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Created April 13, 2013 21:47
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Save everdaniel/5380205 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Demo files for a Competition site built for Cisco Saudi Arabia
* Account Controller
class Account extends MY_Controller
* Controller Constructor
function __construct()
// Load this controller lang file
* Index method
function index()
// Render My Account page
* Logs in user
function login()
// If the user is already logged in, redirect the user to his account page
if ($this->user_is_logged_in)
// Auth error array empty by default
$this->local_vars['auth_error'] = array();
// Check if the login form is correct
if ($this->form_validation->run('login'))
// Login the user
$valid = $this->auth->login(
$this->input->post('username_or_email', TRUE),
$this->input->post('password', TRUE)
// If there were any errors, get the messages
$this->local_vars['auth_error'] = $this->auth->get_error();
// JSON array
$json = array();
$json['status'] = 'success';
$json['message'] = '';
// If login was valid, render the user info view
if ($valid)
$user = $this->session->userdata('user');
$user_info['user_is_logged_in'] = TRUE;
$user_info['user_full_name'] = $user['first_name'] . ' ' . $user['last_name'];
$user_info['avatar'] = $this->auth_model->get_avatar(NULL, '34x35');
$json['payload'] = $this->load->view('layout/user_info.php', $user_info, TRUE);
$json['status'] = 'error';
$json['message'] = $this->local_vars['auth_error'];
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode($json);
// If login was valid, redirect to the my account page
if ($valid)
// Load validate plugin and related files
$this->assets['js'][] = array(
// Init tag selector
$this->dom_ready['tag_selector'] = 'initLoginValidation();';
// Render the whole page
$this->page_class = array_merge($this->page_class, array('ciscomcy'));
$this->page_titles[] = lang('account_login_page_title');
$this->public_vars['content'] =
$this->load->view("account/login.php", $this->local_vars, TRUE);
// JSON array
$json = array();
$json['status'] = 'error';
$json['message'] = strip_tags(validation_errors());
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode($json);
* Logs out current user
function logout()
* User Sign Up
function sign_up()
// If the user is already logged in, redirect the user to his account page
if ($this->user_is_logged_in)
// Auth error array empty by default
$this->local_vars['auth_error'] = array();
// Auth error array empty by default
$this->local_vars['auth_error'] = array();
// Load upload library
// Save avatar uploading status in session
if ($this->session->userdata('uploaded_avatar') === FALSE)
$this->session->set_userdata('uploaded_avatar', FALSE);
// Avatar
if ($this->session->userdata('avatar_data') === FALSE)
$this->session->set_userdata('avatar_data', array());
// Handle Upload
if (($this->input->server('REQUEST_METHOD') == 'POST') &&
// Load Image Resizer library
// Load Image Model
// Get the default avatar size
$avatar_size = $this->config->item('cisco_site_default_avatar_size');
// Get file data
$upload_data = $this->upload->data();
// Save file data in the database
$ID_image = $this->image_model->add_image($upload_data);
// Merge the image ID and thumb path in the file data array
$upload_data['ID_image'] = $ID_image;
$upload_data['thumb_path'] = $this->community_image->generate_thumb($upload_data, $avatar_size);
// and save this in the session in case the form doesn't validate
$this->session->set_userdata('uploaded_avatar', TRUE);
$this->session->set_userdata('avatar_data', $upload_data);
// Get avatar from session
$this->local_vars['avatar_data'] = $this->session->userdata('avatar_data');
// Check if the login form is correct
if ($this->form_validation->run('sign_up'))
// Everything is correct, add the user
$new_user = $this->auth->add_new_user();
// Check if the user uploaded an avatar
if ($this->session->userdata('uploaded_avatar'))
// it did, get the avatar data
$avatar = $this->session->userdata('avatar_data');
// and set the user with this avatar
$this->auth_model->set_avatar($avatar['ID_image'], $new_user['ID_user']);
// Load Image Model, just in case
// Set owner of this image to this user
$this->image_model->set_owner($avatar['ID_image'], $new_user['ID_user']);
// Now try to log the user in
$valid = $this->auth->login(
$this->input->post('email', TRUE),
$this->input->post('password', TRUE)
// and redirect him to the my account page
if ($valid) redirect($this->config->item('auth_url_myaccount'));
// if the above didn't work, then redirect the user to login
// Get this only if form was submitted at least ONCE
$this->local_vars['avatar_error'] = $this->upload->display_errors('<p style="color: red; font-weight: bold;">', '</p>');
// Get errors from auth lib, if any
$this->local_vars['auth_error'] = $this->auth->get_error();
// Load validate plugin and related files
$this->assets['js'][] = array(
// Init tag selector
$this->dom_ready['tag_selector'] = 'initUserSignupValidation();';
// Set page and content and finally, render this page
$this->page_titles[] = lang('account_signup_page_title');
$this->public_vars['content'] =
$this->load->view("account/sign_up.php", $this->local_vars, TRUE);
* My account user page
function my()
// If user is not logged in, then redirect to login page
if ( ! $this->user_is_logged_in)
if (strtolower($this->input->server('REQUEST_METHOD')) == 'post')
// Load upload library
// Handle Upload
if ($this->upload->do_upload('avatar'))
// Load Image Resizer library
// Load Image Model
// Get the default avatar size
$avatar_size = $this->config->item('cisco_site_default_avatar_size');
// Get file data
$upload_data = $this->upload->data();
// Save file data in the database
$ID_image = $this->image_model->add_image($upload_data);
// and set the user with this avatar
$this->auth_model->set_avatar($ID_image, $this->session->userdata('ID_user'));
// Set owner of this image to this user
$this->image_model->set_owner($ID_image, $this->session->userdata('ID_user'));
$user = $this->session->userdata('user');
