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Created May 13, 2020 14:48
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-- stolen from:
if (count of theSelectionFromBrave()) is greater than 0 then
set str to "tags: #link
" & theTitleFromBrave() & "
> " & theSelectionFromBrave() & "
[" & theTitleFromBrave() & "](" & theCurrentUrlInBrave() & ")"
tell application "Drafts"
make new draft with properties {content:str, tags: {"link"}}
end tell
end if
on theCurrentUrlInBrave()
tell application "Brave Browser" to get the URL of the active tab in the first window
end theCurrentUrlInBrave
on theSelectionFromBrave()
tell application "Brave Browser" to execute front window's active tab javascript "getSelection().toString();"
end theSelectionFromBrave
on theTitleFromBrave()
tell application "Brave Browser" to get the title of the active tab in the first window
end theTitleFromBrave
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