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Created October 15, 2014 15:53
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download a csv export of a google sheet
(ns atomic-playground.sheets
(:import [ GenericUrl]
[ File]
[ GoogleCredential GoogleCredential$Builder]
[ HttpTransport]
[ Drive Drive$Builder]
[ DriveScopes]
( NetHttpTransport)
( JacksonFactory)
( IOException)))
(def service-account-email "")
(def private-key-path "my.p12")
(def file-id "1ptY45ltvZYNNR8eMpW7MQSKRdoji8V27aZUjyXIkue0")
(defn get-drive-service []
(let [http-transport (NetHttpTransport.)
json-factory (JacksonFactory.)
credential (-> (GoogleCredential$Builder.)
(.setTransport http-transport)
(.setJsonFactory json-factory)
(.setServiceAccountId service-account-email)
(.setServiceAccountScopes [DriveScopes/DRIVE])
(.setServiceAccountPrivateKeyFromP12File ( private-key-path))
(-> (Drive$Builder. http-transport json-factory nil)
(.setHttpRequestInitializer credential)
(.setApplicationName "SomeRandomString")
(defn get-file-object [service]
(-> service (.files) (.get file-id) (.execute)))
(defn download-file [service, file]
(when-let [{link "text/csv"} (.getExportLinks file)]
(when (not= link "")
(try (-> service
(.buildGetRequest (GenericUrl. link))
(line-seq)) (catch IOException e (System/exit -1))
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