$this->session->set_flashdata('messages', sprintf(lang('account_flasmsg_avatarupdate'), $user['first_name']));
// Get the user data and add it to local vars
$user = $this->auth_model->get_row(array('ID_user' => $this->session->userdata('ID_user')));
$this->local_vars['user'] = $user;
// Get the user avatar
$this->local_vars['avatar'] = $this->auth_model->get_avatar($this->session->userdata('ID_user'));
// Load ideas stuff
$this->local_vars['ideas'] = $this->idea_model->get_ideas(array('idea.ID_user' => $this->session->userdata('ID_user')));
$this->page_titles[] = sprintf(lang('account_my_page_title'), $user['first_name']);
$this->public_vars['content'] =
$this->load->view("account/my.php", $this->local_vars, TRUE);
* User profile page
function details($ID_user = NULL)
// If no username was provided, redirect to home
if (is_null($ID_user))
// Load idea model
// Load date helper
$this->load->helper(array('date', 'text'));
// Load Idea lang
// Get user and make sure that the user actually exists
if (($user = $this->auth_model->get_row(array('ID_user' => $ID_user))) === FALSE)
$this->local_vars['user'] = $user;
$this->local_vars['ideas'] = $this->idea_model->get_ideas(
array('idea.ID_user' => $user['ID_user']),
array('idea_posted', 'desc'));
// Get the user avatar
$this->local_vars['avatar'] = $this->auth_model->get_avatar($user['ID_user']);
$this->page_titles[] = sprintf(lang('account_details_page_title'), $user['user_name']);
if ((int)$user['display_info'] == 1)
$this->page_titles[] = sprintf(
$user['first_name'] . ' ' . $user['last_name'] . ' (' . $user['user_name'] . ')');
$this->public_vars['content'] =
$this->load->view("account/details.php", $this->local_vars, TRUE);
* Edit my account page
function edit()
// If user is not logged in, then redirect to login page
if ( ! $this->user_is_logged_in)
// Get the user data and add it to local vars
$user = $this->auth_model->get_row(array('ID_user' => $this->session->userdata('ID_user')));
$this->local_vars['user'] = $user;
// Get the user avatar
$this->local_vars['avatar'] = $this->auth_model->get_avatar();
// Load form validation rules (just in case)
// Get rules for the account edit form
$account_edit_rules = $this->config->item('account_edit');
// If the password field is empty, remove password and password_confirm rules
if (($this->input->post('password') === FALSE)
|| (trim($this->input->post('password')) == ''))
if ($this->form_validation->run('account_edit'))
// Get the ID from the current user
$ID_user = $this->session->userdata('ID_user');
// Initialize user array and then get values from the form
$user = array();
* Change password only if password was provided
if (($this->input->post('password') !== FALSE)
&& (trim($this->input->post('password')) != ''))
$user['salt'] = $this->auth->random_string();
$user['password'] = $this->auth->sha256($this->input->post('password', TRUE) . $user['salt']);
$user['first_name'] = $this->input->post('first_name', TRUE);
$user['last_name'] = $this->input->post('last_name', TRUE);
$user['email'] = $this->input->post('email', TRUE);
$user['school'] = $this->input->post('school', TRUE);
$user['phone_number'] = $this->input->post('phone_number', TRUE);
$user['address'] = $this->input->post('address', TRUE);
$user['display_info'] = 0;
if ($this->input->post('display_info', TRUE) !== FALSE)
$user['display_info'] = 1;
$user['display_name'] = 0;
if ($this->input->post('display_name', TRUE) !== FALSE)
$user['display_name'] = 1;
$user['display_email'] = 0;
if ($this->input->post('display_email', TRUE) !== FALSE)
$user['display_email'] = 1;
$user['display_school'] = 0;
if ($this->input->post('display_school', TRUE) !== FALSE)
$user['display_school'] = 1;
$user['display_phone'] = 0;
if ($this->input->post('display_phone', TRUE) !== FALSE)
$user['display_phone'] = 1;
// Update user with the new data
$this->auth_model->update_user($ID_user, $user);
// Load upload library
// Handle Upload
if ($this->upload->do_upload('avatar'))
// Load Image Resizer library
// Load Image Model
// Get the default avatar size
$avatar_size = $this->config->item('cisco_site_default_avatar_size');
// Get file data
$upload_data = $this->upload->data();
// Save file data in the database
$ID_image = $this->image_model->add_image($upload_data);
// and set the user with this avatar
$this->auth_model->set_avatar($ID_image, $ID_user);
// Set owner of this image to this user
$this->image_model->set_owner($ID_image, $ID_user);
'<a href="' . site_url('logout') . '">',
// Load validate plugin and related files
$this->assets['js'][] = array(
// Init validation
$this->dom_ready['account_edit_validation'] = 'initAccountEditValidation();';
$this->page_titles[] = lang('account_edit_page_title');
$this->public_vars['content'] =
$this->load->view("account/edit.php", $this->local_vars, TRUE);
* Forgot password page
function forgot_password()
// If user is already logged in, redirec him to home
if ($this->user_is_logged_in)
$page_view = 'account/forgot_password';
if ($this->form_validation->run('forgot_password'))
// Get email and user data
$email = $this->input->post('email', TRUE);
$user = $this->auth->get_user_by_email($email);
// Generate new password
$new_password = $this->auth->random_string(6, '09az');
$data['salt'] = $this->auth->random_string();
$data['password'] = $this->auth->sha256($new_password . $data['salt']);
// Update user
$this->auth_model->update_user($user['ID_user'], $data);
// Assign new password to array
$data['new_password'] = $new_password;
// Merge data
$data = array_merge($user, $data);
// Email user new info
// For the view
$this->local_vars['user'] = $data;
// Display success message
$page_view = 'account/forgot_password_success';
// Load validate plugin and related files
$this->assets['js'][] = array(
$this->dom_ready['forgot_password'] = 'initForgotPasswordValidation();';
// Render page
$this->page_class = array_merge($this->page_class, array('ciscomcy'));
$this->page_titles[] = lang('account_forgot_page_title');
$this->public_vars['content'] =
$this->load->view($page_view, $this->local_vars, TRUE);
function _email_forgot_password($data)
// Load email library
