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Created September 8, 2016 04:58
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import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Html exposing (..)
type Rank = King | Queen | Bishop | Knight | Rook | Pawn
type Color = Black | White
type alias Piece =
{ rank : Rank
, color : Color
type alias Board =
Dict (Int, Int) Piece
view : Board -> Html msg
view board =
div [] ( (viewSquare board) [0..7])
viewRow : Board -> Int -> Html msg
viewRow board row =
div [] ( (viewSquare board row) [0..7])
viewSquare : Board -> Int -> Int -> Html msg
viewSquare board row column =
content =
case Dict.get (row, column) board of
Nothing ->
text ""
Just piece ->
viewPiece piece
[ style
[ ("color", "black")
, ("width", "100px")
, ("height", "100px")
[ content
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