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Created January 22, 2015 21:59
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  • Save evertheylen/e9466c2c02ef5fb6a6b9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save evertheylen/e9466c2c02ef5fb6a6b9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Xonotic 0.8 segfaulted, playing local and just jumping around, no shooting.
Game is Xonotic using base gamedir data
gamename for server filtering: Xonotic
Xonotic Linux 21:47:07 Jan 18 2015 - release
Skeletal animation uses SSE code path
DPSOFTRAST available (SSE2 instructions detected)
Failed to init SDL joystick subsystem:
execing quake.rc
execing default.cfg
execing defaultXonotic.cfg
execing sRGB-disable.cfg
menu: program is not loaded
execing weapons.cfg
execing binds-default.cfg
execing cdtracks.cfg
execing balance-xonotic.cfg
execing bal-wep-xonotic.cfg
execing effects-normal.cfg
execing physicsX.cfg
execing turrets.cfg
execing unit_machinegun.cfg
execing unit_hk.cfg
execing unit_hellion.cfg
execing unit_mlrs.cfg
execing unit_flac.cfg
execing unit_fusreac.cfg
execing unit_plasma.cfg
execing unit_plasma2.cfg
execing unit_tesla.cfg
execing unit_phaser.cfg
execing unit_walker.cfg
execing unit_ewheel.cfg
execing vehicles.cfg
execing vehicle_racer.cfg
execing vehicle_raptor.cfg
execing vehicle_spiderbot.cfg
execing vehicle_bumblebee.cfg
execing crosshairs.cfg
execing gamemodes.cfg
execing ctfscoring-samual.cfg
execing mutators.cfg
execing notifications.cfg
execing monsters.cfg
execing commands.cfg
execing _hud_common.cfg
execing _hud_descriptions.cfg
execing hud_luminos.cfg
execing config.cfg
"maxplayers" set to "10"
execing data/campaign.cfg
execing config_update.cfg
execing font-xolonium.cfg
Warning: Could not expand $scr_centersize
Warning: Could not expand $scr_centersize
client: program is not loaded
execing autoexec/empty.cfg
execing autoexec.cfg
execing scripts.cfg
Loaded public key key_0.d0pk (fingerprint: Xon//KssdlzGkFKdnnN4sgg8H+koTbBn5JTi37BAW1Q=)
Loaded private ID key_0.d0si for key_0.d0pk (public key fingerprint: L3lxlUbiWS3jQHZCLPNcCMzfqaxkhW5wAa8vaVvZ/hg=)
there is already a signed private key for 0
execing post-config.cfg
Client using an automatically assigned port
Client opened a socket on address
Linked against SDL version 2.0.3
Using SDL library version 2.0.3
GL_VERSION: 2.1.2 NVIDIA 343.36
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_AMD_seamless_cubemap_per_texture GL_ARB_arrays_of_arrays GL_ARB_blend_func_extended GL_ARB_buffer_storage GL_ARB_clear_buffer_object GL_ARB_clear_texture GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_compatibility GL_ARB_conservative_depth GL_ARB_copy_image GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts GL_ARB_ES3_compatibility GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location GL_ARB_explicit_uniform_location GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions GL_ARB_fragment_layer_viewport GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GL_ARB_geometry_shader4 GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_imaging GL_ARB_invalidate_subdata GL_ARB_map_buffer_alignment GL_ARB_map_buffer_range GL_ARB_multi_bind GL_ARB_multi_draw_indirect GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_program_interface_query GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_robust_buffer_access_behavior GL_ARB_seamless_cubemap_per_texture GL_ARB_shader_draw_parameters GL_ARB_shader_group_vote GL_ARB_shader_image_size GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_query_buffer_object GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack GL_ARB_shading_language_packing GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_gather GL_ARB_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_query_levels GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_texture_stencil8 GL_ARB_texture_storage_multisample GL_ARB_texture_swizzle GL_ARB_texture_view GL_ARB_timer_query GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_array_object GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_vertex_type_10f_11f_11f_rev GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_texture_float GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_S3_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_Cg_shader GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXTX_framebuffer_mixed_formats GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_float GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shader_integer_mix GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_array GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_latc GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_lod GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_texture_swizzle GL_EXT_timer_query GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra GL_EXT_x11_sync_object GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_KTX_buffer_region GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_conditional_render GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color GL_NV_copy_image GL_NV_depth_buffer_float GL_NV_depth_clamp GL_NV_ES3_1_compatibility GL_NV_fence GL_NV_float_buffer GL_NV_fog_distance GL_NV_fragment_program GL_NV_fragment_program_option GL_NV_fragment_program2 GL_NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage GL_NV_geometry_shader4 GL_NV_gpu_program4 GL_NV_gpu_
program4_1 GL_NV_gpu_program5_mem_extended GL_NV_half_float GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_multisample_coverage GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint GL_NV_occlusion_query GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object2 GL_NV_point_sprite GL_NV_register_combiners GL_NV_register_combiners2 GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_texture_barrier GL_NV_texture_compression_vtc GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 GL_NV_texture_rectangle GL_NV_texture_shader GL_NV_texture_shader2 GL_NV_texture_shader3 GL_NV_vertex_program GL_NV_vertex_program1_1 GL_NV_vertex_program2 GL_NV_vertex_program2_option GL_NV_vertex_program3 GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info GL_NV_shader_thread_group GL_NV_shader_thread_shuffle GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SGIX_depth_texture GL_SGIX_shadow GL_SUN_slice_accum
checking for glbase... enabled
checking for OpenGL 2.0 core features... enabled
Checking OpenGL extensions...
Detected GLSL #version 120
checking for GL_AMD_texture_texture4... not detected
checking for GL_ARB_depth_texture... enabled
checking for GL_ARB_draw_buffers... enabled
checking for GL_ARB_multitexture... enabled
checking for GL_ARB_occlusion_query... enabled
checking for GL_ARB_query_buffer_object... enabled
checking for GL_ARB_shadow... enabled
checking for GL_ARB_texture_compression... enabled
checking for GL_ARB_texture_cube_map... enabled
checking for GL_ARB_texture_env_combine... enabled
checking for GL_ARB_texture_gather... enabled
checking for GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two... enabled
checking for GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object... enabled
checking for GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object... not detected
checking for separatestencil... enabled
checking for GL_EXT_blend_minmax... enabled
checking for GL_EXT_blend_subtract... enabled
checking for GL_EXT_blend_func_separate... enabled
checking for drawrangeelements... enabled
checking for GL_ARB_framebuffer_object... enabled
checking for GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil... enabled
checking for GL_EXT_stencil_two_side... enabled
checking for GL_EXT_texture3D... enabled
checking for GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc... enabled
checking for GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp... enabled
checking for GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic... enabled
checking for GL_EXT_texture_sRGB... enabled
checking for GL_ARB_multisample... enabled
Using GL2.0 rendering path - 4 texture matrix, 16 texture images, 8 texcoords, shadowmapping supported 1 1
NOTE: requested 1x AA, got 0x AA
Video Mode: window 2560x1440x32x0.00hz
Couldn't load gfx/palette.lmp, falling back on internal palette
OpenGL backend started.
