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Created July 4, 2022 23:11
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Distance vs. RSSI query for DeWi ETL as of 7-4-2022 (poc_receipts_v2)
with hashes as
(select transaction_hash, actor from transaction_actors where
actor = {{address}}
and actor_role = 'witness'
and block > (select max(height) - {{n_blocks}} from blocks)),
target_transactions as
(select fields, hash from transactions where
(type = 'poc_receipts_v2' or type = 'poc_receipts_v1')
and transactions.hash in (select transaction_hash from hashes)),
metadata as
actor as witness,
fields->'path'->0->>'challengee' as transmitter,
fields->'path'->0->'witnesses' as w,
fields->'path'->0->>'challengee_location' as location_tx from hashes
left join target_transactions on hashes.transaction_hash = target_transactions.hash),
pairs as
(select t -> 'signal' from jsonb_array_elements(w) as x(t) where t->>'gateway' = witness)::int as rssi,
(select t ->> 'location' from jsonb_array_elements(w) as x(t) where t->>'gateway' = witness) as location_rx
from metadata),
results as
ST_DistanceSphere(ST_Centroid(tx.geometry), ST_Centroid(rx.geometry)) as distance_m
from pairs
join locations tx on tx.location = location_tx
join locations rx on rx.location = location_rx)
select * from results where distance_m < 100e3;
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