// From field
$from_email = $this->config->item('cisco_site_email_from_email');
$from_name = $this->config->item('cisco_site_email_from_name');
$data = array_merge($data, array(
'login_url' => site_url('login'),
'contact_url' => site_url('contact_us')
// Load both HTML and Text bodies
$html_message = $this->load->view('email/' . $this->current_language . '/account/forgot_html.php', $data, TRUE);
$text_message = $this->load->view('email/' . $this->current_language . '/account/forgot_text.php', $data, TRUE);
// Send the email
$this->email->from($from_email, $from_name);
return $this->email->send();
$.validator.addMethod("maxwords", function(value, element) {
total_words = value.split(/[\s\.\?]+/).length;
return !(total_words > 300);
}), "Your idea in around 300 words or less.";
* Validations > Submit Idea page ((when user is not logged in)
var initSubmitIdeaValidationFull = function()
errorElement: 'div',
errorClass: 'warning-note',
errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
highlight: function(element, errorClass) {
unhighlight: function(element) {
rules: {
first_name: {
required: true,
minlength: 2,
maxlength: 130
last_name: {
required: true,
minlength: 2,
maxlength: 130
email: {
required: true,
minlength: 4
user_name: {
required: true,
minlength: 4
password: {
required: true,
minlength: 4,
maxlength: 32,
equalTo: "input[name='password_confirm']"
password_confirm: {
required: true,
minlength: 4,
maxlength: 32
idea_title: {
required: true,
minlength: 2,
maxlength: 130
idea_description: {
required: true,
minlength: 2,
maxwords: true
messages: messagesIdeaValidationFull
* Validations > Submit Idea page (when user is logged in)
var initSubmitIdeaValidationSimple = function()
errorElement: 'div',
errorClass: 'warning-note',
errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
highlight: function(element, errorClass) {
unhighlight: function(element) {
rules: {
idea_title: {
required: true,
minlength: 2,
maxlength: 130
idea_description: {
required: true,
minlength: 2,
maxwords: true
messages: messagesIdeaValidationSimple
* Idea Controller
class Idea extends MY_Controller
* Controller Constructor
function __construct()
// Load this controller lang file
// Load Auth, Idea and Tag models
* Index method
function index()
// Redirect to Submit Idea
* List all ideas
* @param string $sort_by
* @param integer $start_index
* @param integer $per_page
function all($sort_by = 'all', $start_index = 0, $per_page = 10)
// Load pagination
// Load Community Image Library
// Load Text Helper
// Load Home lang
// Make sure Start Index and Per Page are integers
$start_index = (int)$start_index;
$per_page = (int)$per_page;
// Change # of records per page if user requested it
if ($this->input->post('ideas_per_page') !== FALSE)
$per_page = (int)$this->input->post('ideas_per_page');
// Sorting
$order = NULL;
$limit = NULL;
case 'recently_added':
$page_title = lang('idea_list_recentlyadded_list');
$order = 'idea_posted DESC';
case 'most_viewed':
$page_title = lang('idea_list_mostviewed_list');
$order = 'idea_hits DESC';
case 'random':
$page_title = lang('idea_list_random_list');
$order = array('ID_idea', 'random');
$page_title = lang('idea_list_recentlyadded_list');
$order = 'idea_posted DESC';
$total_ideas = $this->idea_model->count_ideas();
if ($start_index < 0) $start_index = 0;
$max_start_index = floor($total_ideas / $per_page) * $per_page;
if ($start_index > $max_start_index) $start_index = $max_start_index;
$config = array();
$config['base_url'] = base_url() . 'all_ideas/' . $sort_by . '/';
$config['base_url_end'] = '/' . $per_page;
$config['total_rows'] = $total_ideas;
$config['per_page'] = $per_page;
$config['start_index'] = $start_index;
$config['full_tag_open'] = '<div class="paging"><ul>';
$config['full_tag_close'] = '</ul></div> <!-- end paging -->';
$config['prev_tag_open'] = '<li class="prev button">';
$config['prev_tag_close'] = '</li>';
$config['next_tag_open'] = '<li class="next button">';
$config['next_tag_close'] = '</li>';
if (count($limit) == 0)
$limit = array($per_page, $start_index);
// Get articles
$this->local_vars['ideas'] = $this->idea_model->get_ideas(NULL, $order, $limit);
$this->local_vars['sort_by'] = $sort_by;
$this->local_vars['start_index'] = $start_index;
$this->local_vars['per_page'] = $per_page;
$this->local_vars['section_base_url'] = 'all_ideas';
// Set pagination vars and load needed assets
$this->assets['js'][] = array('pagination.js');
// Section Title
$this->local_vars['section_title'] = $page_title;
// Renders the whole page
$this->page_titles[] = $this->local_vars['section_title'];
$this->public_vars['content'] =
$this->load->view("idea/all.php", $this->local_vars, TRUE);
* Submit Idea
function submit()
if ($this->user_is_logged_in)
if ($this->idea_model->has_idea($this->session->userdata('ID_user')))
// Auth error array empty by default
$this->local_vars['auth_error'] = array();
// Load account lang file
// Check if the current user is logged in
if ($this->user_is_logged_in)
// it is, just process the submit idea form
if ($this->form_validation->run('submit_idea'))
$idea = $this->_process_submit_idea($this->session->userdata('ID_user'), TRUE);
// Load form validation rules (just in case)
// Get the Sign up Rules
$signup_rules = $this->config->item('sign_up');
// Get the Submit Idea rules
$submit_idea_rules = $this->config->item('submit_idea');
// Merge both rules
$all_rules = array_merge($signup_rules, $submit_idea_rules);
// Reset form validation with new rules
// Load upload library
// Save avatar uploading status in session
if ($this->session->userdata('uploaded_avatar') === FALSE)
$this->session->set_userdata('uploaded_avatar', FALSE);
// Avatar
if ($this->session->userdata('avatar_data') === FALSE)
$this->session->set_userdata('avatar_data', array());
// Handle Upload
if (($this->input->server('REQUEST_METHOD') == 'POST') &&
// Load Image Resizer library
// Load Image Model
// Get the default avatar size
$avatar_size = $this->config->item('cisco_site_default_avatar_size');
// Get file data
$upload_data = $this->upload->data();
// Save file data in the database