Trying to load library... "" - loaded.
Trying to load library... "" - loaded.
Trying to load library... "" - loaded.
Failed to load font-file for 'gfx/conchars', it will not support as many characters.
Loading font fonts/unifont-5.1.20080907.ttf face 0...
Loading font fonts/xolonium-regular.otf face 0...
Using size: 18.000000 for requested size 19.000000
Failed to load font-file for 'gfx/font_sbar', it will not support as many characters.
Loading font fonts/xolonium-regular.otf face 0...
Loading font fonts/unifont-5.1.20080907.ttf face 0...
Using size: 20.000000 for requested size 24.000000
Loading font fonts/xolonium-regular.otf face 0...
Loading font fonts/unifont-5.1.20080907.ttf face 0...
Using size: 20.000000 for requested size 24.000000
Loading font fonts/xolonium-regular.otf face 0...
Loading font fonts/unifont-5.1.20080907.ttf face 0...
Using size: 18.000000 for requested size 22.000000
Loading font fonts/xolonium-regular.otf face 0...
Loading font fonts/unifont-5.1.20080907.ttf face 0...
Using size: 16.000000 for requested size 19.000000
Using size: 24.000000 for requested size 29.000000
Failed to load font-file for 'gfx/font_menu', it will not support as many characters.
Loading font fonts/xolonium-regular.otf face 0...
Loading font fonts/unifont-5.1.20080907.ttf face 0...
Using size: 24.000000 for requested size 29.000000
Loading font fonts/xolonium-regular.otf face 0...
Loading font fonts/unifont-5.1.20080907.ttf face 0...
Using size: 8.000000 for requested size 10.000000
Using size: 12.000000 for requested size 14.000000
Using size: 16.000000 for requested size 19.000000
Using size: 20.000000 for requested size 24.000000
Using size: 24.000000 for requested size 29.000000
Using size: 28.000000 for requested size 34.000000
Using size: 31.000000 for requested size 38.000000
Using size: 40.000000 for requested size 48.000000
Using size: 48.000000 for requested size 58.000000
Using size: 56.000000 for requested size 67.000000
Using size: 64.000000 for requested size 77.000000
Using size: 21.000000 for requested size 26.000000
Loading font fonts/xolonium-bold.otf face 0...
Loading font fonts/unifont-5.1.20080907.ttf face 0...
Using size: 8.000000 for requested size 10.000000
Using size: 12.000000 for requested size 14.000000
Using size: 16.000000 for requested size 19.000000
Using size: 20.000000 for requested size 24.000000
Using size: 24.000000 for requested size 29.000000
Using size: 28.000000 for requested size 34.000000
Using size: 31.000000 for requested size 38.000000
Using size: 40.000000 for requested size 48.000000
Using size: 48.000000 for requested size 58.000000
Using size: 56.000000 for requested size 67.000000
Using size: 64.000000 for requested size 77.000000
Using size: 21.000000 for requested size 26.000000
Loading font fonts/xolonium-bold.otf face 0...
Loading font fonts/unifont-5.1.20080907.ttf face 0...
Using size: 24.000000 for requested size 29.000000
Using size: 31.000000 for requested size 38.000000
Failed to load font-file for 'gfx/font_user4', it will not support as many characters.
Failed to load font-file for 'gfx/font_user5', it will not support as many characters.
Failed to load font-file for 'gfx/font_user6', it will not support as many characters.
Failed to load font-file for 'gfx/font_user7', it will not support as many characters.
Compiling shader mode 0 permutation 13
GLSL shader glsl/default.glsl generic diffuse viewtint colormapping compiled (1 textures).
S_Startup: initializing sound output format: 48000Hz, 16 bit, 2 channels...
SndSys_Init: using the SDL module
Wanted audio Specification:
Channels : 2
Format : 0x8010
Frequency : 48000
Samples : 2048
Obtained audio specification:
Channels : 2
Format : 0x8010
Frequency : 48000
Samples : 2048
Sound format: 48000Hz, 2 channels, 16 bits per sample
CDAudio_Init: No CD in player.
Can't get initial CD volume
CD Audio Initialized
menu programs occupy 947K.
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_g_playerstats_playerdetail_uri in menu, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_g_playerstats_playerdetail_autoupdatetime in menu, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_sv_player_headsize in menu, creating...
PRVM_SetTempString: enlarging tempstrings buffer (0KB -> 64KB)
MQC Build information: xonotic-v0.7.0-2663-gbae73cb
min factor: 0.600000
max factor: 2.400000
Map vorix provides unknown info item , ignored
PRVM_SetTempString: enlarging tempstrings buffer (64KB -> 128KB)
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticFirstRunDialog/Save settings
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticFirstRunDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDExitDialog/Exit setup
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDExitDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for hud_panel_notify_print
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDNotificationDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDAmmoDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDHealthArmorDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDChatDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDModIconsDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDPowerupsDialog
PRVM_SetTempString: enlarging tempstrings buffer (128KB -> 256KB)
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDPressedKeysDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDRaceTimerDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDRadarDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDScoreDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDTimerDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDVoteDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDWeaponsDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDEngineInfoDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDInfoMessagesDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDPhysicsDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticScreenshotViewerDialog/-
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticScreenshotViewerDialog/+
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticScreenshotViewerDialog/Reset
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticScreenshotViewerDialog/Previous
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticScreenshotViewerDialog/Next
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticScreenshotViewerDialog/Slide show
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticScreenshotViewerDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDCenterprintDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDBuffsDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticUserbindEditDialog/Save
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticUserbindEditDialog/Cancel
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticCvarsDialog/
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticCvarsDialog/OK
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticResetDialog/Yes
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticResetDialog/No
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticResetDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticLanguageWarningDialog/Disconnect now
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticLanguageWarningDialog/Switch language
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticLanguageWarningDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDConfirmDialog/Yes
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDConfirmDialog/No
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDConfirmDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticWinnerDialog/OK
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticServerInfoDialog/Close
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticServerInfoDialog/Join!
