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Evan Tobin evantobin

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evantobin /
Last active January 12, 2025 23:37
bofa affinity card design list


Bank of America affinity cards allow you to get the benefits of the Customized Cash Rewards cards and Preferred Rewards without waiting 24 months between each application. There's tons of these cards out there so I thought I would make a list.

All of the BofA credit card apps use the same URL structure and just a different offer code so changing around the offer code you can uncover the designs. If you find another customized cash card let me know so I can add it and explore the nearby numbers.

You might notice duplicates. Those cards have different offer terms. Like some of the NEA cards give you an Amazon gift card as opposed to a $200 statement credit for the sign up bonus.

| name | applicationUrl | image

evantobin /
Last active March 9, 2023 23:40 — forked from stefanvangastel/
Push all local images to repo
#### Functions ###
display_usage() {
echo "This script must be run with Docker capable privileges!"
echo -e "\nUsage:\n$0 <image> <save_to_file> [retag_name] \n"
echo -e " <image>\t\t\tThe image to pull"
echo -e " <save_to_file>\t\t\tFilename to save the image to"
echo -e " [retag_name]\t\t\t(Optional) new name (tag) for image"
echo -e "\nExample: $0 mysql/mysql-server:latest /mydir/mysql.tar my.private.registry/mysql/mysql-server:latest"
evantobin /
Created August 30, 2017 21:19
How to run gradlew on both Windows CMD, Mac and Linux
(./gradlew || gradlew )
evantobin / docker-compose.yaml
Created June 13, 2017 22:12
docker compose for openstf
image: rethinkdb:2.3
- "8080:8080"
- "28015:28015"
- "29015:29015"
restart: always
- "/srv/rethinkdb:/data"
command: "rethinkdb --bind all --cache-size 2048"