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Created January 31, 2023 22:06
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Global effect runtime for use with react(-native)
* Example of a "global managed runtime" for use with react(-native)
* React isn't a traditional zio/effect app that has one entry point
* There may be many effects run but we don't want to reconstruct all our app services each
* time we want to run an effect.
* This code builds app services layers just once then provides a global runtime object that can
* be used to run as many effects as you want all with access to the same service instances.
* ex:
* const myRuntime = await setupGlobalEffectRuntime(MyAppServicesLayer)
* ...then anywhere in your app, provide myRuntime via react context or other means
* const foo = await myRuntime.unsafeRunPromise(someEffectToRun)
import * as Cause from "@effect/io/Cause"
import { runtimeDebug } from "@effect/io/Debug"
import * as T from "@effect/io/Effect"
import * as Exit from "@effect/io/Exit"
import type * as Fiber from "@effect/io/Fiber"
import * as L from "@effect/io/Layer"
import * as RT from "@effect/io/Runtime"
import * as SC from "@effect/io/Scope"
import * as Chunk from "@fp-ts/data/Chunk"
import type * as Context from "@fp-ts/data/Context"
import { pipe } from "@fp-ts/data/Function"
import * as M from "@fp-ts/data/Option"
export const namedFiberRef = FiberRef.unsafeMake("anonymous")
export function forkDaemonNamed(name: string) {
return <R, E, A>(self: T.Effect<R, E, A>) =>
T.logSpan(`fiber_${name}`)(pipe(self, FiberRef.locally(namedFiberRef)(name), T.forkDaemon))
export function forkNamed(name: string) {
return <R, E, A>(self: T.Effect<R, E, A>) =>
T.logSpan(`fiber_${name}`)(pipe(self, FiberRef.locally(namedFiberRef)(name), T.fork)) //self.apply(namedFiberRef.locally(name)).fork
export function forkInNamed(name: string, scope: S.Scope) {
return <R, E, A>(self: T.Effect<R, E, A>) =>
T.logSpan(`fiber_${name}`)(pipe(self, FiberRef.locally(namedFiberRef)(name), T.forkIn(scope))) // self.apply(namedFiberRef.locally(name)).forkIn(scope)
export function forkScopedNamed(name: string) {
return <R, E, A>(self: T.Effect<R, E, A>) =>
T.logSpan(`fiber_${name}`)(pipe(self, FiberRef.locally(namedFiberRef)(name), T.forkScoped)) //self.apply(namedFiberRef.locally(name)).forkScoped
* Builds a "managed runtime" to be shared across the app environment. All running effects will be interrupted when the scope is closed.
* This allows for starting as many effects as needed in order to interface with other code such as react while only initializing a single
* instance of services and ensuring everything gets cleaned up.
* @returns
export async function setupGlobalEffectRuntime(layer: IAppServicesLayer) {
//build a runtime with the app services impl provided and our custom logger
const rt = await T.unsafeRunPromiseExit(scopedManagedRuntime(layer))
if (Exit.isSuccess(rt)) {
console.log(`success building layers, init all env`)
await initAllEnv(rt.value)
console.log("done initallenv")
//set observable value indicating runtime is now ready
T.serviceWith(LifecycleServiceTag)(l => l.setRuntimeInitCompleted(true))
return rt.value
} else {
const { cause } = rt
`Error initializing global effect runtime environment!`,
(pipe(rt.cause, Cause.defects, Chunk.toReadonlyArray)[0] ?? new Error(`no_defect`)) as any as Error,
{ report: true, impactsStability: true },
failures: pipe(cause, Cause.failures,,
defects: pipe(cause, Cause.defects,,
throw Cause.squash(cause)
interface NamedRuntimeType<A> {
unsafeRunPromiseExit: (name: string) => <F, V>(e: T.Effect<A, F, V>) => Promise<Exit.Exit<F, V>>
unsafeRunPromise: (name: string) => <F, V>(e: T.Effect<A, F, V>) => Promise<V>
unsafeRunSync: (name: string) => <F, V>(e: T.Effect<A, F, V>) => V
unsafeRunSyncExit: (name: string) => <F, V>(e: T.Effect<A, F, V>) => Exit.Exit<F, V>
unsafeFork: (name: string) => <F, V>(e: T.Effect<A, F, V>) => Fiber.RuntimeFiber<F, V>
interface ManagedRuntimeType<A> {
runtime: NamedRuntimeType<A>
closeNow: () => Promise<Exit.Exit<never, void>>
close: T.Effect<never, never, void>
getServiceSync: <T extends A>(t: Context.Tag<T>) => T
* Provide a "global" layer and wrap all the unsafeRun methods from a runtime with a scope so anything started
* gets interrupted when scope closes.
* This is useful for interop with other runtimes like React. Pass the runtime reference around to execute as
* many effects as needed with only a single instance of services in the layer. This is effectively a
* singleton layer.
* Attaches any effects started via the runtime to the scope so they will be interrupted properly when closeNow() is called
function scopedManagedRuntime<R, E, A>(layer: L.Layer<R, E, A>): T.Effect<R, E, ManagedRuntimeType<A>> {
const ret = pipe(
T.bind("sc", () => SC.make()),
T.bind("env", ({ sc }) => pipe(layer, L.buildWithScope(sc))),
T.bind("refs", () => T.getFiberRefs()),{ env, refs, sc }) => ({
runtime: RT.make(env, RT.defaultRuntimeFlags, refs),
})),{ runtime, sc }) => ({
runtime: {
(name: string) =>
<F, V>(e: T.Effect<A, F, V>) =>
pipe(e, forkInNamed(name, sc), T.fromFiberEffect, runtime.unsafeRunPromiseExit),
(name: string) =>
<F, V>(e: T.Effect<A, F, V>) =>
pipe(e, forkInNamed(name, sc), T.fromFiberEffect, runtime.unsafeRunPromise),
(name: string) =>
<F, V>(e: T.Effect<A, F, V>) =>
pipe(e, forkInNamed(name, sc), T.fromFiberEffect, runtime.unsafeRunSync),
(name: string) =>
<F, V>(e: T.Effect<A, F, V>) =>
pipe(e, forkInNamed(name, sc), T.fromFiberEffect, runtime.unsafeRunSyncExit),
(name: string) =>
<F, V>(e: T.Effect<A, F, V>) =>
pipe(e, forkInNamed(name, sc), T.fromFiberEffect, v => runtime.unsafeFork<F, V>(v)),
getServiceSync: <T extends A>(serviceTag: Context.Tag<T>): T =>
pipe(T.service(serviceTag), runtime.unsafeRunSync),
closeNow: async () => {
log.log(`closing managed runtime`)
try {
const e = await runtime.unsafeRunPromiseExit(SC.close(Exit.unit())(sc))
return e
} catch (err: any) {
console.error(`error shutting down managed runtime`, err, { report: false })
throw err
close: T.suspendSucceed(() => SC.close(Exit.unit())(sc)),
T.tap(() => T.logInfo(`Done creating managed effect runtime`)),
T.tapErrorCause(c => T.logErrorCauseMessage(`Error building managed_runtime!`, c))
return ret
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