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticDemoStartConfirmDialog/Yes
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticDemoStartConfirmDialog/No
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticDemoStartConfirmDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticDemoTimeConfirmDialog/Yes
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticDemoTimeConfirmDialog/No
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticDemoTimeConfirmDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMapInfoDialog/Close
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMapInfoDialog/Play
WARNING: no tooltip set for g_balance_blaster_weaponstart
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMutatorsDialog/OK
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_sandbox_spawn_model
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Spawn
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Remove *
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Copy *
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Paste
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_sandbox_attach_bone
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Set * as child
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Attach to *
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Detach from *
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Set skin:
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_sandbox_edit_skin
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Set alpha:
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_sandbox_edit_alpha
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Set color main:
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_sandbox_edit_color_main
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Set color glow:
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_sandbox_edit_color_glow
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Set frame:
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_sandbox_edit_frame
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Set material:
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_sandbox_edit_material
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Set solidity:
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_sandbox_edit_solidity
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_sandbox_edit_solidity
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Set physics:
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_sandbox_edit_physics
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_sandbox_edit_physics
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_sandbox_edit_physics
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Set scale:
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_sandbox_edit_scale
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Set force:
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_sandbox_edit_force
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Claim *
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/* object info
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/* mesh info
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/* attachment info
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Show help
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/OK
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticTeamSelectDialog/spectate
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_monsters_edit_spawn
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_monsters_edit_spawn
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_monsters_edit_spawn
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_monsters_edit_spawn
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_monsters_edit_spawn
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMonsterToolsDialog/Spawn
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMonsterToolsDialog/Remove
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMonsterToolsDialog/Move target:
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_monsters_edit_movetarget
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_monsters_edit_movetarget
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_monsters_edit_movetarget
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_monsters_edit_movetarget
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMonsterToolsDialog/Set skin:
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_monsters_edit_skin
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMonsterToolsDialog/OK
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMonsterToolsDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSingleplayerDialog/Instant action! (random map with bots)
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSingleplayerDialog/<<
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSingleplayerDialog/>>
WARNING: no tooltip set for g_campaign_skill
WARNING: no tooltip set for g_campaign_skill
WARNING: no tooltip set for g_campaign_skill
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSingleplayerDialog/Start Singleplayer!
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_slist_categories
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Join!
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Mutators
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Start Multiplayer!
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Refresh
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Play
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Refresh
PRVM_SetTempString: enlarging tempstrings buffer (256KB -> 512KB)
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Open in the viewer
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Screenshots
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Media
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/<<
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/>>
XonoticStatsList_getStats() at time: 0
Retrieving playerstats from URL:
PlayerStats_PlayerDetail_Handler(): Sending data to player stats server...
WARNING: no tooltip set for cl_gender
WARNING: no tooltip set for cl_gender
WARNING: no tooltip set for cl_gender
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Apply immediately
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Profile
WARNING: no tooltip set for _menu_vid_width
Added default resolutions.
Total number of resolutions detected: 9
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_vid_scale
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Apply immediately
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/OMG!
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Low
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Medium
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Normal
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/High
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Ultra
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Ultimate
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Apply immediately
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Apply immediately
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/View
WARNING: no tooltip set for crosshair_enabled
WARNING: no tooltip set for crosshair_enabled
WARNING: no tooltip set for crosshair_dot
WARNING: no tooltip set for crosshair_dot_size
WARNING: no tooltip set for crosshair_dot_alpha
WARNING: no tooltip set for crosshair_dot_color
WARNING: no tooltip set for crosshair_hitindication
WARNING: no tooltip set for crosshair_pickup
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Crosshair
WARNING: no tooltip set for g_waypointsprite_fontsize
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Enter HUD editor
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/HUD
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Messages
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Up
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Down
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Weapons
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Models
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Game
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Change key...
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Edit...
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Clear
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Reset all
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Set skin
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Set language
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/User
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Factory reset
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticCreditsDialog/OK
PRVM_SetTempString: enlarging tempstrings buffer (512KB -> 1024KB)
Compiling shader mode 0 permutation 12
GLSL shader glsl/default.glsl generic viewtint colormapping compiled (0 textures).
Compiling shader mode 0 permutation 13
GLSL shader glsl/default.glsl generic diffuse viewtint colormapping compiled (1 textures).
Downloading -> memory
Downloading -> memory
min factor: 0.600000
max factor: 2.400000
BGM track rising-of-the-phoenix playing...
failed to load sound "sound/announcer/default/welcome.wav"
Added packfile /home/evert/.xonotic/data/dlcache/zzzz-xonotic-0.8hotfix_chatbubble.pk3 (3 files)
dlcache/zzzz-xonotic-0.8hotfix_chatbubble.pk3 already exists, not downloading!
menu programs occupy 947K.
PRVM_SetTempString: enlarging tempstrings buffer (0KB -> 64KB)
MQC Build information: xonotic-v0.7.0-2663-gbae73cb
min factor: 0.600000
max factor: 2.400000
Map vorix provides unknown info item , ignored
PRVM_SetTempString: enlarging tempstrings buffer (64KB -> 128KB)
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticFirstRunDialog/Save settings
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticFirstRunDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDExitDialog/Exit setup
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDExitDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for hud_panel_notify_print
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDNotificationDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDAmmoDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDHealthArmorDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDChatDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDModIconsDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDPowerupsDialog
PRVM_SetTempString: enlarging tempstrings buffer (128KB -> 256KB)
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDPressedKeysDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDRaceTimerDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDRadarDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDScoreDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDTimerDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDVoteDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDWeaponsDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDEngineInfoDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDInfoMessagesDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDPhysicsDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticScreenshotViewerDialog/-
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticScreenshotViewerDialog/+
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticScreenshotViewerDialog/Reset
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticScreenshotViewerDialog/Previous
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticScreenshotViewerDialog/Next
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticScreenshotViewerDialog/Slide show
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticScreenshotViewerDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDCenterprintDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDBuffsDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticUserbindEditDialog/Save
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticUserbindEditDialog/Cancel
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticCvarsDialog/
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticCvarsDialog/OK
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticResetDialog/Yes
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticResetDialog/No
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticResetDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticLanguageWarningDialog/Disconnect now
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticLanguageWarningDialog/Switch language
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticLanguageWarningDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDConfirmDialog/Yes
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDConfirmDialog/No
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticHUDConfirmDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticWinnerDialog/OK
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticServerInfoDialog/Close
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticServerInfoDialog/Join!
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticDemoStartConfirmDialog/Yes
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticDemoStartConfirmDialog/No
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticDemoStartConfirmDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticDemoTimeConfirmDialog/Yes
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticDemoTimeConfirmDialog/No
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticDemoTimeConfirmDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMapInfoDialog/Close
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMapInfoDialog/Play
WARNING: no tooltip set for g_balance_blaster_weaponstart
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMutatorsDialog/OK
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_sandbox_spawn_model
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Spawn
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Remove *
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Copy *
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Paste
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_sandbox_attach_bone
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Set * as child
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Attach to *
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Detach from *
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Set skin:
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_sandbox_edit_skin
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Set alpha:
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_sandbox_edit_alpha
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Set color main:
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_sandbox_edit_color_main
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Set color glow:
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_sandbox_edit_color_glow
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Set frame:
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_sandbox_edit_frame
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Set material:
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_sandbox_edit_material
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Set solidity:
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_sandbox_edit_solidity
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_sandbox_edit_solidity
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Set physics:
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_sandbox_edit_physics
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_sandbox_edit_physics
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_sandbox_edit_physics
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Set scale:
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_sandbox_edit_scale
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Set force:
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_sandbox_edit_force
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Claim *
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/* object info
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/* mesh info
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/* attachment info
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/Show help
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog/OK
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSandboxToolsDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticTeamSelectDialog/spectate
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_monsters_edit_spawn
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_monsters_edit_spawn
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_monsters_edit_spawn
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_monsters_edit_spawn
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_monsters_edit_spawn
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMonsterToolsDialog/Spawn
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMonsterToolsDialog/Remove
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMonsterToolsDialog/Move target:
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_monsters_edit_movetarget
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_monsters_edit_movetarget
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_monsters_edit_movetarget
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_monsters_edit_movetarget
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMonsterToolsDialog/Set skin:
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_monsters_edit_skin
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMonsterToolsDialog/OK
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMonsterToolsDialog
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSingleplayerDialog/Instant action! (random map with bots)
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSingleplayerDialog/<<
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSingleplayerDialog/>>
WARNING: no tooltip set for g_campaign_skill
WARNING: no tooltip set for g_campaign_skill
WARNING: no tooltip set for g_campaign_skill
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSingleplayerDialog/Start Singleplayer!
