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def create_tag_frequencies(self, dataframe):
"""Produces a PySpark dataframe containing a column representing the total frequency of the tags by record.
The frequency of tags is determined by their proportion of the total number of tags in the dataframe.
:param dataframe: the PySpark dataframe
:returns: the PySpark dataframe containing the tag frequency field and all fields in the supplied dataframe
df_tags = dataframe.selectExpr("tag1 AS tag").union(dataframe.selectExpr("tag2 AS tag")).union(dataframe.selectExpr("tag3 AS tag")) \
.union(dataframe.selectExpr("tag4 AS tag")).union(dataframe.selectExpr("tag5 AS tag"))
df_tags =["tag"])
tags_total_count = df_tags.count()
print("Total number of tags used, including duplicates:",tags_total_count)
df_tag_freq = df_tags.groupBy("tag").count().orderBy(desc("count"))
df_tag_freq = df_tag_freq.withColumn("frequency", col("count")/tags_total_count)
def one_hot_encode_top_n_tags(dataframe,n):
"""Produces a PySpark dataframe containing columns indicating whether each of the top n tags are present.
:param dataframe: the PySpark dataframe
:param n: the number of the top ranked tags to return as tag fields
:returns: the PySpark dataframe containing the top n tag fields and all fields in the supplied dataframe
top_n = [t.tag for t in df_tag_freq.orderBy(desc("frequency")).select("tag").limit(n).collect()]
for tag in top_n:
# replace tag name ".net" with "dotnet", for example, to avoid problems with periods in tag names
tag_column_name = ("tag_"+tag).replace(".","dot")
dataframe = dataframe.withColumn(tag_column_name, array_contains(dataframe.tags_split, tag).cast("int"))
return dataframe
dataframe = one_hot_encode_top_n_tags(dataframe,20)
tag_columns = [col for col in dataframe.columns if col.startswith('tag')]
print("Tag-related columns"),False)
for n in range(1,6):
dataframe = self.sqlContext.sql("SELECT df.*, df_tag_freq.frequency AS frequency_tag{} FROM df LEFT JOIN df_tag_freq ON df.tag{} = df_tag_freq.tag".format(n,n))
dataframe ={"frequency_tag{}".format(n): 0})
dataframe = dataframe.withColumn("frequency_sum", col("frequency_tag1")+col("frequency_tag2")+col("frequency_tag3")+col("frequency_tag4")+col("frequency_tag5"))
# Remove temporary columns
dataframe =[c for c in dataframe.columns if c not in {"tags_split","tag1","tag2","tag3","tag4","tag5","frequency_tag1","frequency_tag2", \
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