum = max(population, key = lambda chromosome: chromosome[1])
sorted_population = sorted(population, key = lambda chromosome: -chromosome[1])
# un_uniquified = [chromosome for chromosome in population if chromosome[1] == maximum[1]]
# return uniquify_list_of_lists(un_uniquified)
return sorted_population[-count:]
def get_mutation_rate (chromosome_mutation_probability, chromosome_length):
return (1 - ((1 - chromosome_mutation_probability) ** (1 / chromosome_length))) * (chromosome_length / (chromosome_length - 1))
population_size = 100
# population_size = 1
chromosome_mutation_probability = 0.01
number_of_rows = 2
people_yaml = "people.yaml"
out_html = "tables.html"
loaded_people_yaml = load_yaml(people_yaml)
seats = generate_seats(len(loaded_people_yaml), number_of_rows)
names, people, preferences = unpack_people(loaded_people_yaml, len(seats))
mutation_rate = get_mutation_rate(chromosome_mutation_probability, len(people))
population = generate_random_population(people, preferences, seats, population_size)
global_best = ([], float("-inf"))
power = 5
for counter in range(10 ** power):
if not counter % (10 ** (power - 2)):
create_charts(global_best, get_most_fit(population, 10), seats, out_html, counter)
population = generation(population, preferences, seats, mutation_rate)
best = max(population, key = lambda chromosome: chromosome[1])
if best[1] > global_best[1]:
global_best = best
create_charts(global_best, get_most_fit(population, 10), seats, out_html, counter)
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