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Created November 21, 2016 17:32
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{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
import Test.QuickCheck
import Control.Monad
This defines a "continuous space" I and a continuous function from I to itself.
You can interpret this space as a really low resolution continuous line segment
It consists of 5 "open subspaces":
T = [------------] (the whole space)
L = [--------)
R = (--------]
M = (----)
B = (nothing)
These five spaces come with a partial ordering <=, representing containment
L R '<=' is pointing up
And two "complete lattice" operations called join and meet, which are just the
unions and intersections any collection of subspaces. Also theres an infinite
distributivity law which doesn't matter here.
A mapping of subspaces from B -> A is a homomorphism if it
"preserves meets and joins". You say that the corresponding abstract map from
A -> B is continuous.
This space automatically generates a topological space complete with points
in the following way.
Let S be a functor from the category of locales to the category of topological
spaces. S sends each "open" in I to a set of points in S(I). These points are
the prime filters of I, and point p is in S(x) if x is in p. If f is a
continuous function between locales A and B, S(f) : S(A) -> S(B) is the
(topospace) continuous function that sends points in S(A) to points in S(B)
using the rule S(f)(p) = (f*)^-1(p). Where f* is the corresponding frame
homomorphism from B -> A, and ^-1 is inverse image of a function.
"it is easy to verfy that U is a frame homomorphism A -> P(S(A)), whose image
is therefore a topology on S(A)"
data I = T | L | R | M | B deriving (Eq, Show, Enum, Bounded)
instance Arbitrary I where
arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedEnum
class Eq t => Locale t where
comp :: t -> t -> Maybe Ordering
u :: [t] -> t
n :: [t] -> t
instance Locale I where
comp = table
u xs = foldr f B xs where
f = table
n xs = foldr f T xs where
f = table
gt = Just GT
lt = Just LT
eq = Just EQ
oo = Nothing
lte :: Locale t => t -> t -> Maybe Bool
lte x y = case comp x y of
Just LT -> Just True
Just EQ -> Just True
Just GT -> Just False
Nothing -> Nothing
table :: (Locale t, Enum t) => [[a]] -> t -> t -> a
table tab i j = (tab !! (fromEnum i)) !! fromEnum j
-- this thing is a poset
posetRefl :: Locale t => t -> Bool
posetRefl x = lte x x == Just True
posetEq :: Locale t => t -> t -> Bool
posetEq x y = case liftM2 (&&) (lte x y) (lte y x) of
Just True -> x == y
_ -> True
posetTrans :: Locale t => t -> t -> t -> Bool
posetTrans x y z = case liftM2 (&&) (lte x y) (lte y z) of
Just True -> lte x z == Just True
_ -> True
-- this thing is a locale
distrib :: Locale t => t -> [t] -> Bool
distrib x ys = n [x, (u ys)] == u (map (\y -> n [x, y]) ys)
homU :: (Locale a, Locale b) => (a -> b) -> [a] -> Bool
homU f xs = f (u xs) == u (map f xs)
homN :: (Locale a, Locale b) => (a -> b) -> [a] -> Bool
homN f xs = f (n xs) == n (map f xs)
checkLocale :: forall t . Locale t => t -> IO ()
checkLocale _ = do
quickCheck (posetRefl :: Locale t => I -> Bool)
quickCheck (posetEq :: Locale t => I -> I -> Bool)
quickCheck (posetTrans :: Locale t => I -> I -> I -> Bool)
quickCheck (distrib :: Locale t => I -> [I] -> Bool)
primeFilter :: Locale t => [t] -> [t] -> Bool
primeFilter p xs = if u xs `elem` p
then any (`elem` p) xs
else True
-- here is a frame homomorphism from I to I (also, its an isomorphism)
f :: I -> I
f T = T
f L = R
f R = L
f M = M
f B = B
-- here is a discontinuous function from I to I
g :: I -> I
g T = T
g L = L
g R = L
g M = M
g B = B
-- all 3 points of S(I), the prime filters of I.
points :: [[I]]
points =
[[T,L] -- a
,[T,R] -- b
,[T,L,R,M] -- c
{-- so the topological space S(I) is like
points a b c
with these subsets, one for each open subspace
S : I -> Set
T -> {a b c}
L -> {a c}
R -> {b c}
M -> {c}
B -> {}
(p is in S(x) if x is in p)
Which means we can tell what S(f) would concretely do in S(I):
a -> b
b -> a
c -> c
(S(f)(p) corresponds to (f*)^-1(p), which is guaranteed to be one of the points
because f* is a frame hom.
run = do
checkLocale (undefined :: I)
putStrLn "f homU" >> quickCheck (homU f)
putStrLn "f homN" >> quickCheck (homN f)
putStrLn "g NOT homU" >> quickCheck (expectFailure (homU g))
putStrLn "g NOT homN" >> quickCheck (expectFailure (homU g))
forM_ points $ \p -> do
quickCheck (primeFilter p)
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