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Created January 1, 2015 00:43
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tempo template for lighter gen_server + with lager integration
(tempo-define-template "gen-server"
'((erlang-skel-include erlang-skel-small-header)
"-behaviour(gen_server)." n n
"%% API" n
"-export([start_link/0])." n n
"%% gen_server callbacks" n
"-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, "
"handle_info/2," n>
"terminate/2, code_change/3])." n n
"-define(SERVER, ?MODULE)." n n
"-record(state, {})." n n
(erlang-skel-double-separator-start 3)
"%%% API" n
(erlang-skel-double-separator-end 3) n
"start_link() ->" n>
"gen_server:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, [], [])." n
(erlang-skel-double-separator-start 3)
"%%% gen_server callbacks" n
(erlang-skel-double-separator-end 3)
"init([]) ->" n>
"{ok, #state{}}." n
"handle_call(_Request, _From, State) ->" n>
"lager:warning(\"~p ~p got unexpected call ~p from ~p\"," n>
"[?MODULE, self(), _Request, _From])," n>
"Reply = ok," n>
"{reply, Reply, State}." n
"handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->" n>
"lager:warning(\"~p ~p got unexpected cast ~p\"," n>
"[?MODULE, self(), _Msg])," n>
"{noreply, State}." n
"handle_info(_Info, State) ->" n>
"lager:warning(\"~p ~p got unexpected message ~p\"," n>
"[?MODULE, self(), _Info])," n>
"{noreply, State}." n
"terminate(_Reason, _State) ->" n>
"ok." n
"code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->" n>
"{ok, State}." n
(erlang-skel-double-separator-start 3)
"%%% Internal functions" n
(erlang-skel-double-separator-end 3)
"*The template of a generic server.
Please see the function `tempo-define-template'.")
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