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Last active December 10, 2015 18:09
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Durandal module declarations for Typescript
/// <reference path="../../libs/jquery/jquery.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../libs/knockout/knockout.d.ts" />
declare module "durandal/system" {
export var getModuleId: (obj: any) => string;
export var debug: (debug?: bool) => bool;
export var isArray: (obj: any) => bool;
export var log: (...msgs: any[]) => void;
export var defer: (action?: Function) => JQueryDeferred;
export var guid: () => string;
export var acquire: (...modules: string[]) => JQueryPromise;
declare module "durandal/app" {
export var showModal: (obj, activationData?, context?) => JQueryPromise;
export var showMessage: (message: string, title?: string, options?: any) => JQueryPromise;
export var start: () => JQueryPromise;
export var setRoot: (root: any, transition: string, applicationHost: string) => void;
export var adaptToDevice: () => void;
export var on: (events: string, callback: Function, context?) => any;
export var off: (events: string, callback: Function, context?) => any;
export var trigger: (events: string, ...args: any[]) => any;
export var proxy: (events) => Function;
declare module "durandal/composition" {
export var activateDuringComposition: bool;
export var convertTransitionToModuleId: (name: string) => string;
export var defaultTransitionName: string;
export var switchContent: (parent: HTMLElement, newChild: HTMLElement, settings: any) => void;
export var bindAndShow: (element: HTMLElement, view: HTMLElement, settings: any) => void;
export var defaultStrategy: (settings: any) => JQueryPromise;
export var getSettings: (valueAccessor: any) => any;
export var executeStrategy: (element: HTMLElement, settings: any) => void;
export var inject: (element: HTMLElement, settings: any) => void;
export var compose: (element: HTMLElement, settings: any, bindingContext: any) => void;
declare module "durandal/http" {
export var defaultJSONPCallbackParam: string;
export var get: (url: string, query: Object) => JQueryPromise;
export var jsonp: (url: string, query: Object, callbackParam: string) => JQueryPromise;
export var post: (url: string, data: Object) => JQueryPromise;
declare module "durandal/modalDialog" {
export var currentZIndex: number;
export var getNextZIndex: () => number;
export var isModalOpen: () => bool;
export var getContext: (name: string) => any;
export var addContext: (name: string, modalContext: any) => JQueryPromise;
export var createCompositionSettings: (obj: any, modalContext: any) => any;
export var show: (obj: any, activationData: any, context: any) => JQueryPromise;
declare module "durandal/viewEngine" {
export var viewExtension: string;
export var viewPlugin: string;
export var isViewUrl: (url: string) => bool;
export var convertViewUrlToViewId: (url: string) => string;
export var convertViewIdToRequirePath: (viewId: string) => string;
export var parseMarkup: (markup: string) => HTMLElement;
export var createView: (viewId: string) => JQueryPromise;
declare module "durandal/viewLocator" {
export var useConvention: (modulesPath?: string, viewsPath?: string, areasPath?: string) => string;
export var locateViewForObject: (obj: {}, elementsToSearch: HTMLElement[]) => JQueryPromise;
export var convertModuleIdToViewId: (moduleId: string) => string;
export var determineFallbackViewId: (obj: any) => string;
export var translateViewIdToArea: (viewId: string, area?: string) => string;
export var locateView: (viewOrUrlOrId: any, area: string, elementsToSearch: HTMLElement[]) => JQueryPromise;
declare module "durandal/viewModel" {
export var interpretResponse: (value: any) => bool;
export var activator: {
(): IViewModelActiveItem;
(initialActiveItem: any, settings?: IViewModelDefaults): IViewModelActiveItem;
declare module "durandal/viewModelBinder" {
export var bindContext: (bindingContext: KnockoutBindingContext, view: HTMLElement, obj: any) => void;
export var bind: (obj: any, view: HTMLElement) => void;
interface IViewModelDefaults {
areSameItem(currentItem, newItem, activationData): bool;
closeOnDeactivate: bool;
interpretResponse(value: any): bool;
beforeActivate(newItem: any): any;
afterDeactivate(): any;
interface IViewModelActiveItem {
(val?): any;
settings: IViewModelDefaults;
isActivating(val?: bool): bool;
canDeactivateItem(item, close): JQueryPromise;
deactivateItem(item, close): JQueryDeferred;
canActivateItem(newItem, activationData): JQueryPromise;
activateItem(newItem, activationData): JQueryPromise;
canActivate(): JQueryPromise;
activate(): JQueryPromise;
canDeactivate(): JQueryPromise;
deactivate(): JQueryDeferred;
includeIn(includeIn: any): JQueryPromise;
forItems(items): IViewModelActiveItem;
interface routeInfo {
url: string;
moduleId: string;
name: string;
visible: bool;
declare module "durandal/plugins/router" {
export var ready: KnockoutObservableBool;
export var allRoutes: KnockoutObservableArray;
export var visibleRoutes: KnockoutObservableArray;
export var isNavigating: KnockoutObservableBool;
export var activeItem: IViewModelActiveItem;
export var afterCompose: () => void;
export var navigateBack: () => void;
export var navigateTo: (url: string) => void;
export var convertRouteToName: (route: string) => string;
export var convertRouteToModuleId: (url: string) => string;
export var autoConvertRouteToModuleId: (url: string) => string;
export var prepareRouteInfo: (info: routeInfo) => void;
export var mapAuto: (path?: string) => void;
export var mapNav: (url: string, moduleId: string, name: string) => routeInfo;
export var mapRoute: (url: string, moduleId: string, name: string, visible: bool) => routeInfo;
export var map: (routeOrRouteArray: string) => void;
export var map: (routeOrRouteArray: string[]) => void;
export var activate: (defaultRoute: string) => JQueryPromise;
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durandal/app is missing 'title'property in here...

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