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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am evanyeyeye on github.
  • I am evanyeyeye ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 8A97 DE5C 734B B96E 9866 C438 8690 A31D CD86 5252

To claim this, I am signing this object:

evanyeyeye /
Created June 22, 2016 04:53
Computer Security Lectures
>>> binary = '0110011001101100011000010110011101111011011000010101111101
>>> bytes = [binary[i:i+8] for i in range(0, len(binary), 8)]

>>> decrypted = ''
>>> for k in bytes: 
evanyeyeye /
Last active July 17, 2016 20:54
2016 TJCTF - Financial Transaction

#Financial Transaction Writeup

I am only creating a writeup on this problem because this was the 3rd least solved problem I solved. I want to first let it be known that I did try my best to learn about enigmas, but then it got too hard so I found a program online that would do it for me.

There were about 6-7 files in the whole program, so I will just send the website as proof of discovery:

Using the program, I received the flag: tjctf{MONEYISNOTEVERYTHING}

Writeup by: evanyeyeye

evanyeyeye /
Last active July 17, 2016 20:54
2016 TJCTF - I Can See Right Through You

#I Can See Right Through You Writeup

The title hinted at transparency; caused from the pixel's alpha values. Using the python interpreter and the PIL Image library, I noticed that the alpha values for each pixel were either 240 or 255. 0 or 1.

I read the values into a binary string, but then made the mistake of decoding that into ascii and I was stuck there for a bit. After reading the problem description, however, I noticed the key word "fried". What cipher uses only two values and can be related to frying? A bacon cipher of course.

I changed the zeros and ones into A's and B's, mainly because of how I saw it on With the following program, I generated a dictionary of bacon cipher values and deciphered eachone by comparing it to it's key.

evanyeyeye /
Last active July 17, 2016 20:53
2016 TJCTF - Time Travel

#Time Travel Writeup

From the problem's title and description, I figured out that it was most likely related to an internet time machine. I used the internet archive wayback machine:*/

In April and May, there were an abnormal amount of screenshots taken of the TJCTF page. At first, I went through all of them, expecting one to have a Google Apps extension or something similar that was out of the ordinary. This of course, was the wrong idea.

Later, after the hint about "meta" was released, I noticed that the google-sites-verification meta tag was different for each of the screenshots taken, and that it was in a base64 encoded format. Included is the program I wrote to scan through each day's 8 screenshots (all taken at the same time) and print out the decoded text.

After about a minute of the program running, I caught the flag: tjctf{w1sh_i_c0uld_turn_b4ck_t1m3}