$ID_image = $this->image_model->add_image($upload_data);
// Merge the image ID and thumb path in the file data array
$upload_data['ID_image'] = $ID_image;
$upload_data['thumb_path'] = $this->community_image->generate_thumb($upload_data, $avatar_size);
// and save this in the session in case the form doesn't validate
$this->session->set_userdata('uploaded_avatar', TRUE);
$this->session->set_userdata('avatar_data', $upload_data);
// Get avatar from session
$this->local_vars['avatar_data'] = $this->session->userdata('avatar_data');
// Process the form
if ($this->form_validation->run())
// Add user and DO NOT send the welcome email (it goes with the idea)
$user = $this->auth->add_new_user(FALSE);
// Check if the user uploaded an avatar
if ($this->session->userdata('uploaded_avatar'))
// it did, get the avatar data
$avatar = $this->session->userdata('avatar_data');
// and set the user with this avatar
$this->auth_model->set_avatar($avatar['ID_image'], $user['ID_user']);
// Load Image Model, just in case
// Set owner of this image to this user
$this->image_model->set_owner($avatar['ID_image'], $user['ID_user']);
// Log the user in
$this->auth->login($user['email'], $user['password_plain']);
// Process idea
$idea = $this->_process_submit_idea($user['ID_user'], FALSE, $user);
// Redirect to the idea details page
// Get this only if form was submitted at least ONCE
$this->local_vars['avatar_error'] = $this->upload->display_errors('<p style="color: red; font-weight: bold;">', '</p>');
* If we got this far, it means something went wrong,
* get errors from the auth lib if any
$this->local_vars['auth_error'] = $this->auth->get_error();
// Get session state for the current user
$this->local_vars['is_logged_in'] = $this->user_is_logged_in;
if ( ! $this->user_is_logged_in)
$this->local_vars['signup_no_form'] = TRUE;
$this->local_vars['signup_form'] = $this->load->view("account/sign_up.php", $this->local_vars, TRUE);
$this->dom_ready['full_validation'] = 'initSubmitIdeaValidationFull();';
$local = array(
'user' => $this->auth->get_user(),
'avatar' => $this->auth_model->get_avatar(),
'quick_mode' => TRUE
$this->local_vars['user_profile'] = $this->load->view('account/my', $local, TRUE);
$this->dom_ready['simple_validation'] = 'initSubmitIdeaValidationSimple();';
// Get word count
$this->local_vars['word_count'] = count(str_word_count($this->input->post('idea_description'), 1));
// Word Counter
$this->dom_ready['word_counter'] = 'initSubmitIdeaWordCounter();';
// Get popular tags
$popular_tags = $this->tag_model->get_popular_tags();
$this->local_vars['popular_tags'] = $popular_tags;
if ($popular_tags === FALSE)
$popular_tags = array('cisco', 'mcy', 'idea');
$this->js_vars[] = '_suggested_tags = ["' . implode('","', $popular_tags) . '"];';
// Load tagInput jQuery plugin
$this->assets['css'][] = array('extensions/ideas.mcy.css');
// Load tagInput jQuery plugin and related tag js files
$this->assets['js'][] = array(
// Init tag selector
$this->dom_ready['tag_selector'] = 'initTagsSelector();';
// Set page title and render page
$this->page_class = array_merge($this->page_class, array('ciscomcy'));
$this->page_titles[] = lang('idea_submit_page_title');
$this->public_vars['content'] =
$this->load->view("idea/submit.php", $this->local_vars, TRUE);
* Idea details page
* @param integer|NULL $ID_idea
* @param string $seo_title
function details($ID_idea = NULL, $seo_title = '')
if (is_null($ID_idea))
// Get Idea from the Database
if (($idea = $this->idea_model->get_idea(array('ID_idea' => $ID_idea))) === FALSE)
// Load home lang for tags
// Load Agent Library
// Track hit only if current agent is not a robot
if ( ! $this->agent->is_robot())
// Assign the idea to the local view
$this->local_vars['idea'] = $idea;
$this->local_vars['previous_idea'] =
$this->local_vars['next_idea'] =
// Get Tags from the Database
$this->local_vars['tags'] = $this->tag_model->get_tags_by_idea($ID_idea);
// Get User data
$this->local_vars['user'] = $this->auth_model->get_row(array('ID_user' => $idea['ID_user']));
// Get the user avatar
$this->local_vars['avatar'] = $this->auth_model->get_avatar($idea['ID_user']);
// Renders the whole page
$this->page_titles[] = $idea['idea_title'];
$this->public_vars['content'] =
$this->load->view("idea/details.php", $this->local_vars, TRUE);
* Submit Idea Confirmation page
function confirmation()
// Renders the whole page
$this->page_class = array_merge($this->page_class, array('ciscomcy'));
$this->page_titles[] = lang('idea_confirmation_page_title');
$this->public_vars['content'] =
$this->load->view("idea/confirmation.php", $this->local_vars, TRUE);
* List ideas by tag
* @param string $tag_name
* @param string $sort_by
* @param integer $start_index
* @param integer $per_page
function tag($tag_name = NULL, $sort_by = 'recently_added', $start_index = 0, $per_page = 10)
if (is_null($tag_name))
// Load pagination
// Load Community Image Library
// Load Text Helper
// Load Home lang
// Make sure Start Index and Per Page are integers
$start_index = (int)$start_index;
$per_page = (int)$per_page;
// Change # of records per page if user requested it
if ($this->input->post('ideas_per_page') !== FALSE)
$per_page = (int)$this->input->post('ideas_per_page');
// Sorting
$order = NULL;
$limit = NULL;
case 'recently_added':
$order = 'idea_posted DESC';
case 'most_viewed':
$order = 'idea_hits DESC';
case 'random':
$order = array('ID_idea', 'random');
$order = 'idea_posted DESC';
$total_ideas = $this->idea_model->count_ideas(array('idea_tag' => $tag_name));
if ($start_index < 0) $start_index = 0;
$max_start_index = floor($total_ideas / $per_page) * $per_page;
if ($start_index > $max_start_index) $start_index = $max_start_index;
$config = array();
$config['base_url'] = base_url() . 'browse-ideas-by-tags/' . $tag_name . '/' . $sort_by . '/';
$config['base_url_end'] = '/' . $per_page;
$config['total_rows'] = $total_ideas;
$config['per_page'] = $per_page;
$config['start_index'] = $start_index;
$config['uri_segment'] = 4;
$config['full_tag_open'] = '<div class="paging"><ul>';
$config['full_tag_close'] = '</ul></div> <!-- end paging -->';
$config['prev_tag_open'] = '<li class="prev button">';
