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Created June 18, 2014 21:54
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A simple animal game
# An interactive game where the computer can learn to recognize
# more animals!
# Not sure if this is best practice for clarity, but i kept the
# data structure more like data rather than objects with methods
# so the recursion looks cleaner.
# an animal, like a dog or a cat
class Animal:
def __init__(self, animal):
self.animal = animal
self.parent = None
def get_question(self):
return 'is it a '+self.animal+'? (yes/no)\n'
# a trait has 2 groups of animals, group1 and group2
# it also keeps a trait, such as "having wings" which
# all the animals in group1 has and in group2 does not
class Trait:
def __init__(self, trait, group1, group2):
self.trait = trait
self.parent = None
self.group1 = group1
self.group2 = group2
group1.parent = self
group2.parent = self
def get_question(self):
return 'does it have '+self.trait+'? (yes/no)\n'
# basic function on the animal data structure to get user answer
def is_animal(animal):
user_answer = raw_input(animal.get_question())
return (user_answer, animal)
# recursively dive into the right groups, attempting to
# identify the animal the user have in mind
def attempt_identify(trait):
user_answer = raw_input(trait.get_question())
group1, group2 = trait.group1, trait.group2
if user_answer == 'yes':
if isinstance(group1, Animal):
return is_animal(group1)
return attempt_identify(group1)
if isinstance(group2, Animal):
return is_animal(group2)
return attempt_identify(group2)
# initial knowledge of the animals
parrot = Animal("parrot")
mouse = Animal("mouse")
wings = Trait("wings", parrot, mouse)
# root trait node, basically wings though it doesn't have to be
root = wings
# we re-write the tree structure to include the new animal
# along with the right trait so we can recognize it in the future!
# just some basic pointer manipulations to insert the new trait and animals into
# the old tree
def learn(last_animal_attempt, new_animal, new_trait):
# get the old parent trait, we need to change one of its children to the new one
old_parent = last_animal_attempt.parent
# create the new animal
new_animal_node = Animal(new_animal)
# here is the new trait that will distringuish the new animal with
# the last attempted animal that got wrong
new_trait_node = Trait(new_trait, new_animal_node, last_animal_attempt)
# now we change the child of the old parent trait
if old_parent.group1 == last_animal_attempt:
old_parent.group1 = new_trait_node
old_parent.group2 = new_trait_node
# an interactive loop to grow our model
raw_input('press any key to start new game')
print '\n'
print '===========lets play the animal game============='
success, last_animal_attempt = attempt_identify(root)
if success == 'yes':
print 'haha I win! (o^^)o'
prompt_animal = 'fascinating! please tell me what animal is this?\n'
new_animal = raw_input(prompt_animal)
old_animal = last_animal_attempt.animal
prompt_trait = 'tell me a thing that '+new_animal+' has that '+old_animal+' does not \n'
new_trait = raw_input(prompt_trait)
print new_animal, 'has', new_trait,'? you dont say! I\'ll remember that!'
learn(last_animal_attempt, new_animal, new_trait)
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