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Last active December 18, 2023 19:02
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Frame aware scheduler for Effect
class FrameAwareReactScheduler implements Scheduler.Scheduler {
tasks: Array<Scheduler.Task> = []
scheduledRaf: number | undefined = undefined
constructor(readonly maxMsBeforeFrame: number) {}
isRunning = false
scheduleFrame() {
if (this.scheduledRaf === undefined && !this.isRunning) {
this.scheduledRaf = requestAnimationFrame(() => {
this.isRunning = true
this.scheduledRaf = undefined
debug = false
private run() {
const startedThisBatchAt =
runIdent += 1
const toRun = this.tasks
this.tasks = []
let processedUpTo = 0
let brokeForFrame = false
let brokeAt = 0
unstable_batchedUpdates(() => {
if (this.debug) console.log(`${runIdent}: FrameAwareScheduler -- running ${toRun.length} tasks`)
for (let i = 0; i < toRun.length; i++) {
processedUpTo = i
// console.log(`${runIdent}: ran ${i + 1} of ${toRun.length} -- processedUpTo ${processedUpTo}`)
const now =
if (now - startedThisBatchAt > this.maxMsBeforeFrame && i + 1 < toRun.length) {
if (this.debug)
`${runIdent}: FrameAwareScheduler -- interrupting batch of ${toRun.length} for frame, ${
processedUpTo + 1
} tasks processed. ${this.tasks.length} new tasks in queue, ${
toRun.length - processedUpTo - 1
} remain in toRun. Exceeded frame time by ${
now - startedThisBatchAt - this.maxMsBeforeFrame
} `,
this.tasks = [...toRun.slice(processedUpTo + 1), ...this.tasks]
brokeForFrame = true
brokeAt = now
if (this.tasks.length === 0) {
if (this.debug) console.log(`FrameAwareScheduler -- all tasks complete`)
this.isRunning = false
} else if (brokeForFrame) {
if (this.debug)
`${runIdent}: FrameAwareScheduler -- batch exceeded frame time (processed ${
processedUpTo + 1
} tasks in ${brokeAt - startedThisBatchAt}ms) exceeding frame time by ${
brokeAt - startedThisBatchAt - this.maxMsBeforeFrame
}ms -- scheduling next batch of ${this.tasks.length} tasks after frame`,
// InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions(() => {
this.isRunning = false
// })
} else {
this.tasks = [...toRun.slice(processedUpTo + 1), ...this.tasks]
if (this.debug)
`${runIdent}: FrameAwareScheduler -- promise tick for next batch of ${this.tasks.length} tasks`,
Promise.resolve(void 0).then(() =>
// this.scheduleFrame()
scheduleTask(task: Scheduler.Task) {
shouldYield(fiber: Fiber.RuntimeFiber<unknown, unknown>): number | false {
return fiber.currentOpCount > fiber.getFiberRef(FiberRef.currentMaxOpsBeforeYield)
? fiber.getFiberRef(FiberRef.currentSchedulingPriority)
: false
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