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Forked from akumaigorodski/
Created April 22, 2022 16:19
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To make automated tests work in Idea:

  1. Download (latest release).
  2. Compile Eclair with $ '/home/anton/apache-maven-3.6.3/bin/mvn' install -DskipTests (things need to be done this way to get eclair-tests jar file which is not included in prebuilt download package).
  3. Download
  4. Create a folder <HC>/lib/
  5. Go to <Eclair> folder with compiled stuff.
  6. Copy <Eclair>/eclair-core/target/eclair-core_2.13-0.5.1-tests.jar to <HC>/lib/.
  7. Unpack <Eclair>/eclair-node/target/, copy all <UNPACKED>/lib/*.jar to <HC>/lib/.
  8. Open HC in Idea, go to File -> Project structure -> Modules -> Dependencies.
  9. Tap +, locate <HC>/lib/, add all jar files, apply.
  10. Copy <HC>/src/main/resouces/hc.conf into <HC>/plugin-resources/hosted-channels/hc.conf.
  11. Get up local postgre cluster, make databases named hc, hcalice, hcbob (last two are needed for testing, first one will be storing production data, I recommend using pgadmin4 web interface for local stuff).
  12. To make a plugin jar: go to <HC> in console, then $ sbt, then $sbt> assembly, jar file can be found at <HC>/target/scala-2.13/.

To make production work:

  1. Download (latest release).
  2. Compile Eclair with $ '/home/anton/apache-maven-3.6.3/bin/mvn' install -DskipTests.
  3. Create an .eclair folder in home, extract <Eclair>/eclair-node/target/ contents into it, copy <HC>/target/scala-2.13/hc-assembly-0.1.jar into it (to have all files in one place).
  4. Copy <HC>/src/main/resouces/hc.conf into .eclair/plugin-resources/hosted-channels/hc.conf.
  5. Get up local postgre cluster, make database named hc.
  6. Run $ './bin/' './hc-assembly-0.1.jar', an .eclair/eclair.log file should contain a line INFO fr.acinq.eclair.Boot - loaded plugin HC.
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