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Created September 1, 2014 07:11
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Tutorial 2 CS2104
(* Tutorial 2 : Recursion & Higher-Order Functions *)
OCaml Reading Resources
real world ocaml book:
Q1: Load the naive fibonacci and a print method for a series of fibonacci.
At which method call did the interpreter paused for some time?
Fib(36) to Fib(40)
let rec fib n =
if n<=1
then 1
else (fib (n - 1))+(fib (n - 2));;
let print_fib () =
for i=1 to 40 do
let _ = Printf.printf "Fib(%d) = %d \n" i (fib i) in flush(stdout)
Q2: Load a more efficient version of fib2 below together with its
print method. Take note of which call first has an integer overflow.
let fib2 n =
let rec aux n =
if n<=0 then (1,0)
else let (a,b) = aux(n-1) in (a+b,a)
in fst(aux n);;
let print_fib2 () =
for i = 1 to 60 do
let _ = Printf.printf "Fib(%d) = %d \n" i (fib2 i) in flush(stdout)
#load "nums.cma"
open Num;;
open List;;
Q3: To avoid integer overflow, you can either use the big_int module or
the following num module .
type num =
| Int of int
| Big_int of Big_int.big_int
| Ratio of Ratio.ratio
Rewrite fib3 to use num type so that integer overflow does not occur.
From top-level, first #load "nums.cma";; into memory.
After that, open Num;;
You may need to use:
num_of_int : int -> num
string_of_num : num -> string
+/ : num -> num -> num
Run print_fib3 to get the first 100 fibs.
let fib3 (n:int) : Num.num =
let zero = num_of_int 0 in
let one = num_of_int 1 in
let rec aux n =
if n <=/ zero then (one,zero)
else let (a,b) = aux(n -/ one) in (a +/ b,a)
in fst(aux(num_of_int n));;
let print_fib3 () =
for i = 1 to 100 do
let _ = Printf.printf "Fib(%d) = %s \n" i (Num.string_of_num(fib3 i)) in
Q4: You have been asked to implement a list of factorials.
A naive way of implementing it is given below. The naive
algorithm has O(n^2) complexity.
Can you write a more efficient tupled recursive method to do this
in O(n) time?
To avoid integer overflow, change it to use the num type.
let rec fact n =
if n==0 then 1
else n * (fact (n-1));;
let rec factlist n =
if n==0 then []
else (fact n)::(factlist (n-1));;
let factlist (n:int) : Num.num list =
let one = num_of_int 1 in
let bn = num_of_int n in
let rec aux (xs, m, s) =
if s >/ bn then xs
else aux ((m */ s) :: xs, m */ s, s +/ one)
in aux ([], one, one);;
Q5: The following is a method to find the smallest
value amongst a list of numbers. Re-implement it
using (i) fold_right
(ii) fold_left
let rec fold_right f init xs =
match xs with
| [] -> init
| y::ys -> f y (fold_right f init ys);;
let rec fold_left f init xs =
match xs with
| [] -> init
| y::ys -> fold_left f (f y init) ys ;;
let fold f z xs =
let rec aux xs =
match xs with
| [] -> z
| y::ys -> f y (aux ys)
in aux xs;;
let id = fun x -> x
let fold' f z xs = fold_right f xs z;;
let fold'' f z xs = fold_left (fun g b x -> g (f b x)) id xs z;;
let rec fold'' f z xs =
match xs with
| [] -> z
| (x::ys) -> fold_left f (fold'' f (f x z) ys) ys
let rec minlist xs =
match xs with
| [] -> max_int
| y::ys -> min y (minlist ys);;
let minlist2 (xs: int list) : int = fold_right min xs max_int;;
let minlist3 (xs: int list) : int = fold_left min max_int xs;;
Q6: In class, we mentioned that map and filter
can be implemented in terms of fold.
Show how this may be implemented.
let map2 (f:'a->'b) (xs:'a list) : 'b list =
fold (fun x acc -> f x :: acc) [] xs;;
let filter2 (f:'a->bool) (xs:'a list) : 'a list =
fold (fun x acc -> if f x then x :: acc else acc) [] xs;;
Q7: Given a list of strings, use filter
and List.length to count strings that are smaller
than a certain size. Write your code using the
pipeline |> operator.
let ( |> ) (x:'a) (f:'a->'b) : 'b = f x;;
let count_str_smaller (n:int) (xs:string list) : int =
map2 (String.length) xs
|> filter2 ((>) n)
|> List.length;;
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