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Created February 19, 2021 17:54
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React Native Pan Responder example to pan/scale an image
import React, { useRef } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';
const IMAGE_URI =
const pointsDistance = ([xA, yA], [xB, yB]) => {
return Math.sqrt(
Math.pow(xA - xB, 2) + Math.pow(yA - yB, 2)
export default (props) => {
const dimensions = useWindowDimensions();
const pan = useRef(new Animated.ValueXY({ x: 0, y: 0 })).current;
const scale = useRef(new Animated.Value(1)).current;
const panResponder = useRef(
onStartShouldSetPanResponder: () => true,
onMoveShouldSetPanResponder: () => true,
onPanResponderMove: (event, gestureState) => {
// More accurate than gestureState.numberActiveTouches
const activeTouches = event.nativeEvent.changedTouches.length;
if (activeTouches === 1) {
x: gestureState.dx,
y: gestureState.dy,
} else if (activeTouches >= 2) {
const touches = event.nativeEvent.changedTouches;
const touchA = touches[0];
const touchB = touches[1];
const distance = pointsDistance(
[touchA.pageX, touchA.pageY],
[touchB.pageX, touchB.pageY]
const screenMovedPercents = distance / dimensions.width;
scale.setValue(1 + screenMovedPercents * 3);
onPanResponderRelease: () => {
Animated.spring(pan, {
toValue: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
useNativeDriver: true,
Animated.spring(scale, {
toValue: 1,
useNativeDriver: true,
return (
source={{ uri: IMAGE_URI }}
height: 200,
width: '90%',
borderRadius: 10,
transform: [
// or pan.getTranslateTransform()
{ translateX: pan.x },
{ translateY: pan.y },
{ scale },
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