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Last active February 2, 2024 06:48
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#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
#!nix-shell -i ghcid -p ghcid "ghc.withPackages (p: with p; [ linear-base ])"
-- Rough, imperfect re-implementation of this article on using Swift's
-- "typestate" pattern. Haskell fails to replicate some aspects, and exceeds
-- Swift's capabilities in other areas.
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LinearTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoFieldSelectors #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}
module Typestate
( -- * v1
TurnstileState1 (..)
, Turnstile1
, coins1
, init1
, insertCoin1
, push1
-- * v2
, Locked2
, Unlocked2
, Turnstile2
, coins2
, init2
, insertCoin2
, push2
-- * v3
, Locked3
, Unlocked3
, Turnstile3
, coins3
, init3
, insertCoin3
, push3
-- * v4
, Locked4
, Unlocked4
, TurnstileState4
, Turnstile4
, coins4
, init4
, insertCoin4
, push4
, tsInit4
, tsInsertCoin4
, tsPush4
-- * v5 (bonus weird GADT version for fun)
, TurnstileState5 (..)
, Turnstile5
, coins5
, init5
, insertCoin5
, push5
import Prelude.Linear qualified as L
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Int (Int)
data TurnstileState1
= Locked1
| Unlocked1
deriving stock (Eq)
data Turnstile1 = Turnstile1
{ state :: TurnstileState1
, coins :: Int
coins1 :: Turnstile1 -> Int
coins1 turnstile = turnstile.coins
init1 :: Int -> Turnstile1
init1 coins =
{ state = Locked1
, coins
insertCoin1 :: Turnstile1 -> Turnstile1
insertCoin1 turnstile =
if turnstile.state == Locked1 then
{ state = Unlocked1
, coins = turnstile.coins + 1
push1 :: Turnstile1 -> Turnstile1
push1 turnstile = turnstile{ state = Locked1 }
data Locked2
data Unlocked2
data Turnstile2 state = Turnstile2
{ coins :: Int
coins2 :: Turnstile1 -> Int
coins2 turnstile = turnstile.coins
init2 :: Int -> Turnstile2 Locked2
init2 coins = Turnstile2{ coins }
insertCoin2 :: Turnstile2 Locked2 -> Turnstile2 Unlocked2
insertCoin2 turnstile = Turnstile2{ coins = turnstile.coins + 1 }
push2 :: Turnstile2 Unlocked2 -> Turnstile2 Locked2
push2 Turnstile2{ coins } = Turnstile2 { coins }
data Locked3
data Unlocked3
data Turnstile3 state = Turnstile3
{ coins :: L.Int
coins3 :: Turnstile1 -> Int
coins3 turnstile = turnstile.coins
init3 :: L.Int -> Turnstile3 Locked3
init3 coins = Turnstile3{ coins }
insertCoin3 :: Turnstile3 Locked3 %1 -> Turnstile3 Unlocked3
insertCoin3 Turnstile3{ coins } = Turnstile3{ coins = coins L.+ 1 }
push3 :: Turnstile3 Unlocked3 %1 -> Turnstile3 Locked3
push3 Turnstile3{ coins } = Turnstile3 { coins }
data Locked4
data Unlocked4
data TurnstileState4
= TSLocked4 (Turnstile4 Locked4)
| TSUnlocked4 (Turnstile4 Unlocked4)
data Turnstile4 state = Turnstile4
{ coins :: L.Int
coins4 :: Turnstile1 -> Int
coins4 turnstile = turnstile.coins
init4 :: L.Int -> Turnstile4 Locked4
init4 coins = Turnstile4{ coins }
insertCoin4 :: Turnstile4 Locked4 %1 -> Turnstile4 Unlocked4
insertCoin4 Turnstile4{ coins } = Turnstile4{ coins = coins L.+ 1 }
push4 :: Turnstile4 Unlocked4 %1 -> Turnstile4 Locked4
push4 Turnstile4{ coins } = Turnstile4 { coins }
tsInit4 :: L.Int -> TurnstileState4
tsInit4 coins = TSLocked4 (init4 coins)
tsInsertCoin4 :: TurnstileState4 -> TurnstileState4
tsInsertCoin4 = \case
TSLocked4 locked -> TSUnlocked4 (insertCoin4 locked)
TSUnlocked4 unlocked -> TSUnlocked4 unlocked
tsPush4 :: TurnstileState4 -> TurnstileState4
tsPush4 = \case
TSLocked4 locked -> TSLocked4 locked
TSUnlocked4 unlocked -> TSLocked4 (push4 unlocked)
data TurnstileState5
= Locked5
| Unlocked5
type Turnstile5 :: TurnstileState5 -> Type
data Turnstile5 state where
Init5 :: Int -> Turnstile5 Locked5
InsertCoin5 :: Turnstile5 Locked5 %1 -> Turnstile5 Unlocked5
Push5 :: Turnstile5 Unlocked5 %1 -> Turnstile5 Locked5
-- lol
coins5 :: Turnstile5 state -> Int
coins5 = \case
Init5 n -> n
InsertCoin5 prev -> 1 + coins5 prev
Push5 prev -> coins5 prev
init5 :: Int -> Turnstile5 Locked5
init5 = Init5
insertCoin5 :: Turnstile5 Locked5 %1 -> Turnstile5 Unlocked5
insertCoin5 = InsertCoin5
push5 :: Turnstile5 Unlocked5 %1 -> Turnstile5 Locked5
push5 = Push5
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