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Created December 21, 2012 13:24
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Designing and Attacking Port Scan Detection Tools @
* Linux scanlogd v1.0 by Solar Designer. You're allowed to do whatever you
* like with this software (including re-distribution in any form, with or
* without modification), provided that credit is given where it is due, and
* any modified versions are marked as such. There's absolutely no warranty.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <syslog.h>
#include <sys/times.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in_systm.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#if (linux)
#define __BSD_SOURCE
#include <netinet/ip.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
* Port scan detection thresholds: at least COUNT ports need to be scanned
* from the same source, with no longer than DELAY ticks between ports.
* Log flood detection thresholds: temporarily stop logging if more than
* COUNT port scans are detected with no longer than DELAY between them.
* You might want to adjust these for using your tiny append-only log file.
#define SYSLOG_IDENT "scanlogd"
* Keep track of up to LIST_SIZE source addresses, using a hash table of
* HASH_SIZE entries for faster lookups, but limiting hash collisions to
* HASH_MAX source addresses per the same hash value.
#define LIST_SIZE 0x400
#define HASH_LOG 11
#define HASH_SIZE (1 << HASH_LOG)
#define HASH_MAX 0x10
* Packet header as read from a raw TCP socket. In reality, the TCP header
* can be at a different offset; this is just to get the total size right.
struct header {
struct ip ip;
struct tcphdr tcp;
char space[60 - sizeof(struct ip)];
* Information we keep per each source address.
struct host {
struct host *next; /* Next entry with the same hash */
clock_t timestamp; /* Last update time */
time_t start; /* Entry creation time */
struct in_addr saddr, daddr; /* Source and destination addresses */
unsigned short sport; /* Source port, if fixed */
int count; /* Number of ports in the list */
unsigned short ports[SCAN_COUNT_THRESHOLD - 1]; /* List of ports */
unsigned char flags_or; /* TCP flags OR mask */
unsigned char flags_and; /* TCP flags AND mask */
unsigned char ttl; /* TTL, if fixed */
* State information.
struct {
struct host list[LIST_SIZE]; /* List of source addresses */
struct host *hash[HASH_SIZE]; /* Hash: pointers into the list */
int index; /* Oldest entry to be replaced */
} state;
* Convert an IP address into a hash table index.
int hashfunc(struct in_addr addr)
unsigned int value;
int hash;
value = addr.s_addr;
hash = 0;
do {
hash ^= value;
} while ((value >>= HASH_LOG));
return hash & (HASH_SIZE - 1);
* Log this port scan.
void do_log(struct host *info)
char s_saddr[32];
char s_daddr[32 + 8 * SCAN_COUNT_THRESHOLD];
char s_flags[8];
char s_ttl[16];
char s_time[32];
int index, size;
unsigned char mask;
/* Source address and port number, if fixed */
snprintf(s_saddr, sizeof(s_saddr),
info->sport ? "%s:%u" : "%s",
(unsigned int)ntohs(info->sport));
/* Destination address, if fixed */
size = snprintf(s_daddr, sizeof(s_daddr),
info->daddr.s_addr ? "%s ports " : "ports ",
/* Scanned port numbers */
for (index = 0; index < info->count; index++)
size += snprintf(s_daddr + size, sizeof(s_daddr) - size,
"%u, ", (unsigned int)ntohs(info->ports[index]));
/* TCP flags: lowercase letters for "always clear", uppercase for "always
* set", and question marks for "sometimes set". */
for (index = 0; index < 6; index++) {
mask = 1 << index;
if ((info->flags_or & mask) == (info->flags_and & mask)) {
s_flags[index] = "fsrpau"[index];
if (info->flags_or & mask)
s_flags[index] = toupper(s_flags[index]);
} else
s_flags[index] = '?';
s_flags[index] = 0;
/* TTL, if fixed */
snprintf(s_ttl, sizeof(s_ttl), info->ttl ? ", TTL %u" : "",
(unsigned int)info->ttl);
/* Scan start time */
strftime(s_time, sizeof(s_time), "%X", localtime(&info->start));
/* Log it all */
"From %s to %s..., flags %s%s, started at %s",
s_saddr, s_daddr, s_flags, s_ttl, s_time);
* Log this port scan unless we're being flooded.
void safe_log(struct host *info)
static clock_t last = 0;
static int count = 0;
clock_t now;
now = info->timestamp;
if (now - last > LOG_DELAY_THRESHOLD || now < last) count = 0;
if (++count <= LOG_COUNT_THRESHOLD + 1) last = now;
if (count <= LOG_COUNT_THRESHOLD) {
} else if (count == LOG_COUNT_THRESHOLD + 1) {
syslog(SYSLOG_LEVEL, "More possible port scans follow.\n");
* Process a TCP packet.
