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Created September 21, 2011 15:04
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Bi-Kleiseli on Scala
package com.github.everpeace
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
* BiKleisli arrow
* W: comonad
* M: monad
trait BiKleisli[W[_],M[_],A,B]{
def apply(wa:W[A]):M[B]
import BiKleislis.{bikleisli,bikleisliFn}
// bikleisli arrow composition (f ## g = cojoin;W(f);t;M(g);join)
def ##[C] (g:BiKleisli[W,M,B,C])(implicit w:Comonad[W],m:Monad[M],t:Distributes[W,M]):BiKleisli[W,M,A,C] = bikleisli((wa:W[A]) => t(wa =>> this) >>= g) //m.bind(t(w.fmap(w.cojoin(wa),this)),g)
object BiKleislis{
// constructor
def bikleisli[W[_],M[_],A,B](f:W[A]=>M[B])(implicit w:Comonad[W],m:Monad[M],t:Distributes[W,M]):BiKleisli[W,M,A,B] = new BiKleisli[W,M,A,B]{
def apply(wa: W[A]) = f(wa)
// implicit conversion: bikleisli to function
implicit def bikleisliFn[W[_],M[_],A,B](bk:BiKleisli[W,M,A,B]):W[A]=>M[B] = bk(_)
// implicit conversion: bikleisli to scalaz.MAB
implicit def bikleislimab[W[_],M[_],A,B](bk:BiKleisli[W,M,A,B]) = mab[({type λ[α,β]=BiKleisli[W,M,α,β]})#λ,A,B](bk)
// implicit bikleisli category (for scalaz.MAB methods)
implicit def BiKleisliCategory[W[_],M[_]](implicit w:Comonad[W],m:Monad[M],t:Distributes[W,M]):Category[({type λ[α,β]=BiKleisli[W,M,α,β]})#λ] = new Category[({type λ[α,β]=BiKleisli[W,M,α,β]})#λ] {
// id = η○ε
def id[A] = bikleisli((wa:W[A]) => m.pure(w.copure(wa)))
// compose(f,g) = g ## f
def compose[A,B,C](f: BiKleisli[W,M,B,C], g: BiKleisli[W,M,A,B]) = g ## f
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