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_slist_categories
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Join!
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Mutators
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Start Multiplayer!
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Refresh
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Play
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Refresh
PRVM_SetTempString: enlarging tempstrings buffer (256KB -> 512KB)
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Open in the viewer
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Screenshots
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Media
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/<<
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/>>
XonoticStatsList_getStats() at time: 0
Retrieving playerstats from URL:
PlayerStats_PlayerDetail_Handler(): Sending data to player stats server...
WARNING: no tooltip set for cl_gender
WARNING: no tooltip set for cl_gender
WARNING: no tooltip set for cl_gender
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Apply immediately
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Profile
WARNING: no tooltip set for _menu_vid_width
Added default resolutions.
Total number of resolutions detected: 9
WARNING: no tooltip set for menu_vid_scale
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Apply immediately
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/OMG!
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Low
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Medium
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Normal
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/High
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Ultra
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Ultimate
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Apply immediately
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Apply immediately
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/View
WARNING: no tooltip set for crosshair_enabled
WARNING: no tooltip set for crosshair_enabled
WARNING: no tooltip set for crosshair_dot
WARNING: no tooltip set for crosshair_dot_size
WARNING: no tooltip set for crosshair_dot_alpha
WARNING: no tooltip set for crosshair_dot_color
WARNING: no tooltip set for crosshair_hitindication
WARNING: no tooltip set for crosshair_pickup
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Crosshair
WARNING: no tooltip set for g_waypointsprite_fontsize
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Enter HUD editor
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/HUD
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Messages
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Up
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Down
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Weapons
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Models
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Game
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Change key...
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Edit...
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Clear
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Reset all
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Set skin
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Set language
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/User
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticSettingsDialog/Factory reset
WARNING: no tooltip set for XonoticCreditsDialog/OK
PRVM_SetTempString: enlarging tempstrings buffer (512KB -> 1024KB)
Downloading -> memory
min factor: 0.600000
max factor: 2.400000
Downloading -> memory
Added item #version=1 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #release=XonStat/1.0 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #time=1421963812 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #statsurl= to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #hashkey=L3lxlUbiWS3jQHZCLPNcCMzfqaxkhW5wAa8vaVvZ/hg= to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #playernick=Evert@Arch to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #playerid=15629 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #overall/joined_dt=2012-09-14 16:22:43.047377 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #overall/last_seen_dt=2015-01-20 20:18:31.174127 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #overall/active-ind=1 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #overall/matches=1558 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #overall/total-deaths=33915 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #overall/total-fckills=8377 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #overall/alivetime=743094 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #overall/total-kills=28573 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #overall/wins=793 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #overall/favorite-map=lostspace2 195 ctf to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #duel/elo=100 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #duel/matches=1 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #duel/total-deaths=24 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #duel/alivetime=578 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #duel/total-kills=37 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #duel/wins=1 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #duel/favorite-map=revdm3 1 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #dm/elo=100 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #dm/matches=36 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #dm/total-deaths=529 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #dm/alivetime=10312 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #dm/total-kills=492 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #dm/wins=5 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #dm/favorite-map=darkzone 2 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #ft/elo=300.9848076905647 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #ft/percentile=72.9166666667 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #ft/matches=84 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #ft/rank=14 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #ft/total-deaths=786 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #ft/alivetime=36887 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #ft/total-kills=823 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #ft/wins=39 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #ft/favorite-map=lolicity2 8 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #dom/matches=1 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #dom/total-deaths=23 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #dom/alivetime=681 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #dom/total-kills=27 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #dom/wins=0 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #dom/favorite-map=afterslime 1 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #as/matches=7 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #as/total-deaths=77 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #as/alivetime=630 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #as/total-kills=42 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #as/wins=2 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #as/favorite-map=techassault 1 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #ctf/elo=1039.81958370541 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #ctf/percentile=84.7457627119 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #ctf/matches=1429 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #ctf/rank=91 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #ctf/total-deaths=32476 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #ctf/alivetime=694006 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #ctf/total-kills=27152 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #ctf/wins=746 to PS_D_IN_DB
Added item #ctf/favorite-map=lostspace2 195 to PS_D_IN_DB
PlayerStats_PlayerDetail_Handler(): Player stats synchronized with server.
XonoticStatsList_getStats() at time: 0.789605
NOTE: label text Ping too wide for label, condensed by factor 0.943967
Draw_CachePic: failed to load gfx/menu/luminos/icon_mod_instagib
Found strange mod type: newtoys
Draw_CachePic: failed to load gfx/menu/luminos/icon_mod_XPM
Found strange mod type: newtoys
Found strange mod type: xdfca
Found strange mod type: rifle arena
Found strange mod type: rifle arena
"maxplayers" set to "16"
SpawnServer: stormkeep
Shader 'textures/eX/eXmetal_plate01B' already defined, ignoring mismatching redeclaration
Mod_LoadQ3Shaders: unknown wavefunc 0
Mod_LoadQ3Shaders: unknown wavefunc 1
Shader 'textures/skies/exosystem' already defined
Shader 'textures/skies/exosystem2' already defined, ignoring mismatching redeclaration
Shader 'textures/skies/heaven' already defined
maps/stormkeep.bsp: could not load texture "textures/NULL"
maps/stormkeep.bsp is deluxemapped
copying original lightmap 0 (512x512) to 0 (at 0,0)
copying original lightmap 2 (512x512) to 0 (at 512,0)
copying original lightmap 4 (512x512) to 0 (at 0,512)
copying original lightmap 6 (512x512) to 0 (at 512,512)
Stats for q3bsp model "maps/stormkeep.bsp": 6132 faces, 1908 nodes, 1910 leafs, 730 clusters, 4214 clusterportals, mesh: 65748 vertices, 55098 triangles, 6132 surfaces
Server using port 26000
Server listening on address
server programs occupy 3168K.
