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Created December 7, 2017 18:28
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Kotlin from the Ground Up
* Files
* temp.kt
* obviously the starting point but a more robust compilation unit than in Java
* can contain bare functions, classes, objects, even properties
* Properties
* we'll start here because every things builds up from this
* *name* : *type*
* var/val
* type inference
* val x = 1
* not for nulls obviously
* lateinit
* see any DAO in javabot
* for injected resources
* use in ORM/ODM entities?
* mild abuse?
* seems “ok” for required fields
* nullability
* var name String? = null vs var name String = “Bob Vance"
* !! operator
* platform types
* sometimes necessary after calls in to java methods
* smart casts
* useful after null checks
* type checks
* foo?.let { it.blah() }
* temp.kt
* functions
* default parameters — temp.kt
* named parameters
* parameter name changes
* binary compat
* source compile errors
* @JvmStatic
* @JvmOverloads
* classes
* com.antwerkz.critter.kotlin.KotlinClass
* single inheritance
* closed by default. to extend/override use open.
* override is a keyword. required.
* abstract
* constructors
* val/var in parameter declarations
* missing means not a field but can be used in init
* init {}
* calling primary
* see com.antwerkz.critter.test.criteria.PersonCriteria:25
* lack of a primary
* javabot.model.Channel
* secondary constructors -- see KibbleImport below
* data — com.antwerkz.kibble.model.KibbleImport
* auto toString(), hashCode(), and equals()
* recommend for all properties to be val
* generated copy()
* each property is a parameter defaulted to
* annotation
* more or less “just” classes
* enum — com.antwerkz.kibble.model.Visibility
* companion object
* com.antwerkz.kibble.model.KibbleAnnotation
* "static methods"
* objects
* singleton
* Comparators
* filters
* anonymous instances
* com.antwerkz.test.SampleKibbleObject
* interfaces
* can have default functions — com.antwerkz.critter.Visible
* no default keyword necessary
* no state
* can declare properties
* implementors must provide a way to get that property
* functions part 2
* varargs — Invoice.kt:44
* vararg keyword not ...
* “spread operator”
* for expanding Lists/arrays in to vararg values
* extension functions
* can’t be overridden on subclasses (static resolution)
* extension properties (below getMethods())
* more of a facade than a real property
* no state
* use existing properties
* String.lastChar
* var StringBuilder.lastChar: Char
* get() = get(length() * 1)
* operators
* to() kotlin.TuplesKt#to
* delegation/composition -- Listogram
* flow control
* when com/antwerkz/bottlerocket/configuration/ConfigurationDocsTest.kt:35
* an expression not a statement (return value)
* can use “constants” like Java or objects (e.g. Sets)
* no break necessary between cases
* multi*match cases
* can be called without parameters (no examples)
* useful for performance when any method calls for cases might be expensive to generate case classes
* for
* form: for x in foo ...
* com/antwerkz/bottlerocket/ReplicaSet.kt:34
* for ( x in 1..100 step 2)
* ranges of anything Comparable
* only for inclusion checks not iterating
* exceptions
* try/catch/finally — com.antwerkz.bottlerocket.ReplicaSet.getPrimary
* treats all exceptions as unchecked
* can be used as an expression
* if (foo) { … } else throw SomeException()
* val foo = try { … } catch(…) { null }
* looping
* while/do*while — same as Java. *yawn*
* collections and streams
* uses standard Java Collections + extension functions
* no need for stream()
* most functions return List<T>
* arrayOf
* src/test/kotlin/com/antwerkz/bottlerocket/configuration/ConfigurationDocsTest.kt#78
* listOf
* com.antwerkz.bottlerocket.MongoExecutable.getClient
* arrayListOf() * com.antwerkz.bottlerocket.MongoCluster.credentials
* mapOf
* com.antwerkz.bottlerocket.ReplicaSet.nodeMap
* map literals. kinda of.
* to — com.antwerkz.bottlerocket.BaseTest.testClusterWrites
* setOf
* hashSetOf
* linkedSetOf
* miscellany
* @JvmStatic
* DSLs
* com.antwerkz.bottlerocket.configuration.ConfigurationTest.Companion.COMPLEX_CONFIG — String example
* com.antwerkz.bottlerocket.configuration.ConfigurationTest.testBuilder — DSL example
* deprecations
* guided — kotlin.replaceAll
* WARNING is default and works as a normal deprecation: there will be warnings at call sites, and the IDE will strike it out,
* ERROR is the same, but a compilation error is reported instead of a warning,
* HIDDEN is what previously was @HiddenDeclaration: it simply makes this declaration invisible to clients at compile time.
* com.antwerkz.bottlerocket.MongoManager
* Alternate targets
* Javascript
* deferred to after 1.0
* Android
* Anko
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