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Last active March 30, 2017 16:35
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from collections import Counter
import re
import glob
class ConllEntry:
def __init__(self, id, form, pos, cpos, parent_id=None, relation=None): = id
self.form = form
self.norm = normalize(form)
self.cpos = cpos.upper()
self.pos = pos.upper()
self.parent_id = parent_id
self.relation = relation
# Added so that write_conll accepts these.
self.pred_parent_id = parent_id
self.pred_relation = relation
class ParseForest:
def __init__(self, sentence):
self.roots = list(sentence)
for root in self.roots:
root.children = []
root.scores = None
root.parent = None
root.pred_parent_id = 0 # None
root.pred_relation = 'rroot' # None
root.vecs = None
root.lstms = None
def __len__(self):
return len(self.roots)
def Attach(self, parent_index, child_index):
parent = self.roots[parent_index]
child = self.roots[child_index]
child.pred_parent_id =
del self.roots[child_index]
def isProj(sentence):
forest = ParseForest(sentence)
unassigned = { sum([1 for pentry in sentence if pentry.parent_id ==]) for entry in sentence}
for _ in xrange(len(sentence)):
for i in xrange(len(forest.roots) - 1):
if forest.roots[i].parent_id == forest.roots[i+1].id and unassigned[forest.roots[i].id] == 0:
forest.Attach(i+1, i)
if forest.roots[i+1].parent_id == forest.roots[i].id and unassigned[forest.roots[i+1].id] == 0:
forest.Attach(i, i+1)
return len(forest.roots) == 1
def vocab(conll_path):
wordsCount = Counter()
posCount = Counter()
relCount = Counter()
with open(conll_path, 'r') as conllFP:
for sentence in read_conll(conllFP, True):
wordsCount.update([node.norm for node in sentence])
posCount.update([node.pos for node in sentence])
relCount.update([node.relation for node in sentence])
return (wordsCount, {w: i for i, w in enumerate(wordsCount.keys())}, posCount.keys(), relCount.keys())
def read_conll(fh, proj):
root = ConllEntry(0, '*root*', 'ROOT-POS', 'ROOT-CPOS', 0, 'rroot')
tokens = [root]
for line in fh:
tok = line.strip().split()
if not tok:
if len(tokens)>1:
if not proj or isProj(tokens):
yield tokens
print 'Non-projective sentence dropped'
tokens = [root]
id = 0
tokens.append(ConllEntry(int(tok[0]), tok[1], tok[3], tok[4], int(tok[6]) if tok[6] != '_' else -1, tok[7]))
if len(tokens) > 1:
yield tokens
def write_conll(fn, conll_gen):
with open(fn, 'w') as fh:
for sentence in conll_gen:
for entry in sentence[1:]:
fh.write('\t'.join([str(, entry.form, '_', entry.pos, entry.cpos, '_', str(entry.pred_parent_id), entry.pred_relation, '_', '_']))
# ---------------------------
# CONLL-U format:
# 0 ID: Word index, integer starting at 1 for each new sentence; may be a range for tokens with multiple words.
# 1 FORM: Word form or punctuation symbol.
# 2 LEMMA: Lemma or stem of word form.
# 3 UPOSTAG: Universal part-of-speech tag drawn from our revised version of the Google universal POS tags.
# 4 XPOSTAG: Language-specific part-of-speech tag; underscore if not available.
# 5 FEATS: List of morphological features from the universal feature inventory or from a defined language-specific extension; underscore if not available.
# 6 HEAD: Head of the current token, which is either a value of ID or zero (0).
# 7 DEPREL: Universal Stanford dependency relation to the HEAD (root iff HEAD = 0) or a defined language-specific subtype of one.
# 8 DEPS: List of secondary dependencies (head-deprel pairs).
# 9 MISC: Any other annotation.
def read_conll_u(filename):
with open(filename) as f:
root = ConllEntry(0, '*root*', 'ROOT-POS', 'ROOT-CPOS', 0, 'rroot')
tokens = [root]
for line in f:
if line.startswith('#'):
# This is just metadata.
elif line == '\n':
yield tokens
tokens = [root]
tok = line.strip().split()
entry = ConllEntry(id = int(tok[0]),
form = tok[1],
pos = tok[3],
cpos = '_',
parent_id = int(tok[6]) if tok[6] != '_' else -1,
relation = tok[7])
def convert_conllu_to_conll(filename):
if filename.endswith('conllu'):
write_conll(fn = filename[:-1],
conll_gen = read_conll_u(filename))
raise ValueErrorError('This does not seem to be a .conllu file!')
def convert_all(dirname):
files = glob.glob(dirname + '/*.conllu')
print "Converting %d files" % len(files)
for filename in files:
# Scoring functionality to get the best epoch
def get_scores(filename):
"Get scores from the evaluation file."
lines = ['labeled_attachment', 'unlabeled_attachment', 'label_accuracy']
with open(filename) as f:
scores = [float(line.split('=')[1][1:-3])
for line, num in zip(f,range(3))]
return dict(zip(lines, scores))
def file_score(filename, key='average'):
"Return the score for a particular evaluation file."
scores = get_scores(filename)
if key == 'average':
return sum(scores.values())/3
elif key in ['labeled_attachment',
return scores[key]
return KeyError('Unknown key, cannot return score.')
def filename_to_num(filename):
"Takes a filename and returns number."
base_name = filename.split('.')[0]
num = base_name.split('_')[-1]
return int(num)
def select_first_file(filenames):
"Return the file with the lowest epoch number."
return min((filename_to_num(fn),fn) for fn in filenames)
def print_best_epoch(filenames, print_score=False, score_type='average'):
"Prints the best epoch number."
scored = {filename: file_score(filename, score_type) for filename in filenames}
max_value = max(scored.values())
max_files = [filename for filename, score in scored.items()
if score == max_value]
best_epoch, filename = select_first_file(max_files)
print "Best epoch:", best_epoch
if print_score:
print "Best score:", max_value
# ----------------------------------------
numberRegex = re.compile("[0-9]+|[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+[0-9,]+");
def normalize(word):
return 'NUM' if numberRegex.match(word) else word.lower()
cposTable = {"PRP$": "PRON", "VBG": "VERB", "VBD": "VERB", "VBN": "VERB", ",": ".", "''": ".", "VBP": "VERB", "WDT": "DET", "JJ": "ADJ", "WP": "PRON", "VBZ": "VERB",
"DT": "DET", "#": ".", "RP": "PRT", "$": ".", "NN": "NOUN", ")": ".", "(": ".", "FW": "X", "POS": "PRT", ".": ".", "TO": "PRT", "PRP": "PRON", "RB": "ADV",
":": ".", "NNS": "NOUN", "NNP": "NOUN", "``": ".", "WRB": "ADV", "CC": "CONJ", "LS": "X", "PDT": "DET", "RBS": "ADV", "RBR": "ADV", "CD": "NUM", "EX": "DET",
"IN": "ADP", "WP$": "PRON", "MD": "VERB", "NNPS": "NOUN", "JJS": "ADJ", "JJR": "ADJ", "SYM": "X", "VB": "VERB", "UH": "X", "ROOT-POS": "ROOT-CPOS",
"-LRB-": ".", "-RRB-": "."}
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