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Last active September 8, 2018 16:19
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Hack to log when a React component gets rendered

Set localStorage.debug = 'react'.

Make sure you install this before calling ReactDOM.render()

import React from 'react'
import monkeyPatch from './monkeyPatch'
// ... include your normal ReactDOM.render()
import Debug from 'debug'
const debug = Debug('react')
const IGNORE_KEYS = new Set([
const IGNORE_HOCS = new Set([
export default function (React, options = {}) {
const hocs = options.hocs
? options.hocs
const originalCreateElement = React.createElement
React.createElement = (type, ...args) => {
if (!type || type.__isMonkeyPatched) {
return originalCreateElement(type, ...args)
const name = type.displayName ||
// Ignore our common HOCs
if (name) {
for (const hoc of hocs) {
if (name.startsWith(`${hoc}(`)) {
return originalCreateElement(type, ...args)
if (type.prototype && type.prototype.render) {
type.__isMonkeyPatched = true
const render = type.prototype.render
const name = type.displayName ||
type.prototype.render = function(...args) {
const props = this.props
const state = this.state
debug('render: %s', name, {props, state, args})
return, ...args)
} else {
const name = type.displayName ||
if (name) {
type.__isMonkeyPatched = true
// Wrap in an object so Function#name can be inferred and be the same
// as the Component that we are wrapping.
const obj = {
[name]: function(...args) {
const props = args.length
? args[0]
: undefined
debug('render: %s', name, {props, args})
return type(...args)
obj[name].__isMonkeyPatched = true
for (const key of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(type)) {
if (IGNORE_KEYS.has(key)) continue
if (!obj[name][key]) {
obj[name][key] = type[key]
return originalCreateElement(obj[name], ...args)
return originalCreateElement(type, ...args)
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