$config['prev_tag_close'] = '</li>';
$config['next_tag_open'] = '<li class="next button">';
$config['next_tag_close'] = '</li>';
if (count($limit) == 0)
$limit = array($per_page, $start_index);
// Get articles
$this->local_vars['ideas'] = $this->idea_model->get_ideas(array('idea_tag' => $tag_name), $order, $limit);
$this->local_vars['sort_by'] = $sort_by;
$this->local_vars['start_index'] = $start_index;
$this->local_vars['per_page'] = $per_page;
$this->local_vars['section_base_url'] = 'browse-ideas-by-tags/' . $tag_name;
// Set pagination vars and load needed assets
$this->assets['js'][] = array('pagination.js');
// Section Title
$this->local_vars['section_title'] = sprintf(lang('idea_tags_page_title'), $tag_name);
// Renders the whole page
$this->page_titles[] = $this->local_vars['section_title'];
$this->public_vars['content'] =
$this->load->view("idea/all.php", $this->local_vars, TRUE);
* Process submit idea
* @param integer $ID_user
* @param boolean $logged_in
* @param array $user_data
* @return array
function _process_submit_idea($ID_user, $logged_in, $user_data = array())
// Get data
$idea = array();
$idea['ID_user'] = $ID_user;
$idea['idea_title'] = $this->input->post('idea_title', TRUE);
$idea['idea_description'] = $this->input->post('idea_description', TRUE);
// Save idea
$ID_idea = $this->idea_model->add_idea($idea);
// Get Idea ID
$idea['ID_idea'] = $ID_idea;
// Save tags
$this->tag_model->add_tags($ID_idea, $this->input->post('tags', TRUE));
* Send an email to the user
// Get Current user data
$user = $this->auth->get_user($ID_user);
// Load email library
// Load lang file (just in case)
// From field
$from_email = $this->config->item('cisco_site_email_from_email');
$from_name = $this->config->item('cisco_site_email_from_name');
// Include some more data
$data = array_merge($user, $idea, $user_data, array(
'base_url' => base_url(),
'login_url' => site_url($this->config->item('auth_url_login')),
'idea_url' => site_url('idea/details/' . $idea['ID_idea'] . '/' . seo($idea['idea_title']))
// Load both HTML and Text bodies
$current_language = $this->session->userdata('language');
if ($logged_in)
$html_message = $this->load->view('email/' . $current_language . '/idea/submit_idea_html.php', $data, TRUE);
$text_message = $this->load->view('email/' . $current_language . '/idea/submit_idea_text.php', $data, TRUE);
$html_message = $this->load->view('email/' . $current_language . '/idea/first_submit_idea_html.php', $data, TRUE);
$text_message = $this->load->view('email/' . $current_language . '/idea/first_submit_idea_text.php', $data, TRUE);
// Send the email
$this->email->from($from_email, $from_name);
if ($logged_in)
// Finally return the idea
return $idea;
* Displays idea reject page
function _reject()
// Renders the whole page
$this->page_class = array_merge($this->page_class, array('ciscomcy'));
$this->page_titles[] = lang('idea_rejection_page_title');
$this->public_vars['content'] =
$this->load->view("idea/reject.php", $this->local_vars, TRUE);
<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
* Idea Model Class
class Idea_Model extends Model
* Idea table name
* @var string
private $table_idea = 'idea';
* Idea Selected Status
const IDEA_SELECTED = 1;
* Idea Deleted Status
const IDEA_DELETED = 1;
* MySQL Date Time Format
const MYSQL_DATETIME = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
* Model Constructor
function __construct()
* Insert idea in the database
* @param array $data
* @return integer
function add_idea($data)
if ( ! isset($data['idea_hits']))
$data['idea_hits'] = 0;
if ( ! isset($data['idea_posted']))
$data['idea_posted'] = date(self::MYSQL_DATETIME);
if ( ! isset($data['idea_is_selected']))
$data['idea_is_selected'] = date(self::IDEA_NOT_SELECTED);
if ( ! isset($data['idea_is_deleted']))
$data['idea_is_deleted'] = date(self::IDEA_NOT_DELETED);
$data['idea_is_published'] = 1; // Publish all ideas by default
$this->db->insert($this->table_idea, $data);
return $this->db->insert_id();
* Gets the previous idea, related to a given idea
* @param integer $current_ID_idea
* @return array|boolean
function get_previous_idea($current_ID_idea)
return $this->get_idea(
'ID_idea <>' => $current_ID_idea,
'ID_idea <=' => $current_ID_idea
'ID_idea DESC', 1);
* Gets the next idea, related to a given idea
* @param integer $current_ID_idea
* @return array|boolean
function get_next_idea($current_ID_idea)
return $this->get_idea(
'ID_idea <>' => $current_ID_idea,
'ID_idea >=' => $current_ID_idea
'ID_idea ASC', 1);
* Get an idea from the database
* @param array|string $where
* @param array|NULL $order
* @param array|NULL $limit
* @return array|boolean
function get_idea($where, $order = NULL, $limit = NULL)
$this->db->where('idea_is_published', 1);
$this->db->where('idea_is_deleted', 0);
if ( ! is_null($order))
if ( ! is_null($limit))
$query = $this->db->get();
return ($query->num_rows() > 0) ? $query->row_array() : FALSE;
* Get Recently Added Ideas
* @param array $limit
* @return array
function get_recently_added_ideas($limit)
return $this->get_ideas(NULL, array('idea_posted', 'desc'), $limit);
* Get Top 12 Ideas
* @param array $limit
* @return array
function get_top_12_ideas($limit)
return $this->get_ideas(NULL, array('idea_hits', 'desc'), $limit);
* Get Shuffled Ideas
* @param array $limit
* @return array
function get_shuffled_ideas($limit)
return $this->get_ideas(NULL, array('ID_idea', 'random'), $limit);
* Get ideas from the database
* @param array|NULL $where
* @param array|NULL $order
* @param array|NULL $limit
* @return array
function get_ideas($where = NULL, $order = NULL, $limit = NULL)
// We will store the results in this array
$results = array();
// Build query
$this->db->join('user', 'user.ID_user = idea.ID_user', 'left');
$this->db->join('image', 'user.ID_image = image.ID_image', 'left');
$this->db->where('idea_is_published', 1);
$this->db->where('idea_is_deleted', 0);
if ( ! is_null($where))
if (is_array($where))
// Iterate through the fields and check if we are filtering by tags
foreach($where as $field => $value)
if ($field == 'idea_tag')