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_bot_debug in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_sv_dodging_frozen_doubletap in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_INFO_COINTOSS in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_INFO_JETPACK_NOFUEL in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_INFO_SUPERSPEC_MISSING_UID in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_INFO_CA_JOIN_LATE in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_INFO_CA_LEAVE in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_INFO_WEAPON_ARC_MURDER in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_INFO_WEAPON_BLASTER_MURDER in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_INFO_WEAPON_BLASTER_SUICIDE in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_INFO_WEAPON_DEVASTATOR_MURDER_DIRECT in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_INFO_WEAPON_DEVASTATOR_MURDER_SPLASH in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_INFO_WEAPON_DEVASTATOR_SUICIDE in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_INFO_WEAPON_HMG_MURDER_SNIPE in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_INFO_WEAPON_HMG_MURDER_SPRAY in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_INFO_WEAPON_MACHINEGUN_MURDER_SNIPE in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_INFO_WEAPON_MACHINEGUN_MURDER_SPRAY in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_INFO_WEAPON_MINELAYER_LIMIT in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_INFO_WEAPON_RPC_MURDER_DIRECT in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_INFO_WEAPON_RPC_MURDER_SPLASH in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_INFO_WEAPON_RPC_SUICIDE_DIRECT in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_INFO_WEAPON_RPC_SUICIDE_SPLASH in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_INFO_WEAPON_SHOCKWAVE_MURDER in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_INFO_WEAPON_SHOCKWAVE_MURDER_SLAP in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_INFO_WEAPON_VAPORIZER_MURDER in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_INFO_WEAPON_VORTEX_MURDER in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_CENTER_ALONE in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_CENTER_COINTOSS in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_CENTER_LMS_NOLIVES in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_CENTER_ONS_NOTSHIELDED in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_CENTER_OVERTIME_CONTROLPOINT in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_CENTER_PORTO_CREATED_IN in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_CENTER_PORTO_CREATED_OUT in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_CENTER_PORTO_FAILED in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_CENTER_SECONDARY_NODAMAGE in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_CENTER_WEAPON_MINELAYER_LIMIT in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_MULTI_COINTOSS in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_WEAPON_ARC_MURDER in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_WEAPON_BLASTER_MURDER in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_WEAPON_BLASTER_SUICIDE in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_WEAPON_DEVASTATOR_MURDER_DIRECT in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_WEAPON_DEVASTATOR_MURDER_SPLASH in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_WEAPON_DEVASTATOR_SUICIDE in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_WEAPON_HMG_MURDER_SNIPE in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_WEAPON_HMG_MURDER_SPRAY in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_WEAPON_MACHINEGUN_MURDER_SNIPE in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_WEAPON_MACHINEGUN_MURDER_SPRAY in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_WEAPON_MINELAYER_LIMIT in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_WEAPON_RPC_MURDER_DIRECT in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_WEAPON_RPC_MURDER_SPLASH in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_WEAPON_RPC_SUICIDE_DIRECT in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_WEAPON_RPC_SUICIDE_SPLASH in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_WEAPON_SHOCKWAVE_MURDER in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_WEAPON_SHOCKWAVE_MURDER_SLAP in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_WEAPON_VAPORIZER_MURDER in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_notification_WEAPON_VORTEX_MURDER in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_g_playerstats_gamereport_ladder in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_g_playerstats_gamereport_uri in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_g_playerstats_playerbasic_uri in server, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_g_vehicles_allow_bots in server, creating...
server detected csqc progs file "csprogs.dat" with size 1608925 and crc 16842
Compressing csprogs.dat
Deflated: 79.4772%
Uncompressed: 1608925
Compressed: 330197
PRVM_SetTempString: enlarging tempstrings buffer (0KB -> 64KB)
PRVM_SetTempString: enlarging tempstrings buffer (64KB -> 128KB)
PRVM_SetTempString: enlarging tempstrings buffer (128KB -> 256KB)
PRVM_SetTempString: enlarging tempstrings buffer (256KB -> 512KB)
PRVM_SetTempString: enlarging tempstrings buffer (512KB -> 1024KB)
PRVM_SetTempString: enlarging tempstrings buffer (1024KB -> 2048KB)
Verifying vector compression table...
Stats for q3bsp model "models/weapons/v_kleinbottle.md3": 60 faces, 127 nodes, 129 leafs, 48 clusters, 208 clusterportals, mesh: 3232 vertices, 3424 triangles, 60 surfaces
models/weapons/g_ok_hmg.md3: could not load texture "overkillbullet"
models/weapons/v_ok_hmg.md3: could not load texture "overkillbullet"
models/weapons/h_ok_hmg.iqm: could not load texture "overkillbullet"
Beginning notification initialization on SVQC program...
Notification initialization successful!
Applying temporary client setting r_water := 1
Invalid sound info line: //TAG: soldier
Invalid sound info line: //affirmative sound/player/carni-lycan/player/affirmative 0
Invalid sound info line: //attacking sound/player/carni-lycan/player/attacking 0
Invalid sound info line: //defending sound/player/carni-lycan/player/defending 0
Invalid sound info line: //droppedflag sound/player/carni-lycan/player/droppedflag 0
PRVM_SetTempString: enlarging tempstrings buffer (2048KB -> 4096KB)
Invalid sound info line: //negative sound/player/carni-lycan/player/negative 0
Invalid sound info line: //onmyway sound/player/carni-lycan/player/onmyway 0
Invalid sound info line: //roaming sound/player/carni-lycan/player/roaming 0
Invalid sound info line: //seenenemy sound/player/carni-lycan/player/seenenemy 0
Invalid sound info line: //TAG: reptilian
Invalid sound info line: //affirmative sound/player/carni-lycan/player/affirmative 0
Invalid sound info line: //attacking sound/player/carni-lycan/player/attacking 0
Invalid sound info line: //defending sound/player/carni-lycan/player/defending 0
Invalid sound info line: //droppedflag sound/player/carni-lycan/player/droppedflag 0
Invalid sound info line: //flagcarriertakingdamage sound/player/soldier/player/flagcarriertakingdamage 0
Invalid sound info line: //getflag sound/player/soldier/player/getflag 0
Invalid sound info line: //negative sound/player/carni-lycan/player/negative 0
Invalid sound info line: //onmyway sound/player/carni-lycan/player/onmyway 0
Invalid sound info line: //roaming sound/player/carni-lycan/player/roaming 0
