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Created October 20, 2014 17:44
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Inleiding programmeren, palindromen
# Author: Evert Heylen
# Date: 09.10.2014
# call the program with 'color' as an argument to have red input like in
# the Assignment file!
# call the program with 'exp' to use the experimental faster function
# The previous assignment had example output in Dutch, this one has the example output in English, so
# I've edited my helper fucntions accordingly.
import sys
import math
usecolor = False
# ANSI color codes. Thanks wikipedia.
red = '\033[31m'
endc = '\033[0m' # Resets all ANSI attributes
def ip_input(question, req_format):
""" Will ask again for as long as the answer isn't in the required format.
req_format will be of type 'type', which means it is a type on itself.
As such, we can call it as a function to do the conversion, and it will
raise an error if the conversion failed.
a = 0
while True:
print(question, end='')
if usecolor:
a = req_format(input(red))
print(endc, end='')
a = req_format(input())
except ValueError:
print(endc + 'Wrong type! Try again.')
return a
def find_largest_palindrome(n):
""" Finds the largest palindrome consisting of two numbers x and y, both
consisting of n numbers (in decimal format).
n = number of numbers
if n < 1:
print('n should be at least 1')
maxsingle = 10 ** n - 1 # example for n=3: 999
minsingle = 10 ** (n - 1) # 100
largestpalindrome = 0
largestx = 0
largesty = 0
for x in range(maxsingle, minsingle, -1):
for y in range(x, minsingle, -1):
p = x * y
if is_palindrome(p) and p > largestpalindrome:
largestpalindrome = p
largestx = x
largesty = y
return largestpalindrome, largestx, largesty
# end func find_largest_palindrome
def exp_find_largest_palindrome(n):
""" Experimental method
Finds the largest palindrome consisting of two numbers x and y, both
consisting of n numbers (in decimal format).
n = number of numbers
if n < 1:
print('n should be at least 1')
# The algorithm I use will try all possible combinations, but it will do
# it in a specific order so that it will (most of the time) find the
# biggest palindrome first. It has been tested to work at least up to n=11
# (9999994020000204999999 = 99999996349 * 99999943851)
# It seems to be way faster than the other algorithm above, taking only
# 30.49s (on my machine, i7 3770K) to find all the palingdromes fitting
# the requirements from n=1 to n=8.
# The 'normal' version takes 32.10s to do the same from n=1 to n=4.
maxsingle = 10 ** n - 1 # example for n=3: 999
maxtotal = 2 * maxsingle # 1998
minsingle = 10 ** (n - 1) # 100
mintotal = 2 * minsingle # 200
total = maxtotal
while total >= mintotal:
xstart = math.ceil(total / 2)
for x in range(xstart, maxsingle + 1):
y = total - x
if y < minsingle:
p = x * y
if is_palindrome(p):
return p, x, y
previousp = p
total -= 1
# end while loop
# end func exp_find_largest_palindrome
def is_palindrome(x):
strx = str(x)
return strx == strx[::-1]
# a lot faster than reversed()
def main():
if 'color' in sys.argv:
# Sets the global variable usecolor to True
global usecolor
usecolor = True
n = ip_input('How many digits in each factor?', int)
if 'exp' in sys.argv:
print("You're using the experimental version.")
l, x, y = exp_find_largest_palindrome(n)
l, x, y = find_largest_palindrome(n)
print('Largest palindrome found! {0} x {1} = {2}'.format(x, y, l))
def main2():
for i in range(1, 5):
print('n=', i, end=' -->')
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