$this->db->where('ID_idea IN (SELECT ID_idea FROM tag_map WHERE tag_name = ' . $this->db->escape($value) . ')', NULL, FALSE);
$this->db->where($where, $value);
if ( ! is_null($order))
if (is_array($order))
$this->db->order_by($order[0], $order[1]);
if ( ! is_null($limit))
if (is_array($limit))
$this->db->limit($limit[0], $limit[1]);
$query = $this->db->get();
if ($query->num_rows() > 0)
// Load the Image library
// Load URL helper, just in case
// Get the default avatar size
$avatar_size = $this->config->item('cisco_site_default_avatar_size');
// Get the default avatar
$default_avatar = base_url() . $this->config->item('cisco_site_default_avatar');
// Get rows
$rows = $query->result_array();
foreach ($rows as $row)
$row['avatar'] = $default_avatar;
if ( ! is_null($row['ID_image']))
$file = array(
'full_path' => $row['full_path'],
'raw_name' => $row['raw_name'],
'file_ext' => $row['file_ext'],
'image_width' => $row['image_width'],
'image_height' => $row['image_height'],
$row['avatar'] = $this->community_image->generate_thumb($file, $avatar_size);
$results[] = $row;
return $results;
* Count ideas
* @param array $where
* @return integer
function count_ideas($where = NULL)
if ( ! is_null($where))
if (is_array($where))
// Iterate through the fields and check if we are filtering by tags
foreach($where as $field => $value)
if ($field == 'idea_tag')
$this->db->where('ID_idea IN (SELECT ID_idea FROM tag_map WHERE tag_name = ' . $this->db->escape($value) . ')', NULL, FALSE);
$this->db->where($where, $value);
$this->db->where('idea_is_published', 1);
$this->db->where('idea_is_deleted', 0);
return $this->db->count_all_results($this->table_idea);
* Tracks a hit/view of the idea
* @param integer $ID_idea
function track_hit($ID_idea)
// Check if there's already a valid record for this IP and Browser
$this->db->where('visitor_ip', $this->input->ip_address());
$this->db->where('visitor_browser', $this->input->user_agent());
$this->db->where('DATE_ADD(visitor_date, INTERVAL 4 HOUR) >', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
$this->db->order_by('visitor_date', 'desc');
$result = $this->db->get();
if ($result->num_rows() == 0)
// We can track this hit
$hit = array();
$hit['visitor_ip'] = $this->input->ip_address();
$hit['visitor_browser'] = $this->input->user_agent();
$hit['ID_idea'] = $ID_idea;
$hit['ID_user'] = (($this->session->userdata('ID_user')) ?
$this->session->userdata('ID_user') : NULL);
$hit['visitor_hour'] = date('H');
$hit['visitor_minute'] = date('i');
$hit['visitor_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$hit['visitor_day'] = date('d');
$hit['visitor_month'] = date('m');
$hit['visitor_year'] = date('Y');
$hit['visitor_referrer'] = $this->input->server('HTTP_REFERER');
$this->db->insert('idea_hit', $hit);
// Get the # of this
$this->db->where('ID_idea', $ID_idea);
$hits_count = $this->db->count_all_results('idea_hit');
// Finally, update the # of hits
$this->db->where('ID_idea', $ID_idea);
$this->db->set('idea_hits', $hits_count);
* Checks wheter a user already posted an idea
* @param integer $ID_user
* @return boolean
function has_idea($ID_user)
$this->db->where('ID_user', $ID_user);
$this->db->where('idea_is_deleted', 0);
return ($this->db->count_all_results($this->table_idea) > 0);
* Some vars we need in place to track down links usage
var _currentFilter = 'recently.added';
var _currentOffset = 0;
var _addMore = false;
* Forms > Submit Idea Word Counter
* @param var-type none
* @return none
var initSubmitIdeaWordCounter = function()
counterElement: 'idea_description_word_counter',
max_words: 300
* Init Home page JS functions
* @return none
var initHomePage = function()
* Handle the Recently added link
var handleRecentlyAddedLinks = function()
var _ral_offset = 0;
$('.ral').bind('click', function(event) {
_addMore = false;
getMoreIdeas('recently.added', _ral_offset);
* Handle the Top 12 (Top 25) link
var handleTop25Links = function()
var _t2l_offset = 0;
$('.t2l').bind('click', function(event) {
_addMore = false;
getMoreIdeas('top.25', _t2l_offset);
* Handle the Shuffled Ideas link
var handleShuffledIdeas = function()
var _sil_offset = 0;
$('.sil').bind('click', function(event) {
_addMore = false;
getMoreIdeas('shuffled.ideas', _sil_offset);
* Handle the Load More button
var handleLoadMoreIdeas = function()
$('.load-more-button').bind('click', function(event) {
_addMore = true;
_currentOffset += 12;
getMoreIdeas(_currentFilter, _currentOffset);
* Hides the Load More button
var hideLoadMoreButton = function()
* Get More Ideas AJAX call
var getMoreIdeas = function(filter, offset)
_currentFilter = filter;
_currentOffset = offset;
type: 'POST',
url: 'remote',
data: 'remote_method=get.more.ideas&filter=' + filter + '&offset=' + offset,
dataType: 'json',
success: function(response) {
if (response)
if (response.status == 'success')
if (_addMore) $('#ideas-container').append(response.payload);
else $('#ideas-container').html(response.payload);
else hideLoadMoreButton();
else hideLoadMoreButton();
<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
* Base Controller
class MY_Controller extends Controller
* Auth Library
* @var Auth
public $auth;
* Site Current Language
* default to arabic
* @var string
public $current_language = 'arabic';
* Local View vars
* @var array
public $local_vars = array();
* Assets (JS/CSS) from the Controllers
* @var array
public $assets = array();
* JS DOM Ready calls
* @var array
public $dom_ready = array();
* JS Vars
* @var array
public $js_vars = array();
* Global View vars
* @var array
public $public_vars = array();
* Page Titles
* @var array
public $page_titles = array();
* Page Id
* @var array
public $page_id = array();
* Page Classes
* @var array
public $page_class = array();
* Current user session status
* @var boolean
public $user_is_logged_in = FALSE;
* Display the leading box
* @var boolean
public $display_leading_box = FALSE;
* Wheter use or not use Facebook Meta Tags
* @var boolean
public $use_fb_metatags = FALSE;
* Facebook Application ID
* @var string
private $fb_app_id = '142274265816337';
* Facebook Meta Tags
* @var array
public $fb_meta_tags = array();
* Class Constructor