Invalid sound info line: //seenenemy sound/player/carni-lycan/player/seenenemy 0
Invalid sound info line: //TAG: reptilian
Invalid sound info line: //affirmative sound/player/carni-lycan/player/affirmative 0
Invalid sound info line: //attacking sound/player/carni-lycan/player/attacking 0
Invalid sound info line: //defending sound/player/carni-lycan/player/defending 0
Invalid sound info line: //droppedflag sound/player/carni-lycan/player/droppedflag 0
Invalid sound info line: //flagcarriertakingdamage sound/player/soldier/player/flagcarriertakingdamage 0
Invalid sound info line: //getflag sound/player/soldier/player/getflag 0
Invalid sound info line: //negative sound/player/carni-lycan/player/negative 0
Invalid sound info line: //onmyway sound/player/carni-lycan/player/onmyway 0
Invalid sound info line: //roaming sound/player/carni-lycan/player/roaming 0
Invalid sound info line: //seenenemy sound/player/carni-lycan/player/seenenemy 0
Invalid sound info line: //TAG: reptilian
Invalid sound info line: //affirmative sound/player/carni-lycan/player/affirmative 0
Invalid sound info line: //attacking sound/player/carni-lycan/player/attacking 0
Invalid sound info line: //defending sound/player/carni-lycan/player/defending 0
Invalid sound info line: //droppedflag sound/player/carni-lycan/player/droppedflag 0
Invalid sound info line: //flagcarriertakingdamage sound/player/soldier/player/flagcarriertakingdamage 0
Invalid sound info line: //getflag sound/player/soldier/player/getflag 0
Invalid sound info line: //negative sound/player/carni-lycan/player/negative 0
Invalid sound info line: //onmyway sound/player/carni-lycan/player/onmyway 0
Invalid sound info line: //roaming sound/player/carni-lycan/player/roaming 0
Invalid sound info line: //seenenemy sound/player/carni-lycan/player/seenenemy 0
Invalid sound info line: //TAG: insurrectionist
Invalid sound info line: //affirmative sound/player/carni-lycan/player/affirmative 0
Invalid sound info line: //attacking sound/player/carni-lycan/player/attacking 0
Invalid sound info line: //defending sound/player/carni-lycan/player/defending 0
Invalid sound info line: //droppedflag sound/player/carni-lycan/player/droppedflag 0
Invalid sound info line: //flagcarriertakingdamage sound/player/soldier/player/flagcarriertakingdamage 0
Invalid sound info line: //getflag sound/player/soldier/player/getflag 0
Invalid sound info line: //negative sound/player/carni-lycan/player/negative 0
Invalid sound info line: //onmyway sound/player/carni-lycan/player/onmyway 0
Invalid sound info line: //roaming sound/player/carni-lycan/player/roaming 0
Invalid sound info line: //seenenemy sound/player/carni-lycan/player/seenenemy 0
Invalid sound info line: //TAG: insurrectionist
Invalid sound info line: //affirmative sound/player/carni-lycan/player/affirmative 0
Invalid sound info line: //attacking sound/player/carni-lycan/player/attacking 0
Invalid sound info line: //defending sound/player/carni-lycan/player/defending 0
Invalid sound info line: //droppedflag sound/player/carni-lycan/player/droppedflag 0
Invalid sound info line: //flagcarriertakingdamage sound/player/soldier/player/flagcarriertakingdamage 0
Invalid sound info line: //getflag sound/player/soldier/player/getflag 0
Invalid sound info line: //negative sound/player/carni-lycan/player/negative 0
Invalid sound info line: //onmyway sound/player/carni-lycan/player/onmyway 0
Invalid sound info line: //roaming sound/player/carni-lycan/player/roaming 0
Invalid sound info line: //seenenemy sound/player/carni-lycan/player/seenenemy 0
Invalid sound info line: //TAG: marine
Invalid sound info line: //affirmative sound/player/carni-lycan/player/affirmative 0
Invalid sound info line: //attacking sound/player/carni-lycan/player/attacking 0
Invalid sound info line: //defending sound/player/carni-lycan/player/defending 0
Invalid sound info line: //droppedflag sound/player/carni-lycan/player/droppedflag 0
Invalid sound info line: //flagcarriertakingdamage sound/player/soldier/player/flagcarriertakingdamage 0
Invalid sound info line: //getflag sound/player/soldier/player/getflag 0
Invalid sound info line: //negative sound/player/carni-lycan/player/negative 0
Invalid sound info line: //onmyway sound/player/carni-lycan/player/onmyway 0
Invalid sound info line: //roaming sound/player/carni-lycan/player/roaming 0
Invalid sound info line: //seenenemy sound/player/carni-lycan/player/seenenemy 0
Invalid sound info line: //TAG: soldier
Invalid sound info line: //affirmative sound/player/carni-lycan/player/affirmative 0
Invalid sound info line: //attacking sound/player/carni-lycan/player/attacking 0
Invalid sound info line: //defending sound/player/carni-lycan/player/defending 0
Invalid sound info line: //droppedflag sound/player/carni-lycan/player/droppedflag 0
Invalid sound info line: //negative sound/player/carni-lycan/player/negative 0
Invalid sound info line: //onmyway sound/player/carni-lycan/player/onmyway 0
Invalid sound info line: //roaming sound/player/carni-lycan/player/roaming 0
Invalid sound info line: //seenenemy sound/player/carni-lycan/player/seenenemy 0
Invalid sound info line: //TAG: specop
Invalid sound info line: //affirmative sound/player/carni-lycan/player/affirmative 0
Invalid sound info line: //attacking sound/player/carni-lycan/player/attacking 0
Invalid sound info line: //defending sound/player/carni-lycan/player/defending 0
Invalid sound info line: //droppedflag sound/player/carni-lycan/player/droppedflag 0
Invalid sound info line: //flagcarriertakingdamage sound/player/soldier/player/flagcarriertakingdamage 0
Invalid sound info line: //getflag sound/player/soldier/player/getflag 0
Invalid sound info line: //negative sound/player/carni-lycan/player/negative 0
Invalid sound info line: //onmyway sound/player/carni-lycan/player/onmyway 0
Invalid sound info line: //roaming sound/player/carni-lycan/player/roaming 0
Invalid sound info line: //seenenemy sound/player/carni-lycan/player/seenenemy 0
Invalid sound info line: //TAG: pyria-skadi
Invalid sound info line: //affirmative sound/player/carni-lycan/player/affirmative 0
Invalid sound info line: //attacking sound/player/carni-lycan/player/attacking 0
Invalid sound info line: //defending sound/player/carni-lycan/player/defending 0
Invalid sound info line: //droppedflag sound/player/carni-lycan/player/droppedflag 0
Invalid sound info line: //flagcarriertakingdamage sound/player/carni-lycan/player/flagcarriertakingdamage 0
Invalid sound info line: //getflag sound/player/carni-lycan/player/getflag 0
Invalid sound info line: //negative sound/player/carni-lycan/player/negative 0
Invalid sound info line: //onmyway sound/player/carni-lycan/player/onmyway 0
Invalid sound info line: //roaming sound/player/carni-lycan/player/roaming 0
Invalid sound info line: //seenenemy sound/player/carni-lycan/player/seenenemy 0
Invalid sound info line: //TAG: pyria-skadi
Invalid sound info line: //affirmative sound/player/carni-lycan/player/affirmative 0
Invalid sound info line: //attacking sound/player/carni-lycan/player/attacking 0
Invalid sound info line: //defending sound/player/carni-lycan/player/defending 0
Invalid sound info line: //droppedflag sound/player/carni-lycan/player/droppedflag 0
Invalid sound info line: //flagcarriertakingdamage sound/player/carni-lycan/player/flagcarriertakingdamage 0
Invalid sound info line: //getflag sound/player/carni-lycan/player/getflag 0
Invalid sound info line: //negative sound/player/carni-lycan/player/negative 0
Invalid sound info line: //onmyway sound/player/carni-lycan/player/onmyway 0
Invalid sound info line: //roaming sound/player/carni-lycan/player/roaming 0
