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Last active May 1, 2023 15:07
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User: So, first, let's have a balanced conversation, where your responses are
about as long and complex as my questions.
ChatGPT: Sure, I'm happy to have a balanced conversation with you. Please feel
free to ask any questions, and I'll respond accordingly.
User: Also, I'm aware that you are a large language model, and that you have
limitations because of that, and that you were trained with data up to Sep
2021, so I don't need to be reminded. Just say "I can't do that" or "I don't
know" instead.
ChatGPT: Understood. If there's something I can't answer or do, I'll let you
know. Please go ahead and ask your questions.
User: OK, so I'd like to practice doing user evaluation for computer interface
prototypes on you. I know you can't see images, so I'll do some verbal
prototypes instead. Do you know what a verbal prototype is?
ChatGPT: Yes, I understand what a verbal prototype is. It's a description of a
user interface or a system that relies on spoken or written language rather
than visual elements. This allows for testing and evaluation of ideas without
creating actual visual mockups. I'm ready to help you with your user evaluation
practice using verbal prototypes.
User: Great. So, there's a page on a social network web site. It has a picture
of a woman's face in a square in the upper left corner. Next to the picture is
the name "Noor Al-Nasser". Below the name is the string "@noor78". Below that
is a paragraph of text: "Marketing director at Genco Systems and mom of three.
I love kayaking and hiking. #BlackLivesMatter". Tell me what this page is for.
ChatGPT: This page appears to be a user profile on a social networking website.
The profile belongs to a woman named Noor Al-Nasser. Her profile picture is
displayed along with her username "@noor78". The paragraph of text provides a
brief description of her occupation, family, interests, and a hashtag she
supports. This page is likely used for connecting with other users, sharing
updates, and engaging in online discussions within the social network platform.
User: Great. Underneath the bio is this text: "Friends ✖️ Colleagues ✖️ ➕".
What do you think this indicates?
ChatGPT: This text seems to represent categories or labels for the connections
Noor has on the social network platform. The "Friends" and "Colleagues" labels
are likely groups of people she has added to her network, while the "✖️" might
indicate separation between the categories. The "➕" symbol could be a button or
link to add or create a new category for organizing her connections.
User: Interesting. OK, what if it said Friend ✖️ Colleague ✖️ ➕" instead?
ChatGPT: If it said "Friend ✖️ Colleague ✖️ ➕" instead, it might indicate that
Noor has assigned a single label to each of her connections, either as a
"Friend" or a "Colleague." The "✖️" still separates the two categories, while
the "➕" likely represents a button or link to add a new connection under either
the "Friend" or "Colleague" label.
User: So, let's say you're not Noor. The X and + are active when you mouse over
them. What do you think now?
ChatGPT: In this case, it seems like the "✖️" and "➕" symbols function as
interactive buttons for users who are not Noor. When a user hovers their mouse
over the symbols, they become active. The "✖️" might allow the user to remove
or unfollow Noor from their "Friend" or "Colleague" list, while the "➕" could be
for adding or following Noor under either the "Friend" or "Colleague" category.
This would enable users to manage their connection with Noor on the social
network platform.
User: Awesome. That's what I needed, thank you! Very interesting process.
ChatGPT: You're welcome! I'm glad I could help you with the user evaluation of
the verbal prototype. If you have any more questions or need assistance with
anything else, please feel free to ask. I'm here to help!
User: What I like about this is that by definition you are a very "typical"
ChatGPT: As an AI language model, my primary goal is to understand and generate
human-like text based on the data I've been trained on. While I am not a real
user with personal experiences or preferences, my training data includes a wide
range of perspectives and opinions, which allows me to provide responses that
may resemble those of a "typical" user. This can be helpful when exploring user
perspectives, but keep in mind that I am still an AI and may not fully capture
the nuances of actual human experiences.
User: Oh, I want to try another. Let's say it says "#friend #genco #mktg
[edit]" instead. What do you think this is for?
ChatGPT: In this case, it appears to be a list of hashtags or labels associated
with Noor's profile or a particular post she has made. The hashtags "#friend,"
"#genco," and "#mktg" could represent aspects of her personal or professional
life, such as relationships, her workplace (Genco Systems), and her field
(marketing). The "[edit]" indicates that there might be an option to modify
these hashtags or labels, either for Noor herself or for users with the
appropriate permissions to edit her profile or post.
User: Right, but remember that the user isn't Noor.
ChatGPT: Apologies for the confusion. If the user viewing the text isn't Noor,
then the hashtags "#friend," "#genco," and "#mktg" could represent Noor's
categorization or a way for the viewer to understand Noor's connections and
interests. The "[edit]" option might be inactive or hidden for the non-Noor
user, since they typically wouldn't have the permissions to modify someone
else's profile or post.
User: But it is visible. Why do you think that is? Who created those hash tags
and associated them with Noor's profile?
ChatGPT: If the hashtags are visible and editable by users other than Noor, it
could be that the social network platform allows users to create and assign
hashtags or labels to profiles they are connected with. This feature might help
users organize and categorize their connections based on their own preferences
or understanding. In this case, the viewer might have created the hashtags
"#friend," "#genco," and "#mktg" and associated them with Noor's profile to
help them remember key aspects of their relationship with Noor or her
background. The "[edit]" option allows them to modify these labels as needed.
User: Awesome. So, what do you expect to happen if you click on the word
ChatGPT: Clicking on the "#friend" hashtag would likely lead to a list or a
feed of content related to that specific tag. In the context of Noor's profile,
it might display other users in the viewer's network who are also labeled as
"#friend" or show posts and updates from Noor and other connections with the
same label. This functionality helps users navigate and explore content
associated with particular themes, categories, or interests within the social
network platform.
User: Do you think Noor can see my hashtags when looking at her own profile
ChatGPT: If the hashtags are user-specific and created by individual users to
categorize their connections, it is likely that Noor would not see the hashtags
you assigned to her profile when viewing her own page. In this scenario, the
hashtags you create serve as a personal organizational tool and would only be
visible to you. However, this depends on the specific design and privacy
settings of the social network platform being used.
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