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"presets": [
["env", {
"targets": {
"browsers": ["chrome 85"]
evanw / Cargo.toml
Created April 24, 2018 00:16
Example crazy Rust compile error
name = "multiplayer"
version = "0.0.1"
publish = false
futures = "0.1.18"
hyper = "0.11.17"
tokio-core = "0.1.12"
tokio-signal = "0.1.4"
evanw /
Created April 1, 2018 02:33
Rust's float parser has correctness issues
fn main() {
// Ok(0.000000000...0000000005)
println!("{:?}", "4.9406564584124654e-324".parse::<f64>());
// WTF???
// Err(ParseFloatError { kind: Invalid })
println!("{:?}", "4.94065645841246545e-324".parse::<f64>());
// Ok(0.000000000...0000000005)
println!("{:?}", "4.9406564584124655e-324".parse::<f64>());
evanw / 0_stackify.ts
Last active October 26, 2024 08:37
Example "stackify" algorithm for turning SSA into WASM
// This code demonstrates a simplified "stackification" algorithm to turn
// instructions in a basic block back into a tree. This is useful when
// generating WebAssembly code from assembly instructions in SSA form.
// It's the algorithm used by LLVM's WebAssembly backend, viewable here:
type InsKind =
'Add' |
'LocalSet' |
evanw / FGNode.cpp
Created July 30, 2017 00:16
An optimizer bug with emscripten's WebAssembly backend
#include "FGNode.h"
#include <stdio.h>
bool Node::supportsFillPaintData() const {
return usesGeometryCache(_fields._type);
const PaintData& Node::fillPaintData() const {
const auto* value = _fields._fillPaintData.get();
if (!supportsFillPaintData() || !value) {
This demonstrates a problem I ran into when writing a parser in Rust. It
appears that adding more branches to a match expression causes the function
to consume more stack space. The stack space used in this example isn't too
extreme but in my actual parser, each function call uses around 15kb of stack
space which adds up very quickly. It only takes around 30 nested calls to
use 512kb of stack space, after which a stack overflow crash occurs.
Here's the output of this program on
evanw / .gitmodules
Created March 16, 2016 03:59
Compiler benchmark
[submodule "skew"]
path = skew
url =
[submodule "typescript"]
path = typescript
url =
[submodule "coffeescript"]
path = coffeescript
url =
evanw / Main.hx
Last active November 25, 2015 17:41
class Assert {
public static inline function assert(truth: Bool) {
if (!truth) {
trace('assert failed');
// This demonstrates using type wrapping to make an efficient color API. Colors
// are stored directly as 32-bit integers and don't cause any allocations.
evanw / Makefile
Created July 2, 2015 21:01
Test case for flatbuffers issue #226
default: native web
native: a.out
web: a.out.js
node a.out.js
a.out: test_generated.h
c++ -std=c++11 test.cpp
# This is a simple wrapper for the "emcc" command from the emscripten compiler.
# Unlike the emscripten SDK script, it lets you specify the compiler version
# number. Just pass the version number using the "--version" flag and put the
# flags for "emcc" after the "--":
# python --version 1.27.0 -- -O3 -s NO_EXIT_RUNTIME=1 ...
import os
import sys
import pipes