Invalid sound info line: //seenenemy sound/player/carni-lycan/player/seenenemy 0
Invalid sound info line: //TAG: specop
Invalid sound info line: //affirmative sound/player/carni-lycan/player/affirmative 0
Invalid sound info line: //attacking sound/player/carni-lycan/player/attacking 0
Invalid sound info line: //defending sound/player/carni-lycan/player/defending 0
Invalid sound info line: //droppedflag sound/player/carni-lycan/player/droppedflag 0
Invalid sound info line: //flagcarriertakingdamage sound/player/soldier/player/flagcarriertakingdamage 0
Invalid sound info line: //getflag sound/player/soldier/player/getflag 0
Invalid sound info line: //negative sound/player/carni-lycan/player/negative 0
Invalid sound info line: //onmyway sound/player/carni-lycan/player/onmyway 0
Invalid sound info line: //roaming sound/player/carni-lycan/player/roaming 0
Invalid sound info line: //seenenemy sound/player/carni-lycan/player/seenenemy 0
Invalid sound info line: //TAG: specop
Invalid sound info line: //affirmative sound/player/carni-lycan/player/affirmative 0
Invalid sound info line: //attacking sound/player/carni-lycan/player/attacking 0
Invalid sound info line: //defending sound/player/carni-lycan/player/defending 0
Invalid sound info line: //droppedflag sound/player/carni-lycan/player/droppedflag 0
Invalid sound info line: //flagcarriertakingdamage sound/player/soldier/player/flagcarriertakingdamage 0
Invalid sound info line: //getflag sound/player/soldier/player/getflag 0
Invalid sound info line: //negative sound/player/carni-lycan/player/negative 0
Invalid sound info line: //onmyway sound/player/carni-lycan/player/onmyway 0
Invalid sound info line: //roaming sound/player/carni-lycan/player/roaming 0
Invalid sound info line: //seenenemy sound/player/carni-lycan/player/seenenemy 0
models/turrets/terrainbase.md3: could not load texture "evil8_base/e8_base1"
Map vorix provides unknown info item , ignored
No spawn function for:
server EDICT 861:
origin '-928 -224 -16'
classname runematch_spawn_point
No spawn function for:
server EDICT 861:
origin '-864 1624 -16'
classname runematch_spawn_point
No spawn function for:
server EDICT 861:
origin '-240 656 144'
classname runematch_spawn_point
No spawn function for:
server EDICT 861:
origin '304 656 144'
classname runematch_spawn_point
No spawn function for:
server EDICT 861:
origin '1560 192 -16'
classname runematch_spawn_point
No spawn function for:
server EDICT 861:
origin '1440 -288 -16'
classname runematch_spawn_point
server: 195 new entities parsed, 14 new inhibited, 922 (175 new) spawned (whereas 81 removed self, 94 stayed)
Server spawned.
Trying to connect...
"challenge " received, sending connect request back to local:1
Got challenge response
Client local:2 connected
Authenticated connection to local:2 has been established: client is L3lxlUbiWS3jQHZCLPNcCMzfqaxkhW5wAa8vaVvZ/hg=@Xon//Ks, I am L3lxlUb@Xon//Ks
sending csqc info to client ("csprogs.dat" with size 1608925 and crc 16842)
Authenticated connection to local:1 has been established: server is L3lxlUbiWS3jQHZCLPNcCMzfqaxkhW5wAa8vaVvZ/hg=@Xon//Ks, I am L3lxlUb@Xon//Ks
Connection accepted to local:1
<-- server to client keepalive
Server: Xonotic build 21:47:07 Jan 18 2015 - release (progs 6241 crc)
Serverinfo packet received.
Server protocol is DP7

CDAudio: Bad track number 0.
CL_SignonReply: 1
Calling SV_ChangeTeam
Not using buffered "dlcache/csprogs.dat.1608925.16842" (buffered: (nil), 0)
client programs occupy 1571K.
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_cl_reticle_normal_alpha in client, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_cl_reticle_weapon in client, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_cl_reticle_weapon_alpha in client, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_crosshair_ring_arc in client, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_crosshair_ring_arc_hot_color in client, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_crosshair_ring_arc_cold_alpha in client, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_crosshair_ring_arc_hot_alpha in client, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_crosshair_hmg in client, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_crosshair_hmg_color in client, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_crosshair_hmg_alpha in client, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_crosshair_hmg_size in client, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_crosshair_rpc in client, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_crosshair_rpc_color in client, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_crosshair_rpc_alpha in client, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_crosshair_rpc_size in client, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_cl_gameplayfix_fixedcheckwatertransition in client, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_cl_animate_items in client, creating...
PRVM_LoadProgs: no cvar for autocvar global autocvar_cl_rollkillspeed in client, creating...
CSQC csprogs.dat loaded (crc=16842, size=1608925)
PRVM_SetTempString: enlarging tempstrings buffer (0KB -> 64KB)
CSQC Build information: xonotic-v0.7.0-2663-gbae73cb
Verifying vector compression table...
Beginning notification initialization on CSQC program...
PRVM_SetTempString: enlarging tempstrings buffer (64KB -> 128KB)
PRVM_SetTempString: enlarging tempstrings buffer (128KB -> 256KB)
Notification initialization successful!
PRVM_SetTempString: enlarging tempstrings buffer (256KB -> 512KB)
Draw_CachePic: failed to load gfx/stormkeep_radar.tga
CL_SignonReply: 2
Retrieving playerstats from URL:
-- Sending data to player stats server
relink: 0 bots seen.
Downloading -> memory
CL_SignonReply: 3
BGM track stairs playing...
Creating new settemp tracker for r_water and setting it to "1" temporarily.
SVQC Build information: xonotic-v0.7.0-2663-gbae73cb
Evert@Arch connected
Evert@Arch is now spectating
CL_SignonReply: 4
Compiling shader mode 3 permutation 0
GLSL shader glsl/default.glsl flatcolor compiled (1 textures).
Compiling shader mode 2 permutation 0
GLSL shader glsl/default.glsl depth/shadow compiled (0 textures).
Compiling shader mode 7 permutation 73729
GLSL shader glsl/default.glsl lightdirectionmap_modelspace diffuse specular offsetmapping compiled (5 textures).
Compiling shader mode 7 permutation 75777
GLSL shader glsl/default.glsl lightdirectionmap_modelspace diffuse glow specular offsetmapping compiled (6 textures).
Compiling shader mode 7 permutation 8193
GLSL shader glsl/default.glsl lightdirectionmap_modelspace diffuse specular compiled (5 textures).
Compiling shader mode 11 permutation 75777
GLSL shader glsl/default.glsl lightdirection diffuse glow specular offsetmapping compiled (4 textures).
Compiling shader mode 11 permutation 8398849
GLSL shader glsl/default.glsl lightdirection diffuse glow specular reflectcube compiled (6 textures).
Compiling shader mode 12 permutation 73729
GLSL shader glsl/default.glsl lightsource diffuse specular offsetmapping compiled (4 textures).
Compiling shader mode 3 permutation 8388608
GLSL shader glsl/default.glsl flatcolor reflectcube compiled (4 textures).
Compiling shader mode 11 permutation 2049
GLSL shader glsl/default.glsl lightdirection diffuse glow compiled (3 textures).
Compiling shader mode 0 permutation 8388621
GLSL shader glsl/default.glsl generic diffuse viewtint colormapping reflectcube compiled (1 textures).
Compiling shader mode 1 permutation 21008
GLSL shader glsl/default.glsl postprocess saturation gammaramps bloom postprocessing compiled (3 textures).
