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ROCAD analysis
# Time-stamp: <2010-04-05 17:11:20 chl>
# Automaticaly collate R file and try to build a package with
# documentation generated by Roxygen.
try(system("R CMD build rocad"))
try(system("R CMD Rd2dvi --pdf rocad"))
% Time-stamp: <2010-04-05 17:13:26 chl>
% Small illustrations around ROCAD analysis, using rocad.R utilities
% functions.
% To produce a pdf, use something like:
% $ noweave -index -delay rocad.nw > rocad.tex
% $ pdflatex rocad.tex (x 2)
% Html output may be produced using
% $ noweave -filter l2h -index -html rocad.nw | htmltoc > rocad.html
% To extract relevant code, use e.g.
% $ notangle -L -Rrocad.R rocad.nw > rocad.R
\renewcommand{\@cite}[1]{#1} % remove bracket around citations
\setlength{\parskip}{1ex plus 0.5ex minus 0.2ex}
\title{ROCAD analysis}
\author{Christophe Lalanne\thanks{Email: \href{}{}}}
\section{What are ROC area discimination curve}
\section{How it may be implemented}
We first need to compute the area under the curve, which is readily implemented as shown below:
auc <- function(se, sp) {
trap.rule <- function(x,y) { sum(diff(x)*(y[-1]+y[-length(y)]))/2 }
@ %def auc
We then define a funciton that iteratively compute Sensibility and Specificity given item score and a binary gold standard.
tr.iterate <- function(item, score) {
tpr <- function(tab) { tab["1","1"]/apply(tab,2,sum)["1"] }
tnr <- function(tab) { tab["0","0"]/apply(tab,2,sum)["0"] }
if (length(unique(item))>1 & !is.factor(item)) item <- as.factor(item)
se <- sp <- numeric(nlevels(item)-1)
for (k in 1:(nlevels(item)-1)) {
tmp <- factor(ifelse(item==k,0,1), levels=c("0","1"))
tab <- table(tmp,score)
se[k] <- tpr(tab)
sp[k] <- tnr(tab)
auc <- auc(se,sp)
@ %def tr.iterate
It can be tested using a simple simulation:
res <- tr.iterate(test[,1],tot.score.bin)
\subsection*{Defined chunks}
# Time-stamp: <2010-04-05 11:08:15 chl>
# +--------+-------+
# | + (1) | - (0) |
# +-------+--------+-------+
# | + (1) | TP | FP |
# +-------+--------+-------+
# | - (0) | FN | TN |
# +-------+--------+-------+
#' A simulated data set.
#' Simulate a set of categorical responses.
#' @param None
#' @return A matrix with items responses
#' @seealso \code{sim.item} in the \code{psych} package.
#' @author chl <- function() {
test <- sim.item(nvar=20, nsub=300, categorical=TRUE, low=0, high=5)
#' Calculate Area Under the Curve (AUC).
#' Given a value for the specificity and sensibility of a test,
#' calculate the AUC using the trapezoidal method.
#' @param se sensibility
#' @param sp specificity
#' @return The value of AUC
#' @note Should add the 95% CIs; should also look at colAUC {caTools}
#' which provide column-wise computation
#' @references Centor RM, Schwartz JS. An evaluation of methods for
#' estimating the area under the receiver operating
#' characteristic (ROC) curve.
#' Med Decis Making (1985) 5:149-56.
#' @author chl
auc <- function(se, sp) {
trap.rule <- function(x,y) { sum(diff(x)*(y[-1]+y[-length(y)]))/2 }
#' Calculate Se and Sp values for an ordinal variable.
#' Assuming an item with \eqn{k} categories, and a binary variable (gold
#' standard), compute Sensibility and Specificity values.
#' @param item a vector of responses
#' @param score a binary vector of classification
#' @return A list with se and sp computed for the \eqn{k-1} categories
#' @seealso other func in package
#' @author chl
tr.iterate <- function(item, score) {
tpr <- function(tab) { tab["1","1"]/apply(tab,2,sum)["1"] }
tnr <- function(tab) { tab["0","0"]/apply(tab,2,sum)["0"] }
if (length(unique(item))>1 & !is.factor(item)) item <- as.factor(item)
se <- sp <- numeric(nlevels(item)-1)
for (k in 1:(nlevels(item)-1)) {
tmp <- factor(ifelse(item==k,0,1), levels=c("0","1"))
tab <- table(tmp,score)
se[k] <- tpr(tab)
sp[k] <- tnr(tab)
auc <- auc(se,sp)
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