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Created September 26, 2012 17:16
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agavi mustache renderer
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This file is part of the Agavi package. |
// | Copyright (c) 2012 Parspooyesh co. |
// | |
// | For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE |
// | file that was distributed with this source code. You can also view the |
// | LICENSE file online at |
// | vi: set noexpandtab: |
// | Local Variables: |
// | indent-tabs-mode: t |
// | End: |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* A renderer produces the output as defined by a View
* @package agavi
* @subpackage renderer
* @author Behrooz Shabani <>
* @copyright Authors
* @copyright The Agavi Project
* @since 1.0.8
* @version $Id$
class AgaviMustacheRenderer extends AgaviRenderer implements AgaviIReusableRenderer
* @var Mustache_Engine The template engine.
protected $mustache = null;
* @var string A string with the default template file extension,
* including the dot.
protected $defaultExtension = '.mustache';
* Pre-serialization callback.
* Excludes the Mustache instance to prevent excessive serialization load.
* @author Behrooz Shabani <>
* @since 1.0.8
public function __sleep()
$keys = parent::__sleep();
unset($keys[array_search('mustache', $keys)]);
return $keys;
* Initialize this Renderer.
* @param AgaviContext The current application context.
* @param array An associative array of initialization parameters.
* @author Behrooz Shabani <>
* @since 1.0.8
public function initialize(AgaviContext $context, array $parameters = array())
parent::initialize($context, $parameters);
$this->setParameter('options', array_merge(
'loader' => 'Mustache_Loader_FilesystemLoader',
'cache' => AgaviConfig::get('core.debug') ? false : AgaviConfig::get('core.cache_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'templates' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'mustache',
(array)$this->getParameter('options', array())
* Load and create an instance of Mustache.
* @return Mustache_Engine
* @author Behrooz Shabani <>
* @since 1.0.8
protected function createEngineInstance()
if(!class_exists('Mustache_Engine')) {
if(!class_exists('Mustache_Autoloader')) {
$parameters = (array)$this->getParameter('options', array());
return new Mustache_Engine($parameters);
* Grab an initialized Mustache instance.
* @return Mustache_Engine
* @author Behrooz Shabani <>
* @since 1.0.8
protected function getEngine()
if(!$this->mustache) {
$this->mustache = $this->createEngineInstance();
// assigns can be set as globals
foreach($this->assigns as $key => $getter) {
$this->mustache->addHelper($key, $this->context->$getter());
// the tags should be like:
// {{#_}}gettext.domain:text needs to be translated{{/_}}
// or
// {{#_}}text in default domain{{/_}}
$tm = $this->getContext()->getTranslationManager();
$this->mustache->addHelper('_', function($text) use ($tm){
$domain = null;
if(preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9\.]+::/', $text))
list($domain, $text) = explode('::', $text, 2);
return $tm->_($text, $domain);
return $this->mustache;
* Render the presentation and return the result.
* @param AgaviTemplateLayer The template layer to render.
* @param array The template variables.
* @param array The slots.
* @param array Associative array of additional assigns.
* @return string A rendered result.
* @author Behrooz Shabani <>
* @since 1.0.8
public function render(AgaviTemplateLayer $layer, array &$attributes = array(), array &$slots = array(), array &$moreAssigns = array())
$mustache = $this->getEngine();
$template_dir = $this->getParameter('template_dir', AgaviConfig::get('core.template_dir'));
$loader = $this->getParameter('loader', 'Mustache_Loader_FilesystemLoader');
$loader = new $loader($template_dir);
// get realpath of file to avoid . and ..
$path = realpath($layer->getResourceStreamIdentifier());
// remove extension
$path = preg_replace('/\.[^\/\\\\]+$/', '', $path);
$path = substr($path, strlen($template_dir)+1);
$template = $mustache->loadTemplate($path);
$data = array();
// template vars
if($this->extractVars) {
foreach($attributes as $name => $value) {
$data[$name] = $value;
} else {
$data[$this->varName] = $attributes;
// slots
$data[$this->slotsVarName] = $slots;
// dynamic assigns (global ones were set in getEngine())
$finalMoreAssigns = self::buildMoreAssigns($moreAssigns, $this->moreAssignNames);
foreach($finalMoreAssigns as $key => $value) {
$data[$key] = $value;
return $template->render($data);
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