function MY_Controller()
// Check if there's a language set in the session
if ($this->session->userdata('language'))
// there is, set it as the default language
$this->config->set_item('language', $this->session->userdata('language'));
// set the current language in the sessions
$this->session->set_userdata('language', $this->config->item('language'));
$this->current_language = $this->config->item('language');
// Auto load
// Add Cisco to the page title
$this->page_titles[] = 'Cisco Systems, Inc.';
// Add default title to the page title
$this->page_titles[] = lang('cisco_site_default_page_title');
// Get the session state for the current user
$this->user_is_logged_in = $this->auth->is_logged_in();
// Add inner page class to all pages by default
$this->page_class = array('inner-pege');
// Initialize array with assets used site wide
$this->assets['css'][] = array(
$this->assets['js'][] = array(
'sourced/jquery/jquery-1.4.2.min.js', // jQuery Framework
'popup.js', // p2h Popup Stuff
'validations/messages/' . $this->current_language . '.js', // Validation Messages
'tab.js' // p2h Tabs JS
* Prepare Javascript for inclusion
function prepare_javascript()
$this->js_vars[] = '_base_url = "' . base_url() . '";';
$this->public_vars['static_js'] =
'js_vars' => $this->js_vars,
'dom_ready' => $this->dom_ready),
* Prepares the site page title
function prepare_page_title()
$this->public_vars['page_title'] = implode($this->page_titles,
// Render the leading box if necessary
$this->public_vars['leading_box'] = '';
if ($this->display_leading_box)
$this->public_vars['leading_box'] = $this->load->view('layout/leading_box',
array(), TRUE);
* Check if we need to render facebook metatags
* @see
* For ideas, use "idea" for the "type" property (it will appear as other in Facebook)
* For news, use "article" for the "type" property
$this->public_vars['facebook_meta_tags'] = '';
if ($this->use_fb_metatags)
$this->public_vars['facebook_meta_tags'] .=
'<meta property="fb:app_id" content="' . $this->fb_app_id . '" />' . "\n";
foreach($this->fb_meta_tags as $property => $content)
$this->public_vars['facebook_meta_tags'] .=
"<meta property=\"$property\" content=\"$content\" />\n";
* Prepare assets for inclusion
function prepare_assets()
// Initialize assets vars
$this->public_vars['css_assets'] = '';
$this->public_vars['js_assets'] = '';
// Load assets helper
// Make sure there are css assets first, then add them
if (count($this->assets['css']) > 0)
foreach($this->assets['css'] as $asset)
$this->public_vars['css_assets'].= asset_link($asset, 'css');
// If current language is arabic, add an aditional css
if ($this->current_language == 'arabic')
$this->public_vars['css_assets'].= asset_link('arabic.mcy.css', 'css');
// Make sure there are js assets first, then add them
if (count($this->assets['js']) > 0)
foreach($this->assets['js'] as $asset)
$this->public_vars['js_assets'].= asset_link($asset, 'js');
* Renders the User Info, if any
function render_user_info()
$user_info = array();
$user_info['user_is_logged_in'] = $this->user_is_logged_in;
if ($this->user_is_logged_in)
$user = $this->session->userdata('user');
$user_info['user_full_name'] = $user['first_name'] . ' ' . $user['last_name'];
$user_info['avatar'] = $this->auth_model->get_avatar(NULL, '34x35');
$this->public_vars['login_form_popup'] = '';
// Load validate plugin and related files
$this->assets['js'][] = array(
// Init login validation
$this->dom_ready['popup_login_form'] = 'initLoginValidation();';
// Load login popup
$this->public_vars['login_form_popup'] = $this->load->view('layout/login_popup', array(), TRUE);
$this->public_vars['user_info'] = $this->load->view('layout/user_info.php',
$user_info, TRUE);
* Renders the language switcher
function render_language_switcher()
$this->public_vars['language_switcher'] = $this->load->view('layout/language_switcher.php',
array('current_language' => $this->current_language), TRUE);
* Renders main menu
function render_main_menu()
$this->public_vars['main_menu'] = $this->load->view('layout/main_menu.php',
array(), TRUE);
* Render footer menu
function render_footer_menu()
$this->public_vars['footer_menu'] = $this->load->view('layout/footer_menu.php',
array('user_is_logged_in' => $this->user_is_logged_in), TRUE);
* Renders the articles section
function render_articles()
// Load article model
// Get news from the database
$articles = $this->article_model->get_articles($this->current_language,
array(), 'article_date DESC', array(3, 0));
$this->public_vars['articles'] = '';
// Only render the view if there are news
if ($articles !== FALSE)
// Load article language
// Load the seo helper
// Load the text helper
$this->public_vars['articles'] = $this->load->view('article/home_list',
array('articles' => $articles), TRUE);
* Render the competition stats box
function render_competition_stats()
// Load stats model
$stats = array();
$stats['current_language'] = $this->current_language;
$stats['days_remaining'] = $this->stat_model->get_remaining_days();
$stats['total_ideas'] = $this->stat_model->get_total_ideas();
$stats['total_finalists'] = $this->stat_model->get_total_finalists();
// Load stats
$this->public_vars['competition_stats'] = $this->load->view('layout/competition_stats',
$stats, TRUE);
* Renders page
function render_page()
// Renders the language switcher
// Renders the use info section
// Renders the main menu
// Render competition stats
// Renders the articles section
// Renders the footer menu
$this->public_vars['fb_app_id'] = $this->fb_app_id;
$this->public_vars['current_language'] = $this->current_language;
$this->public_vars['page_id'] = $this->page_id;
$this->public_vars['page_class'] = $this->page_class;
// Prepare Assets (JS/CSS) for Inclusion
// Prepara JS Calls
// Generates the page Title
// Renders the main layout
$this->load->view('layout/main.php', $this->public_vars);
<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
* Base Form Validation (Extension to CI Form Validation)
class MY_Form_validation extends CI_Form_validation
* Class Constructor
function MY_Form_validation($rules = array())
// Validation rules can be stored in a config file.
