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Last active December 13, 2023 16:06
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Syntax Hints (OCaml -> Elm)
module Hints exposing (..)
import List
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes as A
| OCaml | Elm |
| "hello" ^ name | "hello" ++ name |
| x + 1 | x + 1 |
| x +. 1.0 | x + 1 |
| ~-3 | -3 |
| x <> 0 | x /= 0 |
| [1;2;3] | [1,2,3] |
| OCaml | Elm |
| int | Int |
| string | String |
| 'a list | List a |
| 'a option | Maybe a |
| (int * int) | (Int, Int) |
{- FUNCTIONS -----------------------------------------------
let square (x : int) : int =
x * x
square : Int -> Int
square x =
x * x
{- RECURSIVE FUNCTIONS -------------------------------------
let rec map (func : 'a -> 'b) (list : 'a list) : 'b list =
match list with
| [] -> []
| x::xs -> func x :: map func xs
map : (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
map func list =
case list of
[] -> []
x::xs -> func x :: map func xs
{- TYPE ALIASES --------------------------------------------
type person = { name : string; id : int }
type alias Person = { name : String, id : Int }
{- ADTs ----------------------------------------------------
type color_label =
| Red
| Orange
| Yellow
| Green
| Blue
| Indigo
| Violet
type color =
| Simple of color_label
| RGB of int * int * int
type ColorLabel
= Red
| Orange
| Yellow
| Green
| Blue
| Indigo
| Violet
type Color
= Simple ColorLabel
| RGB Int Int Int
{- More ADTs -----------------------------------------------
type 'a option =
| None
| Some of 'a
type 'a bintree =
| Leaf
| Node of 'a * 'a bintree * 'a bintree
type Maybe a
= Nothing
| Just a
type Tree a
= Leaf
| Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)
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