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Eric Vantillard evantill

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import collection.mutable
import org.specs2.mutable._
class ImplicitiSpec extends Specification {
type Store=Map[String,String]
object Value {
val store = new mutable.HashMap[String,String] with mutable.SynchronizedMap[String,String]
package scalaio
import shapeless._, poly._
object list extends (Id ~> List) {
def apply[T](t : T) = List(t)
object headOption extends (List ~> Option) {
def apply[T](l : List[T]) = l.headOption

Setup Mac OS X

I'm in a hospital in Spain and my MacBook was stolen.

Hospital Commit

Now I bought a new one and need to configure it. I have an external hard drive that backup everything using Time Machine, but I don't want all the crap I had in the old one.

1. Run Software Update