$this->_config_rules = $rules;
$this->set_error_delimiters('<strong class="warning-note" style="display: block;">', '</strong>');
* Check how many words are in a string and make sure it's less than
* a given number
* @param string $value
* @param integer $count
* @return boolean
function word_count($value, $count = 300)
if (count(str_word_count($value, 1)) > 300)
$this->set_message(__FUNCTION__, lang('word_count'));
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Check if the current email is in the list of blocked emails
* @param string $email
* @return boolean
function blocked_email_domains($email)
$tmp = explode('@', $email);
if (count($tmp) == 2) $domain = $tmp[1];
else $domain = 'blocked.domain';
$blocked_domains = $this->CI->config->item('auth_blocked_domains');
if (is_array($blocked_domains))
foreach ($blocked_domains as $blocked_domain)
if (strtolower($domain) == strtolower($blocked_domain))
$this->set_message(__FUNCTION__, lang('blocked_email_domains'));
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Check if the word is a valid captcha
* @param string $user_word
* @return boolean
function valid_captcha($user_word)
if ($this->CI->input->post('captcha_word'))
$captcha_word = $this->CI->encrypt->decode($this->CI->input->post('captcha_word'));
$captcha_word = $this->CI->session->userdata('captcha');
if (strtolower($user_word) != strtolower($captcha_word))
$user_word = '';
$this->set_message(__FUNCTION__, lang('invalid_captcha'));
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Checks if a given username or email is valid
* @param string $user_name_or_email
* @return boolean
function valid_username_or_email($user_name_or_email)
// If there is an @ in the string, look for email, if not, username
if (stristr($user_name_or_email, '@') === FALSE)
$tmp = $this->CI->auth->get_user_by_name($user_name_or_email);
if ($tmp !== FALSE)
return TRUE;
$this->set_message(__FUNCTION__, lang('user_name_doesnt_exists'));
return FALSE;
$tmp = $this->CI->auth->get_user_by_email($user_name_or_email);
if ($tmp !== FALSE)
return TRUE;
$this->set_message(__FUNCTION__, lang('email_doesnt_exists'));
return FALSE;
* Checks if a given email address exists in the system
* @param string $email
* @return boolean
function email_exists($email)
$tmp = $this->CI->auth->get_user_by_email($email);
if ($tmp !== FALSE)
return TRUE;
$this->set_message(__FUNCTION__, lang('email_doesnt_exists'));
return FALSE;
* Check if the given user name is unique
* @param string $user_name
* @return boolean
function unique_username($user_name)
$tmp = $this->CI->auth->get_user_by_name($user_name);
if ($tmp === FALSE)
return TRUE;
$this->set_message(__FUNCTION__, lang('user_name_exists'));
return FALSE;
* Check if the given email is unique
* @param string $email
* @return boolean
function unique_email($email)
$tmp = $this->CI->auth->get_user_by_email($email);
if ($tmp === FALSE)
return TRUE;
$this->set_message(__FUNCTION__, lang('email_exists'));
return FALSE;
* Check if the given user name is unique
* @param string $user_name
* @return boolean
function edit_unique_username($user_name)
$tmp = $this->CI->auth->get_user_by_name($user_name);
if ($tmp === FALSE) return TRUE;
$tmp2 = $this->CI->auth->get_user();
if ($tmp['user_name'] == $tmp2['user_name'])
return TRUE;
$this->set_message(__FUNCTION__, lang('user_name_exists'));
return FALSE;
* Check if the given email is unique
* @param string $email
* @return boolean
function edit_unique_email($email)
$tmp = $this->CI->auth->get_user_by_email($email);
if ($tmp === FALSE) return TRUE;
$tmp2 = $this->CI->auth->get_user();
if ($tmp['email'] == $tmp2['email'])
return TRUE;
$this->set_message(__FUNCTION__, lang('email_exists'));
return FALSE;
* Check if the given password is valid
* @param string $pass
* @return boolean
function valid_password($pass)
$tmp = $this->CI->auth->get_user();
if ($tmp['password'] == $this->CI->auth->sha256($pass.$tmp['salt']))
return TRUE;
$this->set_message(__FUNCTION__, lang('invalid_password'));
return FALSE;
* Check the given string if is a valid alpha dash string
* @param string $str
* @return boolean
function alpha_dash($str)
return ( ! preg_match("/^([-a-z0-9\ _-])+$/i", $str)) ? FALSE : TRUE;
* Validations > User Signup Page
var initUserSignupValidation = function()
errorElement: 'div',
errorClass: 'warning-note',
errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
highlight: function(element, errorClass) {
unhighlight: function(element) {
rules: {
first_name: {
required: true,
minlength: 2,
maxlength: 130
last_name: {
required: true,
minlength: 2,
maxlength: 130
email: {
required: true,
minlength: 4,
email: true
user_name: {
required: true,
minlength: 4,
maxlength: 65
password: {
required: true,
minlength: 4,
maxlength: 32,
equalTo: "input[name='password_confirm']"
password_confirm: {
required: true,
minlength: 4,
maxlength: 32
messages: messagesUserSignup
* Forms > Handle Tags Select
* @param var-type none
* @return none
var initTagsSelector = function()
sortBy: 'frequency',
suggestedTags: _suggested_tags,
tagSeparator: ',',
autoFilter: true,
autoStart: false,
suggestedTagsPlaceHolder: $('#suggested-tags'),
boldify: true
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