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Last active May 1, 2019 11:08
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Cli LND shortcuts

Forked from @jochemin repo, here.


Add peer

lncli connect [uri]
lncli connect 02d249db09237f974f1c67775accee37a9d1eb3f04f236dda177f5a5c083094f15@i4jogie5l436qgwi73df6n4zmp6td3wvegqjqpckzpfup7vtzycunsqd.onion:9735

Information about a peer

lncli listpeers | jq '[ .peers | .[] | select(.pub_key=="node id") ]'
lncli listpeers | jq '[ .peers | .[] | select(.pub_key=="032b71cc07ea5ff346e7ce9eddad0b55d7e18b788a1e6b4dda3fbd3a7ddbf79bbc") ]'


Get channel info by ID

lncli listchannels | jq '[ .channels | .[] | select(.chan_id=="630857990667304961") ]'

Open channel

lncli openchannel [nodeid] [amount]
lncli openchannel 02d249db09237f974f1c67775accee37a9d1eb3f04f236dda177f5a5c083094f15 200000

Number of active channels

lncli listchannels | jq '[ .channels | .[] | select(.active==true) ] | length'

Number of inactive channels

lncli listchannels | jq '[ .channels | .[] | select(.active==false) ] | length'

List inactive channels peers

lncli listchannels | jq '.[][]' | jq -c -r 'select(.active == false) | .remote_pubkey' | tr : ' '

Close all channels

lncli listchannels | jq '.[][]' | jq -r '.channel_point' | tr : ' ' | xargs -n2 lncli closechannel

Close all inactive channels

lncli listchannels | jq '.[][]' | jq -c -r 'select(.active == false) | .channel_point' | tr : ' ' | xargs -n2 lncli closechannel --force

List local balance in active channels

lncli listchannels | jq '[ .channels | .[] | select(.active==true and .local_balance!="0") ] | .[] | .local_balance | tonumber'

Total local balance in active channels

lncli listchannels | jq '[ .channels | .[] | select(.active==true)] | map(.local_balance|tonumber) | add'

List remote balance in active channels

lncli listchannels | jq '[ .channels | .[] | select(.active==true and .remote_balance!="0") ] | .[] | .local_balance | tonumber'

Total remote balance in active channels

lncli listchannels | jq '[ .channels | .[] | select(.active==true)] | map(.remote_balance|tonumber) | add'

List local balance in inactive channels

lncli listchannels | jq '[ .channels | .[] | select(.active==false and .local_balance!="0") ] | .[] | .local_balance | tonumber'

Total local balance in inactive channels

lncli listchannels | jq '[ .channels | .[] | select(.active==false)] | map(.local_balance|tonumber) | add'

List remote balance in inactive channels

lncli listchannels | jq '[ .channels | .[] | select(.active==false and .remote_balance!="0") ] | .[] | .local_balance | tonumber'

Total remote balance in inactive channels

lncli listchannels | jq '[ .channels | .[] | select(.active==false)] | map(.remote_balance|tonumber) | add'

Change channel fee to minimum

lncli updatechanpolicy --base_fee_msat 0 --fee_rate 0.000001 --time_lock_delta 144


Send all funds

lncli sendcoins --sweepall <address>
lncli sendcoins --sweepall bc1q7a8afej06mgmm7574jp7uiealvtce6vecx28c
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