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Last active June 3, 2017 01:27
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module Foo where
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8
import Data.Attoparsec.Combinator
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Time
import Data.ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Control.Monad
consumer ::
IO ByteString -> -- a source of ByteString input chunks
(UTCTime -> ByteString -> IO ()) -> -- callback to run on each timestamp-body pair, after the first (second) time stamp is found
IO a -- never returns, continues to absorb input until it crashes or is killed
consumer readBytes callback = go0 where
-- initial state, begin parsing
go0 = readBytes >>= go1 . parse chunk
-- keep parsing until you get a timestamp
go1 result = case result of
Done rest (prefix, ts) -> go2 ts (parse chunk rest)
Partial k -> readBytes >>= go1 . k
_ -> error "impossible (go1 failed)"
-- keep parsing until you get a timestamp, then execute
-- callback on old timestamp and everything before next one
-- then repeat
go2 ts result = case result of
Done rest (prefix, ts') -> do
callback ts prefix
go2 ts' (parse chunk rest)
Partial k -> readBytes >>= go2 ts . k
_ -> error "impossible (go2 failed)"
chunk :: Parser (ByteString, UTCTime)
chunk = do
(bs, ts) <- match (skipUntil timestamp)
_ <- timestamp
return (bs,ts)
skipUntil :: Parser a -> Parser a
skipUntil p = (lookAhead p) <|> (anyWord8 >> skipUntil p)
timestamp :: Parser UTCTime
timestamp = do
year <- decimal
char '-'
month <- decimal
char '-'
day <- decimal
case fromGregorianValid year month day of
Nothing -> mzero
Just date -> do
char ' '
hour <- fmap fromInteger decimal
char ':'
minute <- fmap fromInteger decimal
char ':'
seconds <- scientific
let time = 3600 * hour + 60 * minute + seconds
return (UTCTime date (realToFrac time))
munge :: ByteString -> [ByteString]
munge bs = case (BS.take 35 bs, BS.drop 35 bs) of
(x, xs) | BS.null xs -> [x]
| otherwise -> x : munge xs
loadInput :: IO [ByteString]
loadInput = do
input <- BS.readFile "logback.log"
let (x,y) = foldr (\b -> (
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