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Created August 19, 2022 19:00
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def get_elevation_profile_of_segment(dataset: rasterio.DatasetReader, coords: list[list]):
Get the elevation profile (distance vs. altitude) of a path segment from the list of coordinates.
dataset: The opened rasterio dataset for the SRTM global topography data.
coords: The path coordinates in [[lon1, lat1], [lon2, lat2], ...] format.
Returns: The distance (in miles) and elevation (in feet) vectors.
# coordinates are [lon, lat], flip for rasterio
coords = [[c[1], c[0]] for c in coords]
# convert meters to feet and use rasterio.sample.sample_gen to query each point
elev = [e[0] * 3.28084 for e in sample_gen(dataset, coords)]
d = [0.0]
for j in range(len(coords) - 1):
# use haversine distance
d.append(d[j] + haversine((coords[j][1], coords[j][0]), (coords[j + 1][1], coords[j + 1][0]), Unit.MILES))
return d, elev
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