void process_packet(struct header *packet, int size)
struct ip *ip;
struct tcphdr *tcp;
struct in_addr addr;
unsigned short port;
unsigned char flags;
struct tms buf;
clock_t now;
struct host *current, *last, **head;
int hash, index, count;
/* Get the IP and TCP headers */
ip = &packet->ip;
tcp = (struct tcphdr *)((char *)packet + ((int)ip->ip_hl << 2));
/* Sanity check */
if ((char *)tcp + sizeof(struct tcphdr) > (char *)packet + size)
/* Get the source address, destination port, and TCP flags */
addr = ip->ip_src;
port = tcp->th_dport;
flags = tcp->th_flags;
/* We're using IP address for a special purpose here, so don't let
* them spoof us. */
if (!addr.s_addr) return;
/* Use times(2) here not to depend on someone setting the time while we're
* running; we need to be careful with possible return value overflows. */
now = times(&buf);
/* Do we know this source address already? */
count = 0;
last = NULL;
if ((current = *(head = &state.hash[hash = hashfunc(addr)])))
do {
if (current->saddr.s_addr == addr.s_addr) break;
if (current->next) last = current;
} while ((current = current->next));
/* We know this address, and the entry isn't too old. Update it. */
if (current)
if (now - current->timestamp <= SCAN_DELAY_THRESHOLD &&
now >= current->timestamp) {
/* Just update the TCP flags if we've seen this port already */
for (index = 0; index < current->count; index++)
if (current->ports[index] == port) {
current->flags_or |= flags;
current->flags_and &= flags;
/* ACK to a new port? This could be an outgoing connection. */
if (flags & TH_ACK) return;
/* Packet to a new port, and not ACK: update the timestamp */
current->timestamp = now;
/* Logged this scan already? Then leave. */
if (current->count == SCAN_COUNT_THRESHOLD) return;
/* Update the TCP flags */
current->flags_or |= flags;
current->flags_and &= flags;
/* Zero out the destination address, source port and TTL if not fixed. */
if (current->daddr.s_addr != ip->ip_dst.s_addr)
current->daddr.s_addr = 0;
if (current->sport != tcp->th_sport)
current->sport = 0;
if (current->ttl != ip->ip_ttl)
current->ttl = 0;
/* Got enough destination ports to decide that this is a scan? Then log it. */
if (current->count == SCAN_COUNT_THRESHOLD - 1) {
/* Remember the new port */
current->ports[current->count++] = port;
/* We know this address, but the entry is outdated. Mark it unused, and
* remove from the hash table. We'll allocate a new entry instead since
* this one might get re-used too soon. */
if (current) {
current->saddr.s_addr = 0;
if (last)
last->next = last->next->next;
else if (*head)
*head = (*head)->next;
last = NULL;
/* We don't need an ACK from a new source address */
if (flags & TH_ACK) return;
/* Got too many source addresses with the same hash value? Then remove the
* oldest one from the hash table, so that they can't take too much of our
* CPU time even with carefully chosen spoofed IP addresses. */
if (count >= HASH_MAX && last) last->next = NULL;
/* We're going to re-use the oldest list entry, so remove it from the hash
* table first (if it is really already in use, and isn't removed from the
* hash table already because of the HASH_MAX check above). */
/* First, find it */
if (state.list[state.index].saddr.s_addr)
head = &state.hash[hashfunc(state.list[state.index].saddr)];
head = &last;
last = NULL;
if ((current = *head))
do {
if (current == &state.list[state.index]) break;
last = current;
} while ((current = current->next));
/* Then, remove it */
if (current) {
if (last)
last->next = last->next->next;
else if (*head)
*head = (*head)->next;
/* Get our list entry */
current = &state.list[state.index++];
if (state.index >= LIST_SIZE) state.index = 0;
/* Link it into the hash table */
head = &state.hash[hash];
current->next = *head;
*head = current;
/* And fill in the fields */
current->timestamp = now;
current->start = time(NULL);
current->saddr = addr;
current->daddr = ip->ip_dst;
current->sport = tcp->th_sport;
current->count = 1;
current->ports[0] = port;
current->flags_or = current->flags_and = flags;
current->ttl = ip->ip_ttl;
* Hmm, what could this be?
int main()
int raw, size;
struct header packet;
/* Get a raw socket. We could drop root right after that. */
if ((raw = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_TCP)) < 0) {
return 1;
/* Become a daemon */
switch (fork()) {
case -1:
return 1;
case 0:
return 0;
signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);
/* Initialize the state. All source IP addresses are set to, which
* means the list entries aren't in use yet. */
memset(&state, 0, sizeof(state));
/* Huh? */
/* Let's start */
while (1)
if ((size = read(raw, &packet, sizeof(packet))) >= sizeof(packet.ip))
process_packet(&packet, size);
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