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Last active March 26, 2017 16:33
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Purely Functional AVL Tree
module AVLZipper (singleton, empty , fromList , maximum , minimum) where
import Prelude hiding (minimum, maximum)
import Control.Applicative hiding (empty)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Control.Monad.Trans.Identity
import Debug.Trace
data Tree a = Empty
| Node { key :: a, _height :: Int, left::Tree a, right::Tree a }
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Balance = Balanced
| LeftHeavy
| RightHeavy
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Move a = ToLeft a Int (Tree a)
| ToRight a Int (Tree a)
deriving (Show, Eq)
type Path a = [Move a]
type Zipper a = (Tree a, Path a)
type Navigation a = State (Zipper a)
empty :: Tree a
empty = Empty
singleton :: a -> Tree a
singleton a = Node a 1 Empty Empty
height :: Tree a -> Int
height Empty = 0
height (Node _ n _ _) = n
checkBalance :: Tree a -> Balance
checkBalance t | hl - hr > 1 = LeftHeavy
| hr - hl > 1 = RightHeavy
| otherwise = Balanced
where hl = height $ left t
hr = height $ right t
getNode :: Navigation a (Tree a)
getNode = fst <$> get
getPath :: Navigation a [Move a]
getPath = snd <$> get
setNode :: Tree a -> Navigation a ()
setNode node = getPath >>= (\path -> put (node, path))
modifyNode :: (Tree a -> Tree a) -> Navigation a ()
modifyNode f = getNode >>= setNode . f
heightify :: Navigation a ()
heightify = modifyNode (\node -> case node of
Empty -> Empty
(Node k n l r) -> Node k (1 + max (height l) (height r)) l r)
goLeft :: Navigation a ()
goLeft = modify goLeft' where
goLeft' (Node x h l r, mv) = (l, ToLeft x h r : mv)
goLeft' _ = error "Reached Leaf"
goRight :: Navigation a ()
goRight = modify goRight' where
goRight' (Node x h l r, mv) = (r, ToRight x h l : mv)
goRight' _ = error "Reached Leaf"
goBack :: Navigation a ()
goBack = modify goBack' where
goBack' (cur, ToLeft y h sy : rest) = (Node y h cur sy, rest)
goBack' (cur, ToRight y h sy : rest) = (Node y h sy cur, rest)
goBack' _ = error "Reached Root"
goToRoot :: Navigation a () -> Navigation a ()
goToRoot action = do isRoot <- null <$> getPath
unless isRoot (goBack >> goToRoot action)
root :: Navigation a (Tree a)
root = goToRoot (return ()) >> getNode
insert :: Ord a => a -> Navigation a (Tree a)
insert key = do n <- getNode
h <- getPath
case n of
Node x _ _ _
| key == x -> return n
| key < x -> goLeft >> insert key
| otherwise -> goRight >> insert key
Empty -> do setNode (singleton key)
goToRoot (heightify >> rebalance)
goto :: Ord a => a -> Navigation a (Maybe (Tree a))
goto key = do n <- getNode
case n of
Node x _ _ _
| key == x -> return (Just n)
| key < x -> goLeft >> goto key
| otherwise -> goRight >> goto key
Empty -> return Nothing
minimum :: Ord a => Navigation a (Tree a)
minimum = do n <- getNode
if n == Empty || left n == Empty
then return n
else goLeft >> minimum
maximum :: Ord a => Navigation a (Tree a)
maximum = do n <- getNode
if n == Empty || right n == Empty
then return n
else goRight >> maximum
rightRotate :: Ord a => Navigation a ()
rightRotate = do q <- getNode
let p = left q
a = left p
b = right p
c = right q
setNode (Node (key p) (height p) a (Node (key q) (height q) b c))
sequence_ [ goRight, heightify, goBack, heightify ]
leftRotate :: Ord a => Navigation a ()
leftRotate = do p <- getNode
let a = left p
q = right p
b = left q
c = right q
setNode (Node (key q) (height q) (Node (key p) (height p) a b) c)
sequence_ [ goLeft, heightify, goBack, heightify ]
rebalance :: Ord a => Navigation a ()
rebalance = do node <- getNode
case checkBalance node of
Balanced -> return ()
LeftHeavy -> case checkBalance (left node) of
Balanced -> rightRotate
LeftHeavy -> rightRotate
RightHeavy -> do { goLeft; leftRotate; goBack;
heightify; rightRotate }
RightHeavy -> case checkBalance (right node) of
Balanced -> leftRotate
RightHeavy -> leftRotate
LeftHeavy -> do { goRight; rightRotate; goBack;
heightify; leftRotate }
fromList :: Ord a => [a] -> Tree a
fromList xs = fst (execState (mapM_ insert xs) (Empty, []))
navigate :: Navigation a b -> Tree a -> Tree a
navigate nav tree = fst (execState nav (tree, []))
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