-- Got response from player stats server:
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<h1>HTTP 404</h1>
<h2>Morphed is modeling this page. It's gonna be awesome.</h2>
<p>(until then, you'll probably want to get in a game or two)</p>
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<p class="text-center" >XonStat is an open source (GPLv2) project created by Antibody. Fork it <a href="" title="Go to the project page">on Github!</a> <br />Questions? Check the <a href="" title="FAQ">FAQ</a> first. <br />Issues? Log them either <a href="" title="Xonotic Redmin Issue Tracker">here</a> or <a href="" title="GitHub issue tracker">here</a> - I check both!</p>
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var epoch = e.getAttribute('data-epoch');
var d = new Date(0);
e.setAttribute('title', d.toDateString() + ' ' + d.toTimeString());
-- End of response.
Player stats synchronized with server
Compiling shader mode 7 permutation 65537
GLSL shader glsl/default.glsl lightdirectionmap_modelspace diffuse offsetmapping compiled (4 textures).
Compiling shader mode 7 permutation 4268033
GLSL shader glsl/default.glsl lightdirectionmap_modelspace diffuse specular offsetmapping alphakill compiled (5 textures).
Compiling shader mode 13 permutation 0
GLSL shader glsl/default.glsl refraction compiled (2 textures).
Compiling shader mode 12 permutation 4268033
GLSL shader glsl/default.glsl lightsource diffuse specular offsetmapping alphakill compiled (4 textures).
Compiling shader mode 12 permutation 8396801
GLSL shader glsl/default.glsl lightsource diffuse specular reflectcube compiled (6 textures).
Compiling shader mode 3 permutation 2048
GLSL shader glsl/default.glsl flatcolor glow compiled (2 textures).
Client botclient connected
choosing a role...
relink: 1 bots seen.
Client botclient connected
choosing a role...
relink: 2 bots seen.
Client botclient connected
choosing a role...
relink: 3 bots seen.
Client botclient connected
choosing a role...
relink: 4 bots seen.
Client botclient connected
choosing a role...
relink: 5 bots seen.
Client botclient connected
choosing a role...
relink: 6 bots seen.
Client botclient connected
choosing a role...
relink: 7 bots seen.
Client botclient connected
choosing a role...
relink: 8 bots seen.
Client botclient connected
choosing a role...
relink: 9 bots seen.
loaded 86 waypoints and 0 wayboxes from maps/stormkeep.waypoints
waypoint_load_links: couldn't find 'to' waypoint at ' 0.0 0.0 0.0'
waypoint_load_links: couldn't find 'to' waypoint at ' 0.0 0.0 0.0'
waypoint_load_links: couldn't find 'to' waypoint at ' 0.0 0.0 0.0'
loaded 569 waypoint links from maps/stormkeep.waypoints.cache
unconnected changed name to Toxic
unconnected changed name to Thunderstorm
unconnected changed name to Mystery
unconnected changed name to Shadow
unconnected changed name to Pegasus
unconnected changed name to Sensible
unconnected changed name to Scorcher
unconnected changed name to Eureka
unconnected changed name to Death
Toxic connected
Thunderstorm connected
Mystery connected
Shadow connected
Pegasus connected
Sensible connected
Scorcher connected
Eureka connected
Death connected
setmodel: model 'models/player/krystal.iqm' not precached
s89760: ADD_F GLOBAL1, GLOBAL8962, GLOBAL14962
s89761: GOTO , statement 89570
s89762: STORE_F GLOBAL8919, forceplayermodels_attempted (=1)
s89763: CALL0 spawn (=spawn())
s89766: STORE_S autocvar__cl_playermodel (=models/player/krystal.iqm), GLOBAL7
s89767: CALL2 setmodel (=setmodel())
csqcmodel_hooks.qc : CSQCPlayer_ModelAppearance_Apply : statement 231
csqcmodel_hooks.qc : CSQCModel_Hook_PreDraw : statement 22
../csqcmodellib/cl_model.qc : CSQCModel_Draw : statement 20
View.qc : CSQC_UpdateView : statement 113453
models/player/gakarmored.iqm uses 9 1
models/player/seraphinamasked.iqm uses 9 1
Compiling shader mode 11 permutation 8398857
GLSL shader glsl/default.glsl lightdirection diffuse colormapping glow specular reflectcube compiled (8 textures).
Compiling shader mode 11 permutation 8396809
GLSL shader glsl/default.glsl lightdirection diffuse colormapping specular reflectcube compiled (7 textures).
Compiling shader mode 12 permutation 8396809
GLSL shader glsl/default.glsl lightsource diffuse colormapping specular reflectcube compiled (8 textures).
waypoint links load from maps/stormkeep.waypoints.hardwired failed
Found strange mod type: newtoys
models/player/pyria.iqm uses 9 1
Compiling shader mode 3 permutation 4194312
GLSL shader glsl/default.glsl flatcolor colormapping alphakill compiled (3 textures).
Compiling shader mode 11 permutation 8464393
GLSL shader glsl/default.glsl lightdirection diffuse colormapping glow specular offsetmapping reflectcube compiled (8 textures).
Evert@Arch is now playing
models/player/erebus.iqm uses 9 1
Compiling shader mode 11 permutation 75785
GLSL shader glsl/default.glsl lightdirection diffuse colormapping glow specular offsetmapping compiled (6 textures).
Compiling shader mode 12 permutation 73737
GLSL shader glsl/default.glsl lightsource diffuse colormapping specular offsetmapping compiled (6 textures).
Found strange mod type: q3
models/player/umbra.iqm uses 9 1
models/player/gakmasked.iqm uses 9 1
models/player/ignishalfmasked.iqm uses 9 1
models/player/erebus.iqm uses 9 1
Compiling shader mode 12 permutation 8462345
GLSL shader glsl/default.glsl lightsource diffuse colormapping specular offsetmapping reflectcube compiled (8 textures).
models/player/seraphina.iqm uses 9 1
models/player/umbra.iqm uses 9 1
models/player/ignishalfmasked.iqm uses 9 1
models/player/seraphinamasked.iqm uses 9 1
Compiling shader mode 4 permutation 0
GLSL shader glsl/default.glsl vertexcolor compiled (1 textures).
models/player/umbra.iqm uses 9 1
models/player/gakarmored.iqm uses 9 1
models/player/umbra.iqm uses 9 1
models/player/ignishalfmasked.iqm uses 9 1
Compiling shader mode 4 permutation 65536
GLSL shader glsl/default.glsl vertexcolor offsetmapping compiled (2 textures).
models/player/erebus.iqm uses 9 1
models/player/gakarmored.iqm uses 9 1
models/player/ignishalfmasked.iqm uses 9 1
Compiling shader mode 11 permutation 73729
GLSL shader glsl/default.glsl lightdirection diffuse specular offsetmapping compiled (3 textures).
Compiling shader mode 12 permutation 8193
GLSL shader glsl/default.glsl lightsource diffuse specular compiled (4 textures).
Warning: Death got stuck on a jumppad (velocity in xy is 0.695637), trying to get out of it now
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